Food: Lemon Mint Avocado Pudding

Hello everyone, it is the pure2raw twins. Is everyone ready for summer??

Jen said earlier on her Twitter that it's super HOT in New York City. Well, here's a great way to cool off while staying healthy! 

Not sure if you are like us or not, but during the hot summer months cool, refreshing food comes to mind. Nothing beats smoothies, fresh juices, and puddings to help cool you off. Today we are sharing one of our favorite ways to make pudding - from an avocado! We love avocados. We have a ton of recipes using them, especially as puddings.


Avocado puddings are so easy to make, and you can even sneak "greens" in there for extra nutritional boost. Pure2raw - Lemon Mint Avocado Pudding serves 1-2 Ingredients:
  • 1 large avocado
  • juice of 1 large lemon (about 2 tbsp)
  • lemon zest (1/2 tbsp)
  • 2 large handfuls of fresh spinach
  • 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves (or to taste)
  • 10 drops of liquid stevia (or 1 tbsp of your favorite sweetener)
  • 1/4 cup water (more or less)

Directions: Place all ingredients into a blender, and blend till creamy. Adjust water till you reach your desired consistency. We like to keep our avocado puddings thick and rich.


We love avocados for so many reasons. Love that they are packed with nutrients and keep us full and satisfied. Benefits of avocados:
  1. has monosaturated fats that help reduce LDL cholesterol and good for the heart
  2. great source of Vitamin B’s (expect 12)
  3. full of Vitamin’s A, C, and E
  4. healthy fat – mostly Omega-9 fatty acids
  5. rich in potassium
  6. good source of folate, which is good for pregnant ladies

What is your favorite way to enjoy avocados? What is your favorite summer time treat? Wishing you all a happy and cool summer! 



  1. Avocado is one of my favorite foods (fruit or vegetable?) so I'm definitely going to give this a shot.


  2. Looks amazing! so creamy and fresh, Do you add ice? or you freeze it after blending?

  3. AnonymousMay 29, 2012

    Yum, this looks healthy AND delicious! x

    Kate {Something Fabulous}

  4. AnonymousMay 29, 2012

    Drooling....that looks yum and oh so healthy!!!

    The closes i get to eating avocados is whe im having sushi!!! hehehehe



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