Book Review: Artistic Interiors

Before leaving to NYC - a contact of mine sent me a book called, "Artistic Interiors' & it's a fantastic book - especially for those of you (like me) who love artwork!   Whenever walking into any home, the first thing I notice is the art (if at all). 

I can't tell you how many times I've been in homes where the art was pretty for me, interesting art is something I really enjoy!

Artistic Interiors by designer & architect Suzanne Lovell is all about designing with Fine Art Collections.
Suzanne is widely respected as an expert on art, textiles & furnishings & is a sought-after lecturer addressing the topics of passionate collecting!

From modern to antique, contemporary to regional, Ms. Lovell tightly illustrates the effectiveness of good selection and placement of art pieces, showing the reader how to match styles to accentuate theme.  It's always amazing how simple changes in the art and framing can transform a room.  

The book has 256 pages of full color photos spanning 13 residential projects. Below I've highlighted some of my favorite pages from the book, which I highly recommend! 

You can purchase your copy here.



  1. thanks for the info, jeje.
    Some beautiful images ...


  2. I will put it on my wishlist:) Thanks for the tip.

  3. Gorgeous book! so right up my alley - cant wait to get a copy. Thanks for sharing!

    xo Allison
    Spicer + Bank

  4. This is going on my X-mas list. I would love to get tips on how to better curate my collection. I am very drawn to interiors with striking art. I find it so sad when I see designed rooms that forgot art or have some mass produced watercolor of a rustic village, aah!

  5. What a fabulous review! Thanks for sharing the images. :)

  6. By now there is not art in my home, we are looking for some pictures but we don´t come to an agreement about what!

  7. I'm a sucker for art too and I would love to add this book to my collection!

  8. Looks like a great addition to any library... thanks for sharing.

  9. Art books are the best. Actually getting that art onto my walls is even better!

  10. This sounds like a great book and resource for me, as I am slowly focusing on adding interesting and meaningful art to my home!

  11. What a great book. I am always amazed at how people live. xo

  12. I can't get enough of home designer books. Any other book I'll borrow from the library but home books I have to take home to keep! Will keep my eye out for this one. Nice to meet you I'm your newest follower :)

  13. Yay! This is the first time i'm commenting on your blog.I loved the Art! I have a bit of a coffee table book problem. We'll see if I can resist this one!

  14. going on my "gifts to give" list!


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