It has begun....The Holiday Gift Guides

Ok, we all know that December is almost here....So if you haven't thought of your Holiday gifts yet, take a peek below. I've gathered some cool (possible) gifts for that special MAN or WOMAN in your life! 

On the other hand, if you're single - go ahead & get yourself something nice this Holiday season! Why not?!? 

If you're CURIOUS...... I've directed my guy to #1 or #8 for my gift.


5. K.Slademade via MadeByGirl
10. Burberry

A. JCrew

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Thanksgiving at My Home....

We had such a great Holiday weekend and 3 of us helped decorate while my guy did all the cooking...yes, ALL. He is such a great cook & wanted to do it all himself. I'm so thankful for him. 
I decided to incorporate some GOLD into this Holiday....and I knew the tablecloth we bought was way too stark white. 

So, we PAINTED gold dots all over it & it made the table look so much more interesting...what do you think?

How was your Thanksgiving??

Notice the Gold chisel glassware from ZGallerie?? They're amazing!

Below, my sister shooting some photos...

-images above by jen ramos

Here's a quick iPhone pic my sister took of me shooting the table...

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SALE at Made By Girl...

Hello!! What a wonderful Thanksgiving we had! How was yours??? 

I'll be posting a few pics of the table & some of the food later today! It was just 4 of us, but we had an amazing day! Hope you had a nice Holiday weekend!

Speaking of HOLIDAY.....

We're now offering 20% off on all Made By Girl products - & ONLY Made By Girl products.

Coupon code is: HOLIDAY20 & expires on 12/23.  

DISCOUNT CODE only applies to Made By Girl products...not products made by other artists. So, pls read product descriptions carefully. Happy shopping! 

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We are thankful for many things & even though my life hasn't been perfect, (is anyone's?) I can't complain.

I've always thought it was important to show gratitude in everyday life & NOT just on Holidays!  When someone opens a door for you, KINDLY say thank you. If a person pays for your meal, say thank you - you get the picture. Small things DO make an impact, whether we seem them that very moment or not. 

On that note, my amazing guy has prepared the Thanksgiving menu for this year - which I'm truly thankful for. I let him do his thing because trust me, he's got skills! 

For now, I'd like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!  Here's a sneak peek into what we're having tomorrow - feel free to comment & also tell me what you'll be having as well! 

I'd love to read what you've planned for tomorrow. For now, I'm signing off, but may pop in during the weekend, if not, then Monday! 

-My IDEAL Thanksgiving table setting via design public

Family in town?? Just you & your hubby? kids? Going to a friends/families house? Having Turkey or not????


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New At Made By Girl....

Many of you may already know that I've added an accessories section on MadeByGirl... well it's now live & ready to be shopped!!  

HOLIDAYS are around the corner, so pick out a leather clutch for someone or yourself!! See it all here.

Snake clutch above no longer available sorry! 

All clutches are handmade by other artists & are available at Made By Girl

-images by jen ramos

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The Perfect Thanksgiving Outfit....

Hello everyone! Ahhhh I've been terribly busy today - shooting some of the new accessories we're adding to Made By Girl - exciting but exhausting! On another note, so happy that Thanksgiving is quickly approaching on Thursday! I've thought about all the things I'm thankful for & boy do I have a looooong list. 

In a PERFECT world, this is what I'd be wearing at our Thanksgiving table while telling everyone what I'm thankful for. So, yes, this would be the PERFECT Thanksgiving outfit - STYLISH, trendy & with a splash of color! Also, great for the chilly weather we've been having at night, 40 degreeeeees!! 

Have you thought about what you're grateful for?? What will you be wearing this Thanksgiving?!?

Sorry, Orange clutch no longer available on MadebyGirl

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Book Review: Katie Ridder Rooms

Katie Ridder is known for fantastic interiors.  Her trademark approach to mixing antique and modern pieces, strong colors with artful patterns, and a wide array of ethnic styles is a hallmark of elegant interior design.  

She's done interiors in every imaginable place - summer houses, Japanese pavilions, ritzy Manhattan apartments, and of course homes - & she's highly sought internationally for it!

Heather Smith MacIsaac's book "Katie Ridder Rooms" published by Vendome is 235 pages of luscious interiors in rich, full-color photos with lots of narrative, complete with a source guide! 

One of the neat things in this book is a short segment near the end focusing on details - comparing wallpaper patterns, lampshades and upholstery styles. The book is meant to help the reader with ideas & it succeeds with every page.

Ridder's strength is her ability to mix.  While reading through, I noticed her amazing mix of multiple strong colors in a single space, with subtle secondary palettes to balance it.  

In one living room, a rich velvet sofa sectional with Indonesian-influenced end tables, a Turkish pillow-ottoman, and glass floor lamps.  The Editor in Chief of Architectural Digest calls her interiors "confident, artful, elegant."

-all images above by jen ramos

At a loss for ideas? 

Check out "Katie Ridder Rooms" for some great inspiration.  Despite the luxury, her style is accessible and simple - they just take a bit of imagination & drama!

You can get your copy of this awesome book here.

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