MadeByGirl JUST LAUNCHED and Environmentally-Friendly.

I’m back & excited to announce the NEW LAUNCH of my site! With all the environmental problems happening these days, I’ve decided to head into a totally different direction with my business. Even though I’m selling the last few tables, I’ve decided that a greener approach would be a smarter way to go. I like helping people and if spreading the word through my designs can bring even more awareness to the public on the global warming issues, then that is what I want to do. I’m launching a line of Greeting Cards, which I like to call ‘Eco-friendly designer cards’.

Please take a look at the site and let me know what you think. All cards are printed on 100% recycled quality over stock. It’s all about COLOR , emotions and care. If anyone is interested in featuring some of my cards or prints in their blog, pls to write to me at:

Have an amazing TURKEY DAY!


  1. they're awesome jen!
    good stuff... i'm going to post it on my blog just now :)


  2. good job on your part, placing messages on cards about awareness. I like your idea and where you are headed with all of this!

    Thank you ,

  3. You all are too sweet! thanks again for the support and the nice comments.
    All the best,

  4. glad you're back - luv the blog, luv the shop!
    - Jessie -


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at