For Pet Owners

Once in awhile I place a posting about dogs, this particular one is just a warning to pet owners about the terrible dog food recall. Its so sad that so many pets are getting sick or passing away, due to this problem. Please take a look at the FDA website for a list of pet foods being recalled. You can also email me for the complete list for cats or dogs. These beautiful images were shot by Ken Phillips, he let me use them and I'm grateful to him. You can see the wonderful work he does for The Animal Hospital on Mt. Lookout Square. Perhaps making your own food is better. You can read my home made dog food recipe in the comments section of this post.



  1. hey Thanks a whole lot for this, its nice to see people care enoughto bother letting others know. The photos of the dogs are fantastic too!

    Tom A.

  2. This is a great post!
    Every bit of information helps during this time.
    I'm seriously thinking about making my own cat food for my kitties.
    Great pics!

  3. I'm thinking the same thing BM and making my own dog food. I used to a few yrs ago. The recipe included
    Macaroni pasta boiled, turkey (Brown meat works better) or chicken, rice & veggies like peas, carrots or brocolli.

    Might post this on an upcoming post so others can make it if they like.


  4. thanks for this post. even here in canada there has been some unfortunate incidents with the food recall and it's so scary because i couldn't imagine loosing my girl.

  5. I can't imagine losing my dogs either....especially over contaminated food..its terrible.

    Pls take a look at my comment above for a recipe for dog owners.


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