Deeply Madly in LOVE with this place

I came across this website via Blink Decor. The site is called Deeply Madly Living and is owned by a NYC couple. They sell lots of wild and unique things. I enjoyed the site but noticed they also had been featured in the NY Times (which i love!). I
was even more impressed with their living space! They own an amazing loft in NYC that i believe cost $2.1 million....thats right! My dream is to own a town house or loft in NYC.....what a dream that would be. Anyhow here are some of the lovely shots of their place and the awesome Chesterfield sofa and chairs! Have a nice weekend!!

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Thank You

Just wanted to say thanks to a few sites that were nice enough to feature MADEBYGIRL.
I've been working very hard to create these cards and I'm very interested in making others aware that it is time to change our direction if we want to help save our planet. I don't think any one person will be 100% green, but if we reduce some of the things in our lifestyles that are affecting the planet negatively, we can make a huge difference. So far a BIG thanks to :

*And a very SPECIAL thanks to one of the nicest women in the paper goods industry. She's quite smart and was kind enough to guide me through many steps... Jill Deluce. Check out her beautiful letterpress cards at: DeLuce Design.

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Featuring MBG

Hi again, Hope everyone is having a great week so far! I wanted to share a few of my HOLIDAY card collection here..... If anyone is interested in featuring my Earth Friendly designs on their blog, you may use any of these pics or from my shop website: MadeByGirl. .....
QUICK TIP: To use these pics, first CLICK on them for a larger and sharper image. All the designs,
including the website were created by MBG, unless otherwise stated. :)

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For the Holidays...

Hello everyone! The HOLIDAYS are quickly approaching and I wanted to let you all know that I have some great X'mas cards on my site this year! Today I spent a good part of the day creating some more designs for the collection on MadeByGirl. Here's a SEXY card you can get for your husband/bf this Holiday season! (Sorry for the Dithered look, when it drops down the size it makes it blurry on the blogs. But click on the pic to see a better quality image) More available via my shop: MadeByGirl.

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My future car??

I'm always amazed by the innovation in GREEN products nowadays, but this one really blew me away! I admit I drive a luxury car and have been for the last 2 yrs. However, once my lease is up, I will definitely consider getting some type of hybrid vehicle. This Star Trek looking car below is by a company called 'APTERA'. What an interesting look and here's a description from the manufacturer:

The Aptera has a 2 plus 1 seating configuration. The two front seats are arranged as standard side by side seating. There is also a center infant seat behind the driver and passenger. The side doors open to the front and upward completely inside the front wheel track so you never have to worry about hitting the vehicle parked next to you or damaging your door while exiting your Aptera in a tight garage. There is enough storage in the rear for 15 bags of groceries, or 2 full size golf club bags. And the Aptera is even big enough for a couple of seven foot surf boards and any associated beach accessories. Sadly enough, they're only available in California (they're working on this issue). It retails for $26,900.

I hope they have them in Vegas by the time my lease is up, I might just get one!

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MadeByGirl JUST LAUNCHED and Environmentally-Friendly.

I’m back & excited to announce the NEW LAUNCH of my site! With all the environmental problems happening these days, I’ve decided to head into a totally different direction with my business. Even though I’m selling the last few tables, I’ve decided that a greener approach would be a smarter way to go. I like helping people and if spreading the word through my designs can bring even more awareness to the public on the global warming issues, then that is what I want to do. I’m launching a line of Greeting Cards, which I like to call ‘Eco-friendly designer cards’.

Please take a look at the site and let me know what you think. All cards are printed on 100% recycled quality over stock. It’s all about COLOR , emotions and care. If anyone is interested in featuring some of my cards or prints in their blog, pls to write to me at:

Have an amazing TURKEY DAY!
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