Cocktail Rings

Do you love going to cocktail parties?? 

Ever notice those gorgeous rings women tend to wear at these events? I do. Of course, I love them & had to get one for myself. So if you're interested in diving into this trend, Social Experiment is a shop owned by Georgia Hearty & she makes all these one-of-a-kind pieces herself!

I'm already a FAN of these rings - but I'm hoping to get one more to add to my current jewelry collection. Cocktail rings are a great way to add some style to your "going out" wardrobe - don't you agree?? Let me know what you think of these pretty little pieces? 

Would you wear these??

Above is the Eye of Shiva ring I'm wearing today. You can also spot the pretty gold cross bracelet soon to be sold on Made By Girl. Pretty huh?

Below is the ring I have called, 'Eye of Shiva' - its got a white clean shell with a beautiful swirl line.
The rest of the ring is made up of 22 gage tarnish resistant gold plated wire.

-all images via social experiment

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Photographer: Eric Roth

I wonder what this world would be like without Photography?  

I DON'T even want to think about it. Some of us have never traveled to Paris & the only way we can see it is through the eyes of another. So, that means we have to look at photos to get an idea of what it's probably like there. about blogging?? It wouldn't be as enjoyable without photos, agree??!?
So, with the said, photographers like Eric Roth are a pleasure to highlight. His eye for shooting is beautiful and inspiring! You can view his entire portfolio here. 

In the meanwhile, these are my favorites - aren't you grateful for photos? I am.

-All images by Eric Roth

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Renting: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly....

Hello, my name is Sarah, I'm an artist currently living in an apartment in Mobile with my husband and two dachshunds. I'm also the creator of the blog and website Sworley Thoughts. Below is my rental experience...


The good about renting an apartment is that it gave my husband and I a chance to figure out our style as a couple. We are newly married and this is our first place together. Living in an apartment has given us the time to adjust to living together, combine our things, and to think about what kind of house would fit into what we both are looking for.

It has also forced us to be clean and organized. Space is limited so I have to be creative in how we store our things. We don't have room for junk, so we had to purge through our things and get rid of everything but what we really truly needed. We don't have anything in our apartment that doesn't have significant value to us. Life is so much better once it's de-cluttered.


The bad part of renting is the obvious lack of privacy, paper thin walls that you can hear everything through, and no free space for our dogs to run around in. There's no creative freedom as far as flooring, light fixtures, cabinets etc. As mentioned before, space is limited. The cabinets are small, the closets are small, it's all small. We've only lived here a few months and it already feels like we've outgrown this space. We also had to give up our tradition of grilling on the weekends since our apartment does not allow grills or fire pits of any kind to be used on the property.


The ugly portion renting, for us, has been the horrendous parking situation. The parking lot is way to small for this property and there aren't enough spaces for the amount of cars that park here every night. It's a daily battle for a parking space, and since Mobile doesn't have any kind of reliable public transportation set up, it's a necessity to have a car.

Despite the bad and the ugly of renting, I think we made a good decision in renting before we go and jump into buying a house together. Us living here doesn't have to be permanent and we have the option of leaving whenever we feel the time is right.

Are you renting?

If you'd like to share, the good, the bad, the ugly of living in a rental, email me your submission with 3-4 pictures of your apartment! Pls use the same format as above! 

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Want To Exchange Links??

Made By Girl is looking to exchange links with established Design Bloggers who maintain their blogs & have readership. Basically you add Made By Girl onto your blogroll &we add you to ours! We'd like to ADD more interesting blogs, especially international & fashion related blogs to the links page here.
Blogs must be similar in style to my own. We will email you back if we are interested in exchanging with you. You can email me here with a link to your blog! 

Looking forward to hearing from you!

NOTE: I'm only accepting blogs that update 'at least' 4 times a week.
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Food: Lemon Mint Avocado Pudding

Hello everyone, it is the pure2raw twins. Is everyone ready for summer??

Jen said earlier on her Twitter that it's super HOT in New York City. Well, here's a great way to cool off while staying healthy! 

Not sure if you are like us or not, but during the hot summer months cool, refreshing food comes to mind. Nothing beats smoothies, fresh juices, and puddings to help cool you off. Today we are sharing one of our favorite ways to make pudding - from an avocado! We love avocados. We have a ton of recipes using them, especially as puddings.


Avocado puddings are so easy to make, and you can even sneak "greens" in there for extra nutritional boost. Pure2raw - Lemon Mint Avocado Pudding serves 1-2 Ingredients:
  • 1 large avocado
  • juice of 1 large lemon (about 2 tbsp)
  • lemon zest (1/2 tbsp)
  • 2 large handfuls of fresh spinach
  • 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves (or to taste)
  • 10 drops of liquid stevia (or 1 tbsp of your favorite sweetener)
  • 1/4 cup water (more or less)

Directions: Place all ingredients into a blender, and blend till creamy. Adjust water till you reach your desired consistency. We like to keep our avocado puddings thick and rich.


We love avocados for so many reasons. Love that they are packed with nutrients and keep us full and satisfied. Benefits of avocados:
  1. has monosaturated fats that help reduce LDL cholesterol and good for the heart
  2. great source of Vitamin B’s (expect 12)
  3. full of Vitamin’s A, C, and E
  4. healthy fat – mostly Omega-9 fatty acids
  5. rich in potassium
  6. good source of folate, which is good for pregnant ladies

What is your favorite way to enjoy avocados? What is your favorite summer time treat? Wishing you all a happy and cool summer! 

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