Photography Inspiration: Hannah Blackmore

Hello everyone! It's Monday & it's back to work for many of us! How was your weekend? For me, I took things easy - however, after posting that I was looking for CONTRIBUTORS for Made By Girl, I had a TON of emails!! I'm literally still looking through them.... 

So far, I've narrowed my choice down to 6 contributors - 2 more to go!  I have NOT contacted anyone yet, so if you haven't gotten an email, don't worry! 

On a prettier note.....
I've been a fan of Hanna Blackmore's photography for quite sometime & after seeing her recent work on Peep My Style, I had to share it.

Ever feel like someone else sees things in the same way you do? In detail? 

My guy always tells me that I notice EVERYTHING! I like to think that's a good thing. SO what! I'm very detail-oriented & that's what I see in Hannah's photographs, LOVELY details.

Hannah works mostly out of Australia - it's a shame because I would've died to have her shoot some of my work!  But...... for those of you who live down under, check out more of her work via her site. Enjoy! 

-images by hannah blackmore



  1. ONE DAY I would love to write for your blog!! ...and every one of those photos is perfect. :)

  2. Las fotos de detalle son sencillamente geniales, y la silla de metacrilato transparente acaba de pasar a mi wishlist.

  3. Such lovely shots Jen. Love every one of them :)

    Abbey x

  4. Love the pics! Idk why but I love table top pictures. ~jen

  5. Wow, those photographs are gorgeous! For a second I thought they were of your house, the first one especially looks a lot like your home tour. Very inspiring!

  6. I love all of the saturated colors! She is truly a talent!

  7. Love all the pictures!
    specially the food ones ; )

  8. These pictures are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing. :)

  9. Gorgeous! Her work does remind me of yours! Great minds think alike :)

    XO - Jami
    Imagine Design Blog

  10. Love all the vignettes. So pretty.

  11. Those ARE amazing photographs. I love the details.

  12. The devil is in the deatails! :)

  13. she's amazing! love her work.

  14. oh my gosh. That desk area in the first picture with the lucite chair...amazing!But I always wonder if those chairs are comfortable...

  15. Love her clean and chic look!! That desk setup is so inviting! I wouldn't mind working if I was sitting there!

    Anxious to hear the contributor line-up!!

  16. The white and pink, definitely a kindred sister of yours!

    I've been literally CONSUMING peep my style for the past six months and LOVE the attn to detail that Hannah puts in her work. I'm getting sucked into her portfolio as i type.

    Thank you for putting this in front of me. I've been so fascinated by photography lately and this just feeds my creative drive and desire to be better and know more!

  17. What amazing work! Love these shots :)

  18. Love these pics. Hannah is such a talented photography.. All so beautiful. Carla

  19. Oooh I love the makeup container. Very beautiful!

  20. What is the template or theme on this blog?

  21. BEAUTIFUL styling and images, thanks for the intro Jen. And now ... I seriously need doughnuts, lol.
    Nancy xo

  22. Oh I can't wait to check out her site, all these images are amazing!

  23. Wow, it's beautiful, so lightful and organized :)

  24. Hannah is a super-lovely girl, too. And talented to boot!

  25. How pretty! Love the makeup shot (of course:)) And my husband says I notice everything too...not a bad thing LOL!


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