Ecelectible Parts 4 U....Asian Influence

Sorry for being MIA yesterday....had some personal issues to deal with & all is resolved now thank God! 

Now that I'm back.... I wanted to blog about a shop I found called Eclectible Parts 4 U. This shop caught my eye because of all the vintage & Asian influence items they have available. I love all kinds of vases & home accessories, so this shop is ideal for ANYONE looking for rare & unique pieces to bring into your home! There's something really cool about owning something from the 1950's or 60's don't you think? 

I don't have a ton of vintage in my place unfortunately, but I'm looking to add some once we build the dining area console - a project that is loooong overdue! 

Anyhow.... I also noticed how the shop owner came up with the name Eclectible. Using two words.... Eclectible & Collectible which mean:

"ECLECTIC" : Selecting or choosing items from a variety of sources and styles generally from multiple sources.

"COLLECTIBLE" : An object that is valued in certain circumstances or sought after and popular to collectors due to its uniqueness and rarity.

Vintage Asian home accessories are always a BIG hit in my book, they make for great conversation pieces as well! 

Do you have any vintage items in your home?? If so, what ??

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FLOR Modular Tiles...

WOW.... modular floor covering tiles are a HUGE thing these days...

In fact, I recall when FLOR first came onto the scene back in 2003.  I didn't know much about the company then but when 2007 rolled around, I was already wondering how these things worked! I was VERY curious how these pieces would fit together & how they would stay on the floor! I mean, couldn't I just pull one up accidentally with my foot!?!? 

They were.... after all just SQUARES....right? 

Well, I was relieved when I did more research & visited the FLOR site - I found out they were SUPER DUPER easy to install.  The tiles come with a round adhesive dot that sticks to the backside of the tile but not the that damaging your huh? 

-image above by jen ramos

I FINALLY got to see the tiles in person when an exhibitor at the National Stationery Show had them in her booth.....they looked amazing!  

I think FLOR is perfect for people who want to add some interest & color to their home. I can also see these tiles in a commercial OFFICE SPACE...instantly adding a creative feel!

GET THIS: You can actually buy a few SAMPLES before ordering... which is a fantastic way to make sure you get what you want!!

-image above by Federica Carlet

-image above by jen ramos

So, let me you have FLOR tiles? Where would you consider using them in your home??

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La Casa De Doris....

I always love to highlight other creative people...and even though I've featured Doris before (here).... I'm excited to be featuring her again! She made a few changes to her home since then & was kind enough to let me share the pictures with all of you!!

Hope you'll enjoy this unique home as much a I have!

Doris ALSO has a beautiful shop (a must see) in Brazil - you can learn more about her shop here. It's called Coisas Da Doris

Venetian mirrors look great almost anywhere in the home. I thought about buying two for my master bathroom....

Of course I love the lucite chairs...and you??

How cute are these gold reindeer hooks in her bathroom??

There's something super cool about a LARGE photograph framed behind a glass. This is something I've thought about doing in my own home. 

Not sure where I'd put it, but it has to be a PHOTOGRAPH that doesn't tire know, something you can look at everyday & still ADORE....

Her style is definitely unique & playful. I wish I had more friends with her style & creativity in home decor- I'm sure it would be so inspiring to visit her home!

How interesting is this artwork? It reminds me of a board game! Oh and it also contains my fave word "LOVE"

I love modern bathrooms & in this case i like how the bright and colorful pendant adds interest and breaks up this white space.


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Cocoa & Hearts News...

The most recent set of 8x10's I posted to the gallery on Cocoa & Hearts SOLD out completely! I've been getting emails for custom orders as well as when I'll be adding more paintings. 

Sooo.....I wanted to post here & make sure everyone inquiring knows that I'll be adding more next week (I hope)!

Thank you for your support! 

Don't forget to join the mailing list on the Cocoa & Hearts homepage so you can be notified. 

-image by jen ramos
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Made By Girl on HGTV...

It was so cool to be told by some Twitter friends on my Twitter.... that my Love Languages print was featured on HGTV's - 'Secrets From A Stylist'.  I was like, " What the?!? Where?!!" Of course, I was given a link & BAM....there it was!

Emily Henderson (which I'm a fan of) is the star of the show, you may recall she was the winner of Design Star!
Unfortunately, I missed this if anyone knows where I can see it online, please let me know! Emily actually did a recap of the episode on her blog, check it out here. AWESOME.

You can actually purchase a 'Love Languages' print via my shop: Made By Girl

-Images taken by the awesome Teri Lyn Fisher
 whom I raved about here

 Thanks so much Emily!! 

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Closet Freak....(Via Made By Girl)

Welcome back everyone!!

Women are FASCINATED by closets.

I DEFINITELY know that one of my favorite parts of my home is my closet space!! It's roomy, glamorous & so useful.  In there's a growing trend of MEN that are into closets too! It's not just us LADIES anymore....
So, with that in mind...I decided to pull together  a few closets I thought you'd enjoy! You'll notice some are for women as well as for couples and one in particular was made just for a man- which I thought was super luxurious & totally MASCULINE.

This reminds me, my guy STILL hasn't gotten around to doing his closet yet....he's been soo busy!

Check them out below!
above: image via Warner Bros.

 above: via esquire

If my guy had a closet like this (above)...I wonder how long it would stay  clean...?? hmmm

 above: one of the COOLEST ways to use those empty shopping bags you get from stores! Just frame them!

above: images via moth design

above: images via southern exposure

above: I really LOVED the sheer size of this closet. It reminds me of a boutique, with the cute light fixtures...don't you think??!? The brick wall at the end really gives it some character and the dresser adds an interesting touch! 

So, are you a closet FREAK?? Do you have a cute closet you're proud of?

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