The Ugly Word: Jealousy

What a day it was yesterday. I interviewed several applicants for Intern/Assistant position & also added 15 (8x10) Cocoa & Hearts paintings to the site,  which sold out in less than 20 minutes!  As always, I'm amazed & thankful. 
It's been a wonderful experience being able to pick up the paint brush again & actually sell my work at this level. My mom paints as well, she's very creative... in fact, I got my creativity from her.
But there's an ugly side to having a business & being relatively successful - people begin to HATE. Certain people you thought liked you or were your friends all of a sudden start to remove themselves from your circle. This has happened to me on a number of occasions in the last few years & it's mind boggling. Even for those who don't know you in person & just share an occasional hello or two online - even some of those people become extremely distant. Heck, I've even had (so called) friends that have been jealous that I have such a wonderful husband. Could this be jealousy in it's ugliest form?
I sure hope not, but we all know that this world is broken & so we have people with hidden agendas who have no interest in one's heart but instead what they can squeeze out of you. 

Almost EVERY time I launch the newest paintings, I get a hater email. HATER mail, can you believe that? Telling me how my art IS NOT art!  I laugh & don't bother responding. However, today, I'd love to ask them, have you ever been to the MOMA, Getty or The MET? 

It's interesting, some people I know don't consider Cy Twombly's work to be art because of it's sheer simplicity, but I do. I think it's genius. Interesting how that works right?

My point is, art comes in various forms. Sure, not everyone will LOVE my art, but I'm not making paintings for everyone. My art is relatively simple, colorful, modern, vibrant, happy & full of emotion! Again, not for everyone.

On the other hand, I get lots of SUPPORT from some amazing bloggers & readers who have written about my work or expressed their thoughts via email. Someone even asked the other day, 'Jen, why don't you have your work in a gallery?" The answer to that is - I don't know. I haven't had (yet) a gallery approach me about my work, or I approach them. Being in a gallery is a lot of work, and even though I'm not against it, it is something I'd definitely have to think about if approached. Speaking of amazing support, here is a beautiful post that was emailed to me from a reader who expressed what my art meant to her.

And to the HATERS, jealousy is probably the reason you're taking time out of your day to email me. It's that simple. As for me, I will continue to do what I love. 

Have you felt similar feelings of jealousy within the online community? How about in your own circle of friends? How have you dealt with it??

-images by jen ramos



  1. Unfortunately, after blogging for 4 years, this is why I stopped - the ridiculous hater comments and emails (almost always from anonymous) just made me not want to do it anymore :(

    Hang in there!

  2. Unfortunately, after blogging for 4 years, I decided to stop - I too was receiving hater comments/emails (almost always from anonymous), and it just made me not want to do it anymore :(

    Hang in there!

  3. Jealousy is NOT fun to deal with... :( It is truly a sad feeling when people (you thought) were you friends can't be happy for your successes. I'm an extremely sensitive person, but getting a thicker skin as I get older. Jealousy used to bother me SO much - I tried to be as nice as I could to everyone, and I just couldn't understand why people still had to say such hurtful things. I am glad you are able to laugh it off, because for every hater, I know you have 10xs more supporters! The haters are simply jealous of your ability to create pieces that are so wanted...this reminds me of the message I heard at church on Sunday. The people who send you these rude, ignorant messages are the ones who most likely look at you and think, "She's got something that I want!" And unfortunately for them, they have not found a true passion or happiness in life like you have. Keep on keeping on - because you inspire so many people like myself!


  4. Jen,

    I often fall back on 1 Corinthians 15:33
    Do not be misled: “bad company corrupts good character.”

    You’re full of talent, good character, and create beautiful work and inspire others. Jealousy sounds about right and I too have felt the sting of being deserted by others – especially from those I’ve been there for the most. Chin up cheer up – there will always be the haters.

    Clearly you have quite the following – I have yet to snag a painting before they’re sold out! Keep inspriring.

  5. Ha ha, I love how you just confront whoever these jerks are that send hate emails, I hope that they are totally embarrassed when they read that. :)

    I love art because there is NO right and NO wrong. - Anything goes!

    Jealousy is bad. Life is not a zero-sum game though.

    You have built a really awesome brand and business, I really hope that you can truly just laugh any negative feedback off.

    Your work is beautiful. You really know color.
    As for the gallery topic, why do you need a gallery when you sell out your works within mins of posting online!?? :)

    Keep it up!

  6. Your work is beautiful! & you are a stronger person for dealing with this negativity that is coming into your life. Keep doing what you are doing. We love you for it!


  7. I'm sorry you have to deal with this - I just don't understand people who take the time out of their day to be nasty to other people for no good reason!! I'm glad you're not letting it get to you at all.

    Congratulations on your success, I think it's fabulous! :)

  8. same thing happened to me when i first started my design business , people started to distance themselves from me, or made some really hurtful comments trying to discourage me , after a while I realized that it was because i was doing things with my life, things i loved , things they were too afraid to do . Some of them confessed that they separated themselves from me because they were envious of the fact that I "was starting to move at a different pace" making them feel like they were stuck in a life where there was no excitement. So Its pure envy people lash out because they are unhappy in their own life and wish they were you creating amazing happy paintings that people love. Keep doing what you are doing and pray for them.

  9. yes..the comments come from a jealous place! your paintings are not laced with caffeine and vodka-people are buying them because they are beautiful to look at..that's art! I doubt if any of these haters sell out immediately (or even sell their art at all).

    and the perfume art is incredible--please do more!

  10. The truth is: jealousy hurts mainly when it cames from real world friends. Sometimes it's a bit scary just to think that there are folks out there with some much negative energy. But we all know that God blesses and protects us againd the evil, against the haters, against all that ugly stuff. I love your work and it's so inspiring, Jen. Xoxo from Rome, Luciana

  11. It's so true that not everyone can appreciate everything you do. Very hard to accept sometimes, I will admit, as a writer! However, I think your paintings are lovely. Simple, colorful, and yes, full of happiness! I have always thought that pink and gold were the best combination.

    Cheers, Elizabeth

  12. AnonymousMay 15, 2012

    Aw Jen!! I know it's not so easy to just brush these "haters" off. Even when you know you work hard at what you do and you know you are talented. It sort of comes with the territory, you are doing well, God is blessing you and people just can't take it. No matter what, don't let them steal your joy. You are very talented and God has chosen to give you these talents and honestly I think people are just mad because they haven't found there own ways to be creative. Keep on doing what you're doing and let them be jealous. You will be just that much more successful! Take care!

  13. 2 Corinthians 10:12 "We're not, understand, putting ourselves in a league with those who boast that they're our superiors. We wouldnt dare do that. But in all this comparing and grading and competing, they quite miss the point." The Message

    Comparing yourself to others is never wise, there will always be people you dont measure up to, and there will be others that you surpass. That doesn't make you better than them or loved by God more. It just makes you unique!

    Let them hate and continue being you!

    God bless.

  14. You are so right. Art is subjective and is different for everyone. My boyfriend (who is also an artist) actually can't stand Jackson Pollock yet so many people love him. It's like that with everyone. I like your work a lot, especially the colors. I wish to own a piece one day. :)

  15. Oh wow, that's terrible to recieve those kinds of e-mail or for people just stop talking to you. Well although I'm just fan of your blog and don't know you personally I think your art is beautiful, fantastic and just makes me smile. I hope to one day make it on time to your store and buy myself one:) And continue to surround yourself with people who love you and leave those haters behind.

  16. This makes me so heated. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone has different tastes. I would prefer your artwork over MANY pieces seen in a gallery, because it fits my tastes and it makes me happy. A painting of a farm may be beautiful but it does not do anything for me.

    Keep up the good work Jen, jealousy is exactly what that is. And instead of wasting their time being jealous and spreading hate, they should try to do something to be half as successful as you are. You are so inspiring to many.


  17. Good for you Jen!! It 100% is all just plain jealousy. Its clear they are upset over your success. Let them be :) Negativity will never be successful, which is exactly why these people haven't accomplished what you have.

    Rai Atelier - Etsy Shop

  18. Jen…it is ironic that you write this post today! My girlfriend and I (Angela Charles of Habit Forming Success blog) were just talking a few hours ago about what an amazing inspiration you are to us and how amazing it is to see a fellow blogger doing SUCH amazing things and making such HUGE accomplishments!! My personal opinion…you are definitely doing something right if you have haters! No one at the TOP has ever gotten there without having to deal with ridiculous jealous people of the world. I think sometimes God puts them there to test us… to make us stronger and a better person for swallowing our prides and continuing to do what He has gifted us with until we reach the top.

    Keep doing what you do…It’s brought you success thus far!


  19. Wow, I'm really shocked people think your work isn't art. I think it's amazing! Please carry on painting as one day I hope to try and get one of these bad boys. They sure sell out fast. I think your blog is beautiful and its been such an inspiration to me. Thank you.

  20. I happen to love your art :)

  21. Wow, cannot believe people think your work is not art. I love it! i think it's amazing and one day I hope to actually own one! They sure sell out fast. Your blog is so beautiful as has kept me inspired and refreshed. Thankyou. Xx

  22. You go girl!!

    xoxo, Emily

  23. Hi Jen,

    Sorry to hear that. Jealous is a mean thing and you are right in that it is a broken world. I`ve experienced it a few times, people try to sabotage you or put you down or are only super happy to talk with you when the thing that you were previously succeeding with hits a road bump, then they are all ears. It is hard to deal with jealous people, over time I`ve found that the best way to deal with it is to avoid those types of people and the ones I can`t avoid I try to make a joke of it in my head or force myself to stop dwelling on it -not always easy. Just keep doing what you are doing because you are a success and as Deepak Choprah says ``what other people think of you is none of your business``

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. People are always going to have something to say!!
    I am often reminded when I hear this quote, "Haters are confused admirers that can understand why everybody loves you." ~Paulo Coelho

    Keep doing what you're doing! Love your work!!! :)

  26. People throw stones at shiny objects. So unfortunate.

    Jealousy is such a nasty emotion. I've had to deal with it from time to time in my personal life and professional life. Not fun. Never pleasant. But a friend in the art world has definitely had a lot of it hurled at her... not cool.

    Hang in there and keep on keeping on!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Aww Jen- thanks for being real about this. YOu know what, if you are an artist, you didnt get into it to get popular or make a living. seldom few do it for that reason and in that, they dont succeed. do what comes from your heart and you'll never do wrong.

    keep on paintin' lady!

  29. Unfortunately, haters are gonna hate. I would just do what you're doing and rise above and not put yourself down to their level. I guess they really weren't true friends to begin with. I have always been taught that negative people are usually just lacking their own self confidence. So just hold your head up and know that they are not truly happy with themselves, if they put down others. I love your work, creativity and use of color. Keep on keepin on! :)

  30. This post makes me sad and mad at the same time. It's too bad others feel the need to try to put you down. Maybe it's jealousy? ...maybe it's the fact the other person hasn't tried something he/she wants to do on his/her own and feels resentment?

    Even if people don't necessarily like your work, what is the point of writing hate mail? Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion but there's no fun in trying to bully or attempt to make someone else feel bad.

    Personally, I think what you do and what you create is great. Keep up the fab work and the positive energy will always follow! =)


  31. I was just talking to my daughter the other day about how so many creative people have been having huge success on their blogs. I promise, she said," I still really love the girl who started awhile back ; painting the circles that remind me of lipstick ;)" People, ESP women need to lift each other up not tear each other down. Keep up your beautiful work!

  32. I'm so sorry to hear that, I still can't figure out why people think its neccessary to behave in that manner. Don't like it, move on, hateful emails are childish. I love your work, some how I always miss out on the paintings {rotten}. For now I enjoy and get a million compliments on the gold LOVE print. Just remember haters gonna hate. You're fabulous!

    Xx. Patience

  33. I love how open you are being about this!! I have often wondered the same thing, and you're right, its definitely jealousy. I have a hard time knowing how to react to it, though, sometimes it makes me cry sometimes I just let it go. One thing I know for sure is your paintings are what made me first find your blog....they were featured on another blog I follow and really caught my eye! You are extremely talented and your art is beautiful, love you, your blog and your art. Thanks for sharing Jen!!

  34. Love this post for so many reasons. I love that you don't respond to the haters, but rather recognize it for what it truly is...jealousy. That said, you are human and it is understandable when this type of negativity weighs on you a little.
    I am a school psychologist and work with elementary kids every day on how to recognize and respond to bullys. Sad to recognize that there are plenty of adult bullys in our world :(

    Keep selling and keep smiling girl! Your fans far outweigh the haters :)
    XO - Marion

  35. I'm not an artist or a designer. And while I do write a blog, I do it more for me as a journal about our renos. And even me (who's not doing much compared to your business savvy and artistic talent) get jealousy from close friends. Because we (hubby and me) are not settling for the "Average" and are thinking outside the box.
    There are so many people who are uncomfortable with others walking their own path. They are jealous of your strength and courage. I'm really excited for your work and I think your art is incredible. I have my eye on the brush stroke paintings (once the reno dust settles).

    keep up the amazing work.

  36. AnonymousMay 15, 2012

    People used to tell Picasso and Basquiat the same thing. Your work is amazing and good for you for not letting others' comments effect your craft! xoxo

  37. Art is when you try to convey feelings and sensibility - which you do. What jealous people say does not matter. They only show that they are unable of having ant feelings - that they are less human. Keep up and don't worry.


  38. Jen,Ilove your artwork and the freedom you have to express yourself. The definition of jealousy is resentment against a rival enjoying success against somone elses. Remember that and where it comes from, I said this to another blogger yesterday who was having those same feelings.Oprah said,when people lash out at us it is there EGO! talking not really the essence of who they are as person. Keep up the amazing work!

  39. Some verses for you to remember, sister!!!!!

    For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. James 3:16

    You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions. James 4:23

    But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. James 3:14

    Galatians 5:19-21 ESV / 154 helpful votes
    Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. Galations 5:19-21.

    Wrath is cruel, anger is overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy? Proverbs 27:4

    A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot. Proverbs 13:40

    The most important thing we believe about ourselves is what GOD says!!!

    Even Joseph's OWN brother's became jealous of the favor on his life. Thank God for the blessings and favor and for those who can't rejoice with you just shake them off like the dust on your feet!

    Much love,

  40. Bonjour Jen,
    Ususally I don't post comments on your blog but I follow it and read each one of your post from France.
    But this time I have to leave a comment because it's important... Unfortunately you'll always have good and bad people around you. It's sad to say but that's the way life goes... So if the jealous ones may hurt you sometimes, hang on to the people who really care about you and love you!!! Only what your REAL friends and family can think about you or your paintings really matters.
    Believe me, if you have jealous people around you it's just because you have something they can be jealous of : your talent! Yes, you're talented and that's all ♥
    Keep the faith and keep on blogging my dear Jen!
    A lot of kisses from Paris

  41. Jen - Love your work, your blog, everything. I have been lucky enough to get just one iffy comment (just recently) and it catches you off guard. I responded in a positive way, I think, and just moved on. Other people's insecurity and negativity is poison! I think you are a lovely person and you work hard. You deserve all good things in life. I have been through jealousy issues with a few friends and it is even more hurtful. These are friends who were way more physically attractive, whitty and smart; however, they lacked confidence and I think that is what they were so jealous of. It seems so crazy to me. The best thing I did was let those relationships fizzle out on their own instead of participating in their stupid crap. I have run into these women a few times, and one of them just came to my mom's funeral recently. It was fine seeing her, but it did remind me of how much happier I am without her around me on a regular basis. So, long way around this is, it is all within your control (as you know) how you react. We can't control others, so WE need to be the classy ones and just move forward. It isn't earthshattering advices, but it does work for me. I feel very sorry for the haters. If they could channel that into something positive could you imagine how successful they may be? Choices, people, choices. Keep doing what you are doing, Jen. Love reading your blog. I think you are incredible.

  42. Some people.... geeze! I'm so glad that you are able to rise above it and look past the ignorance of the "haters". I have had a handful of alarmingly rude and hateful emails sent my way about my blog and I am just baffled as to why people waste their time cutting others down. Mister Husband inserted himself once to come in and "save the day" after I got a really mean email and I still laugh about all of the things he said BACK to the nasty person (after I got over being mad for him inserting himself without my knowledge!)

    Anyway, keep your head up, you're the blogger/artist/designer that I continue to strive to be more like-- so enjoy your success, you deserve it after all of your hard work and creativity!

  43. I think they must be jealous that you're doing what you love and they're not! It's very sad, and I hope that all the people like that would realize they have a purpose and a love and to go out and find it! It's waiting to be found!

    I had a friend growing up, and we stay in touch now but not very often, but if I ever mentioned some new thing I'd like to buy, she'd buy it first. If I got some new thing, she would put it down as 'lame', but if she got something first, it was the best thing ever. I never knew why, but it probably was jealousy. And it's sad to think now that she was jealous of such silly things.

    I've received some hurtful messages since blogging and man, do they sting! I found it so hard to believe that people could be so rude and mean. But there are so many people who don't have any happiness, and so they take it out on the people they perceive to be happy.

    Jealousy is something they must deal with. It does not reflect on you in the slightest! Matthew 5:44 is a good verse, "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."

    Hope these emails stop & good luck with your future work!!! xo

  44. AnonymousMay 15, 2012

    That's awful that you get hate - your paintings are beautiful and I'm sure they are just jealous! It's easy for me to get jealous at other bloggers and wish I had a blog like theirs, or as much success & readers as them - jealousy sure is a pain! But I guess it's just about dealing with it and trying to do the best that YOU can! x

    Kate {Something Fabulous}

  45. i've thought about this a lot since I too have received "hate mail!" (through blogging)

    when it comes down to it, these people are following you/visiting your blog/watching your store etc...i would almost describe it as a jealous obsession.

    it is just strange that people have so much time on their hands!

    & BTW, I LOVE your art!! that pink and gold one with the drip look is amazing!

  46. The first thing that came to mind after reading this post was something Carrie said to Miranda in an episode of Sex and the City. It was the episode Carrie was to move away to France with Alexander "the Russian", when Miranda told her she didn't really like him. Carrie replied with "well if you don't like him then don't YOU go to Paris with him". I think the same of people who hate. If YOU don't like it, then don't YOU go and get it... simple as that. Obviously many people do like and appreciate your work, and that is who your paintings are meant for, because it speaks to them. Not all art is for everyone, but people should still be respectful.

  47. Jen - your art is amazing and always sell out on the first day, which should be proof enough that people like your art. Stay positive and don't focus on negativity and jealousy - so not worth it. hugs

  48. KENDRA: That's something i didnt think about - that others around you may feel like you're moving forward & it makes them feel stuck...
    sounds like that could be the case in some of the situations i've dealt with. thanks!

  49. Candi: LOVE that scripture..thank you!

  50. the sheer fact that someone would take the time to write a hurtful e-mail is amazing to me. unhappy that person must be :-(

  51. i love your stuff!!!:)

    Aww that was so sweet to read in many ways when your daughter said, "I still really love the girl who started awhile back ; painting the circles that remind me of lipstick ;)"

    I'm flattered. tell her i said thanks! :)

  53. Jen I love your stuff!!! :)

  54. AnonymousMay 15, 2012

    your paintings are great! obviously every time you post paintings to your site you sell out in a matter of minutes, so i don't think you NEED the exposure a gallery would give you - but if it is something you want, there is no harm in reaching out to galleries yourself! congrats on your successful business(es) and keep up the beautiful ART.

  55. Saddly so true! I guess though you can also take it as a compliment that they find you great enough to be jealous and sometimes competitive with. Life is highschool!


  56. I think that's when you know you've made it, when you start getting the haters to notice! It's hard to not let things get to you, you're only human. But instead just focus on the positives! Your gorgeous paintings SOLD OUT! People who complain and say nasty things are just miserable and want to make everyone else feel as they do. Know that you are better than they, and keep painting those amazing pieces!
    Smart n Snazzy

  57. You must be proud and happy because your art makes "noise"! Your art causes various emotions to people, admiration,hate,love,jealous etc...and that's perfect! This is art! Keep painting and make others jealous..never mind! xx :)

  58. "I never gave you a reason to hate me. You're just creating your own little drama of pure insecurity."

    Keep on, Keepin' on!!!

  59. Yes it an ugly word "jealousy" unfortunately its in every work realm. There are some that just don't like to see people succeed. Even in the blogging community, I see it at blogging events. I just turn my back on "jealousy", don't have time for that & neither do you. Keep at what you love doing! xo

  60. If I could afford shipping to New Zealand, I would have your art all over my house! Even tho I paint myself! I think many people have the mistaken view that art has to be a realistic portrayal of something TANGIBLE... when really the BEST art is the stuff that can portay an emotion or create a mood.
    Your colours make me happy! Keep doing what you are doing

  61. Jen - YOU are amazing and YOUR art has grown and expanded to new levels. Be so proud of yourself. Only those who send ugly emails are the ones who can't figure out what to do themselves.

    You were one of the very 1st blogs I stumbled upon, and I have loved following your progress as a true artist. Good for you! It's an amazing and rewarding feeling to be able to actually spend each and every day doing what you love.

    Here's to meeting in person one day, cheers!


  62. Congrats on your success! Hard work and talent pay off and not everyone is going to realize that. There will always be jealousy and it's so hard to lose friends or feel like they're wavering from you but it's life and your true friends will always support you.


  63. Jen, there will always be haters out there, and although we all know to ignore them, their words can still hurt. I personally love your art, and it's obvious many, many other people do too. For those who don't - so what? Keep on doing what you're doing, and just try to forget the rest. It's truly a blessing to live your life doing what you love, so enjoy it and ignore the haters. Oh, and as for exhibiting in a gallery, you don't need to - your sales are fabulous! Kerri xx

  64. Jen, you are and have an amazing talent! Own it! Respect your haters, they think you're better than they are. Stay fabulous!

  65. oy. i feel you, jen! not to say that i'm successful at life or anything. but every now and then, i do feel what you feel from people i don't except from. people who i think would be happy with me for good things in my life.

    my mother always used to tell me a quote, "Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success."

    people who are geniunely happy for your success are your true friends. keepers.

    as for unknown people in the internet?
    unknown haters are just sad, sad people... i feel terrible for them.

    for what its worth? i think you are wonderful, jen!

  66. That is life I am afraid, it must hurt very much to hear this things, but don't pay attention to them for a hate email you get hundred of nice ones so focus in that. Art is subjective and yours might not be everybody's cup of tea the same as my work is not for everybody out there, but we all have our fans and people who really appreciate our work. I tend to read your blog weekly and I enjoy it, so I send you a warm hug from London.

  67. AnonymousMay 15, 2012

    It's always so sad to me that people would stop what they are doing to sit down and write mean words. Unlike in an argument, when you say things in the heat of the moment, they actually sit down to write horrible things to people they don't even know. That's just really really sad. I'm sorry you have to go through this. Your art is beautiful.

  68. AnonymousMay 15, 2012

    As crazy as it may sounds, it can be very difficult to be the most successful person in a group. It is hard to enjoy your success without hurting anyone's feelings. I love your paintings and think they are fantastic! They fit perfectly with my design tastes. Hopefully one will hang in my home someday!For now I am enjoying your Blogs and Coffee print! :)

  69. SASHA: Your mom had great advice when she said - "Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success."
    May have to tweet that! thank you!

  70. Clearly they are not happy in their own lives and feel the need to try an bring others down to their level of misery. You are incredible and very talented, Jen. Don't let the negative people get you down. xo

  71. I love your work and you should be proud. Haters gonna hate and you just keep doing what you do!

  72. AnonymousMay 15, 2012

    You are so talented and have a great eye - whether it's your own creations or spotting the best designs out there and bringing it to your readers through your blog. I love MadeByGirl for all of it! That being said, your paintings really are fun and special. ***Curious - do you have a favorite brand of acrylic paint?? I want to try some new stuff but I get overwhelmed with all that's out there.
    Thanks!!! & all the best,

  73. That is so unfortunate to hear. As mama always said, Sometimes it just takes one bad apple to ruin a bushel, right? Well, I think you are a true artist and I love your work. And it's pretty evident that many other people love your work and are willing to pay $ for it! Keep up the beautiful work, Jen. Focus on the positive :)

  74. ASHLEYZ: Hmmm I don't have have brand, but i love liquitex, pebeo & Golden. :) thank you!

  75. Art is in the eye of the beholder and obviously you have many fans, myself included, who think so! I try to teach my kids that if you do not have anything nice to say then do not say anything at all. If only everyone else believed the same. Kuddos to you and your sucess!

  76. a longtime reader here, although i do not believe that i have ever left a comment but i wanted to chime in.

    it is sad to say that this is so commonplace nowadays, especially with women bloggers.

    jealousy and envy are happiness leaches and i wouldn't give them the satisfaction of stealing or tainting my joy.

    and if people who appeared to be a part of your tribe, drift off as your success increases, i view that as a blessing.

    everybody doesn't belong in the village, especially if their heart isn't true.

    i would say a prayer for them and release the wondering why and not allow it to affect my good energy.

  77. Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability in this post.....and I agree with you--it has to be jealousy or insecurity which all comes from brokenness and people trying to fill themselves up with feeling like they compare and "stack up" to others. The wonderful thing about art is that it is all in the eye of the beholder.....and I for one think your art is just that--art. And beautiful art. If only I was quicker I would have snatched one up time. :)
    But keep doing what you are doing--especially if it makes you happy. You have one supporter here for sure.

  78. I know how you feel, the worst for me is when this comes from family members. Because I can put up a facade for friends etc, but family breaks me. How do I deal? I ignore them pretend it doesn't affect me, and then cry like a baby behind closed doors. Sad but true...

    It really helps though when you do have supportive people in your lives. For me that is my partner, he is very honest and supportive and this really makes it easier to take on the world. You seem to have a wonderful husband, so just ignore and know that the hate comes from nothing to do with you, but their own insecurity.

  79. Love is from God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God... this just shows that the haters who feel the need to tell you ugly words really aren't rooted in love or the truth! I think you can see from the huge number of comments that you are loved and adored for who you are and for what you do! Keep on shining, Jen! xoxo

  80. Wow, that's so awful! I feel bad for those people sending you hater emails. They must not have anything good in their life if they are trying to bring other people down. Happy and fulfilled people don't do that.

    Keep doing what you're doing. There's way more of us out here supporting you than not! xo ~L

  81. JODY-ANN: member, yea that is def harder. Then again, my husbands family is NOT the friendliest when it comes to me, so in a way i can relate. I used to let it get to me more back then when i wanted them to understand and accept me, and that i was indeed good enough for their son & so on, but i learned you can't change people's minds- they have to get rid of their own demons. So, for you, don't cry, think of what i just said, you will not be able to change what family thinks...
    I too have a supportive husband, thank God.
    Weird thing is, i think some of my female friends have been jealous that i have him in my life & he's so supportive and sad. Thank you!

  82. Unfortunately that is the negative side of the internet. People can hide behind a screen.

    FORTUNATELY that is the beauty of art. It means something to each individual simple or intricate and your individual style comes out in your art. Your customers are buying not only a piece of your art, but a piece of you. And to have it sell out in under 20 min is obvious proof that you have fans. Keep expressing yourself because you have done what every artists wants and dreads by being able to showcase it and make a living.

    -Keep inspiring!

  83. Honestly, you are completely right, people become jealous, and it's not your problem. THere's a quote, I think by Eminem? haha but it says "If you don't have haters, you're doing something wrong." Wherever there is success, there are ALWAYS the jealous people. Do't let them bug you, your art is beautiful, and abstract is often persecuted for being 'unprofessional,' or 'talentless.' But you've proven them all wrong. Art does't have to take hours and years, its the conveyed emotion and attention to detail, all of which I see in your paintings! I actually recently started painting abstract art in art class... my teacher is okay with it, and it is harder than it looks! People like what you're doing, so keep doing it, and even start a gallery! That would be wonderful. Just know for "hate" letter, there are at least 100 more people who LOVE your art! I know I do, stay strong and keep inspiring! <3

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. So sorry to hear you're feeling this way Jen. I check your blog each day for a hit of inspiration. You've created a fabulous business you can take anywhere and that's something to be admired. Keep your head high. You'll find friends who rejoice in your success.

  86. Awwww, if it's any consolation, I think you are nothing short of such an amazing inspiration. You do so so much and truthfully, (i think I've even tweeted this) every time I think my schedule is too overwhelming I think of you and get inspired to work even harder towards my goals. So for all the haters, you're probably inspiring 10 people to move towards their dreams, girl. Not to mention, your art is stunning!!!! You're a true success as an artist! All my love!!!!

  87. Awwww, if it's any consolation, I think you are nothing short of such an amazing inspiration. You do so so much and truthfully, (i think I've ever tweeted this) every time I think my schedule is too overwhelming I think of you and get inspired to work even harder towards my goals. So for all the haters, you're probably inspiring 10 people to move towards their dreams, girl. Not to mention, your art is stunning!!!! you're a true success as an artist!!! All my love!!!!

  88. It's good to vent about it. Let it out. Set it free. Move on!


  89. That is so unfortunate to hear about, Jen. It's a shame that people just can't be happy for one another and feel better about themselves because they are in a "better" situation than another person. Everyone walks a different path and everyone sees things differently. But I think your artwork is amazing and beautiful. You work hard to be where you are and so you shouldn't have to receive such negative comments about what you love to do!

    <3 Milynn

  90. Jealsousy=not figuring success out first.

    Eternal friendship=loving their success as much as their failure.

    Those that are jealously dropping you, don't love you. Be glad they left.

    It's hard to hear, but it's actually very hard to say as well. Finding out that you loved someone more than they loved you sucks. But, living a lie is worse.

    You in your gut know who is there for you, who loves you unconditionally, everything else is clutter.

    Sorry to sound heartless, but focus on your three most important things and life gets so much easier.

    By the way, I love your blog and have been following it for a while now, don't stop doing what you are doing. It great!


  91. jen! i get where you're coming from.... To be honest it's those that are jealous that have the most insecurities. Obviously it's something with them that needs to change within, but how else can we take negative criticism? You are absolutely talented, there's no way I would have bought your stuff if I didn't think it was art. Or even sponsored a giveaway of your art.

    I'm so glad I found your blog, you inspire so many people. Keep blogging, keep selling! It's incredible.

  92. i like your paintings :) although i don't think i ever get there in time to purchase!!

    it's sad that people feel the need to express themselves negatively. the trick is even if one does feel jealous of another (which they should try not to) is not to say anything hurtful, rather use that energy for their own success and then everyone can celebrate.

  93. Hi Jen! Love your work and I know one of this day I will hang an art work of you in my home.:)

    Jealousy. it's kind of a troubled word.I encountered much of them in my high school years, when I still work in a corporate world and now I have some haters that comments nasty words regarding my post- to think that I even don't have that much readers yet!funny right?!

    Like you I also felt the distant with some of my friends before, and I felt sad about it. But what I'm gonna do, right? it's their feeling. -and as I read in some inspirational book. "when a person is angry or have some bad feelings towards others, it's he who is more affected because he is the one dealing with the emotion of hate or jealousy." So as long as what I am dealing is right and can't do harm to others, I learned to pray for that kind of person so that they will have open mindness to success and happiness of others.I know there are times that I don't feel good about it but I try to just have my silence. I think it's better yet to ignore and pray for those kind of people.

    Good luck to you Jen. You do wonders!:)

  94. I actually lost my best friend because she couldn't handle that my blog was more popular than hers. Crazy! Sorry you are having to endure this- you don't deserve it and I hope you don't let it get to you! You have an amazing talent! Please keep on doing what your doing!

    Lindsey Turner

  95. Your work is fantastic!! Hold your head high!!

  96. You know Jen, it is a shame isn't it. People are not confident in themselves. So tearing down other people makes them feel better. Wishing you all the best with your beautiful paintings and art! I think it's wonderful!

  97. I think there is a Warhol print floating out there with the quote:

    "Art is what you can get away with"

    Everyone has their own interpretation of what art is, but they don't need to rub it in your face.

  98. Wow, hang in there! I love your art because of its simplicity. I used to have a small handmade flower store online with a blog attached. People telling me they could make it themselves for less, so good then go do it! Emails from one lady in particular who was just plain nasty to me. I finally closed the store down when my own sister (who I love to death), went and opened a similar flower store, made flowers exactly the same as mine and even called them the same names. She charged less than I did though. Is that jealousy? I'm not sure, but it sure felt wrong!

  99. wow I absolutely LOVE how you have approached this. When it happens to me, I tend to first get really upset and then angry. and It's after I take it vertically that I find the right heart with it because I literally can't do it on my own. Jealous is a horrible thing and you're right, you can even be "hated on" by some of the closest people in your life! I hate that for you. But I love what you're taking from it.

    I think you are truly an inspiration and you artwork is awesome! Yes, it's modern and colorful. But I love it!! It's unique, different, and almost tells a story. It's an expression of YOU. and that's awesome!

    I haven't commenting before, but I subscribe via email and read your blog every day! I think you're quite amazing!

    I hope you had a lovely Tuesday!

  100. I've been in your shoes, too, Jen, and it's an awful feeling of not knowing who to trust. (especially when you don't know who's doing what behind the scenes.) I think you laid out your feelings wonderfully and taking the step to even share it with others, particularly publicly, is a sign of strength. I applaud you!

    The naysayers will always exist. Pray for them.

  101. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    Beautiful post Jen. I appreciate your honesty. I am sorry that you're faced with such disrespectful behaviour.
    I am not a big blogger, so I've yet to face hate mail. However, I definitely remember dealing with jealous friends all throughout high school. At the time I thought there was something wrong with me - something unlikeable. But once I was out of high school and gained more perspective, I realized that it was probably all rooted in jealousy. It was a really difficult time for me; and, I feel really bad for you that you have this coming from friends, online friends and total strangers. My thoughts are with you. I hope this 'hated' will stop soon.

  102. I can't believe the coincidence of reading your post on jealousy this morning. I am facing a very similar situation where success and happiness bothers... and sadly it doesn't only touch friends but also family in my case! Such wasted energy. Jealousy and hater comments often go along from miserable narrow minded people who try to find excuses for their miserable lives by trying to put successful minds down. The key is to be aware, in French we have this say "Ignoring is the best way to despise". Carry on the great work! Well done on the Emirates Home Magazine (I live in Dubai). Take care, Anne

  103. I don't agree that the world is broken. We are all human and our imperfections often hurt others (as with your haters). Rest assured you are not the only one who encounters online trolls. I get them too, and I'm nowhere near as successful as you!

    Some people just need to express their inner disappointment in themselves anonymously! Don't take it personally.

    As for people in your personal life - that is something to look closer at. I can imagine how painful that must be.

    Some friends are only for a season, right?

    Just keep doing what you love. You sales are the only feedback you need pay attention to!

  104. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    Insightful post Jen. Ignore those haters, it's such a waste of time when they can be doing something else much more productive!!!

    It makes me mad when i read this and you know, i think your art is really arty,unique, and filled with inspirations! Keep doing what you do. We do what we like to do and its with love and passion and you're right, you can't please everyone not that we plan to anyway!:D As for me, i've not received any jealousy via blogging yet and i didn't even know it existed, not to this extent anyway.

    Btw, as always, i like your paintin in this post!! Very vibrant and spring:) ANd love the way you do your table lay outs!


  105. Why did you even bother to spend time writing the post about haters? Or explain why your art is actually art? For their pathetic little souls this was pure ego food. Now they'll think they won since they obviously hit your nerve and instead of a post about your new paintings we got the post about haters hating your paintings.
    With haters you never win darling. Firstly because you are not one of them and secondly, cause if it was not your art it would be something else.
    Next time, just annoy them little more with your greatness.

  106. You are an amazing, talented person and your paintings are beautiful! You are one of my first blog I stumbled upon and gave me an inspiration to start my own blog. You also inspired me to create more art in my shop!

    Don't let anything or anyone stop you from doing what you love to do. Keep on going, keep on inspiring. ;-)

  107. If God is for you, who can be against you Jen. You are blessed and so they will try but they will not succceed. Psalm 35 always works. Stay blessed

  108. Kill em with kindness. They show jealousy, respond with Kindness. No one can touch Gods annointed. No matter how much they hate it will not let you be less successful, unless you allow it to affect you. Brush them of ya shoulders.

  109. Jen, I have so much respect and admiration for you. Your art is SO beautiful (and it's art!) and it takes talent for that. Some people barely understand that if something looks easy or simple, that doesn't mean it's easy or not art. I had my painting years and looking back on it, I can't combine colors as good as you! and even those brush strokes, ah you are too good! I just started out on graphic design and sometimes it seems so easy like picking a single font and that's it, but behind the scenes, there is so much time involved in choosing the right fonts that fit.

    And with jealousy, I think it takes time for people. I used to be that way whenever I see someone more successful than me. Thinking negative about them was a way to make me feel better. But since getting back into this blog world, I have learnt how to channel that hate/jealousy into something a lot better, like feeling inspired.

    P.S So happy for your success over at Cocoa and Hearts! Although I never ever make it in time to grab one of your paintings! Hopefully the next batch ;)

  110. Jen, kudos for your bravery and addressing this issue. Your work is amazing and you are a strong woman who has built her own business. You are a role model for many, including myself. Ignore the haters and put your efforts & emotion into your art. Rock on girl!

  111. art and beauty are in the eye of the beholder and i firmly believe that if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all!
    i have to feel sorry for jealous people because they mustn't be happy with their lives. happy people just can't be that negative; it isn't possible!

    i think your art is beautiful. i already have your gold LOVE print and i definitely have plans to purchase one of your bright paintings next... if i manage to get to your site before they sell out ;) xx

  112. WOW, it's hard to believe that people will take the time to email you something negative. It's so inspiring you can brush off such personal attacks and it was so great that you shared this today. I think we all deal with jealous folks. It's nice to get it out in the open and talk about it.

  113. TO EVERYONE: I wish i had time to respond to every single comment & email that was sent to me about this, but I'll do my best. THANKS from the bottom of my heart to all you who support my work. I agree with what 'TIA' said, talent is a gift from God - that i believe he gives to each of us, we just have to discover what it is. I think sometimes certain people look at successful people & let jealousy get in the way. They end up thinking that it was they should be doing too to be successful - when in reality God may not have gifted them with those same talents, but something else instead. Discovering what you're good at can take time, I hope people focus less on hating and more on feeling inspired to act on their own special God given talent.

  114. I absolutely LOVE your paintings, they are fresh, trendy and beautiful! I would love one in my home, that is why I am saving every penny for one... It's probably going to cost double that in postage to South Africa, but definitely worth it! xx

  115. I am late in commenting on this. But just wanted to say: You just have to keep "doin' you" as they say. You enjoy creating your art work and clearly others enjoy seeing your art. Congratulations on your continued success!

  116. ALWAYS keep in mind, whatever "hate" people are spewing towards you is generally hate they feel towards themselves, It's not about you Jen, it's about THEIR insecurities and feelings of unworthiness. It's like bullies in schools, they abuse their classmates because their home life is a living hell.

  117. Jen, you might not be Picasso but your paintings definitely hang beautifully in a modern house. Your art is colorful and happy and that's a beautiful thing! Look at all the supportive comments you have received - there's no point in filling your heart and head with Hater comments. Don't let them slow you down.
    I'm a frequent reader of your blog, though I rarely leave comments. I believe your work and your posts are beautiful and inspiring and so are you as a person.
    Keep walking the path you love and let the haters talk :)

  118. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    Good for you for not listening to the haters! Your work is simply incredible and very inspiring. Keep it up xoxo

  119. Jen-

    So sorry that you are having to deal with that... but look at it this way (and I think you already do) when people start hating, you know you've made it! I know it doesn't take the hurt out of some of those comments, but I always like to make up a story for those people... Like that they had a horrible childhood, then I can easily forget about it and go about my day... and they don't win... you do. ;)

    For the record, I love your art and find it cheerful, soothing and classic.

    Here's to the haters!

  120. I read this yesterday, but I didn't have time to comment. I agree with you, and I am sorry that you have haters. Ridiculous. I would have thought that jealousy ended in high school, but I think it can be even worse among adults. I have no idea why people take the time and energy to send/say negative and hurtful remarks. I love your art, and good for you for being able to sell it so quickly. That is awesome! Some people are just not able to be happy for others. Sad, sad, sad. But, here's a solution for those people: if you don't like Jen's art, don't buy it! In fact, you don't even have to look at it!

    Sorry for the long comment. You're fabulous. Keep doing what you're doing. Trust me, you have way more love coming your way than hate!

  121. Something I learned recently from researching for my business plan project:

    You're doing something spectacular when you start getting haters.

  122. Haters always hating! Love your work, your blog and your style.

  123. That's terrible! even if your art is not their "thing", there is a reason why it's always sold out

  124. girls can be so mean.
    your fabulous! just remember that.

    the the images

  125. Jen,
    I am a long time follower and a first time commenter. I felt compelled to comment on this post because I HATE jealousy; it is poison. To address my feeling of admiring and sometimes wanting what other people have, I make the distinction between jealousy and envy. This is a personal semantic distinction that may not work for everyone, but for me jealousy is wanting what someone else has and resenting them for it. Envy is just wishing you had it too. I envy you. Your success, your career, your marriage, your creativity, and your taste, and talent. When I first came across your blog, I thought "this woman is the business!" and i hoped to one day build a brand like yours, have a husband as lovely and as dear as yours, create a home as beautiful as yours, have a career that i am passionate about, like you are about yours. But I NEVER hated on you for it, NEVER felt like cutting you down or picking you apart for it. Instead, I congratulate you. You've built it, you've earned it, and you deserve it; you inspire me. I don't want your life or what you have, I want you to have and enjoy that, and I hope that in doing so, your blessings multiply. I just want to have the beautiful and glorious life that God has in his plan for me, and I'm working hard at it, with madebygirl as inspiration. In fact, my present to myself when I reach a certain milestone will be a cocoa and hearts painting! We are all products of God's love which means we each have a gift and a light to shine in this world. The people who hate on you, haven't figured that out yet. And if they used their powers for good and not trifling they too might know what it feels like to be a light that shines. Keep your head up, shake those haters off and stand in light, girl.

  126. SHEILA: A lot of what you said really struck me. I love that you realize (as i've mentioned b4) that we are all products of God's love - which means we all have a gift, but when we let spiteful & evil feelings surface, those gifts are set back on the table ) - i believe this to the fullest extent. Have patience... It will come. Trust me, I DONT have it all...i have lots of flaws & things wrong in my life. I just don't always choose to share EVERY single detail of my life on my blog, it's just not what I want my blog to be about. :) thank you for your compliments too! hang in there!

  127. it is sad that people will always want to tear someone down.
    all you can do is live your life on your terms.

    screww them I say!

  128. It's unfortunate that so much negativity exists but good for you for being so direct about it! xo

  129. Dear Jen, I have delt with jelousy all my life, I understand you completely, nothing that you can do about it, don´t let it affect you. And by the way, your paintings are awesome! They will be hanging in the Moma in the will see ;)
    I still have one of your small paintings on my wishlist, only with a baby on my hands I am always to late to be able to purchase one...hope to get lucky one day.

  130. They will no doubt be reading this and hating on you for being so gracious.
    Mark your success by your wins, not your losses.

  131. They are probably reading this now, hating on you more for being so gracious.

    Mark your success by your wins, not your losses.

  132. AnonymousMay 18, 2012

    Hi Jen
    I am ashamed to admit I have read your blog for years, but never commented.
    However, the number of blogs I love to read that have been publishing similar posts to yours lately really bothers me. Why are so many people (sadly enough, mostly women) sending these anomymous messages of hate to blogs that are usually promoting the exact opposite?
    I agree with the comment of 'Soronko Luxury Decor/Accessories'
    Kill em with kindness. Rise above it all, as kindness is a true sign of strength.
    If people don't like your art, or your blog, quite simply, don't log on and read! It's not rocket science!
    Keep up the great work.

  133. I am not surprised at your post. Some people just do not want good for you like they want for themselves. I have a love hate feeling about your art some of it I love and some of it I hate and some is just okay but you inspired me to sketch and I would love to blog more but I just have other things that are more important...YOU keep me in touch with what is going on and I thank and love you for that. My mom passed away last year but I reamember her coming to me when I found out a dear friend was not my friend and she sang to me Smiling faces, smiling faces tell lies...and I got proof, jealousy, jealousy, envy, envy.... heres the link to the song on youtube

  134. MONA: hate? Thats a strong word..i don't use that word much anymore. Thx for the honesty.

  135. I feel that most bloggers blog to inspire...not to brag...or fish for compliments...they are looking for like minded souls who will in turn inspire them too...So,
    it's always been strange to me that people will come to someone's blog again and again just to hate or put someone down. They would never go to someone's home to hate. I think they're are a lot of lonely people in the world with computers...sigh.

  136. I haven't been to your site for months, but I knew that you have something special about you, wise, entrepreneurial, sees open doors, mature, organised -- this I saw even before you opened up your site to include other artists. I think you had a thousand following then, but now amasing that you've braved out to sell your art, price and how popular you've grown. Most of all the +++ part was when I found out that you are someone who desires to know, live and choosing to honor God. It seems like that you do have a relationship with Him. I can only say Praise be to God. You are doing something special not many can do. I am impressed. I think this is due to you doing what you love and not being afraid to do so. Keep on going! You will do immeasurably more than you can ever imagine -- your former other artist contributor/always much to learn/I will be doing my first art exhibit quite nerve racking. bylee

  137. I haven't been to your site for months, but I knew that you have something special about you, wise, entrepreneurial, sees open doors, mature, organised -- this I saw even before you opened up your site to include other artists. I think you had a thousand following then, but now amasing that you've braved out to sell your art, price and how popular you've grown. Most of all the +++ part was when I found out that you are someone who desires to know, live and choosing to honor God. It seems like that you do have a relationship with Him. I can only say Praise be to God. You are doing something special not many can do. I am impressed. I think this is due to you doing what you love and not being afraid to do so. Keep on going! You will do immeasurably more than you can ever imagine -- your former other artist contributor/always much to learn/I will be doing my first art exhibit quite nerve racking. bylee

  138. There are enough of us out here in blog land that adore you. Don't fret the haters..I get them too, and it used to really upset me, but really... eff that ess... they can p*ss off ;)

  139. I rarely comment on blogs, but this has moved me enough to! I really can't understand how people get joy out of being nasty. If they don't like your art, well, they should go on their merry way. To be nasty is such as wasted energy. If everyone liked the same thing, what a boring world it would be. And as for the friends that have distanced themselves because of your success, well, they did you a favour. For someone to harbour those sorts of feelings, they are probably not the sort of people you would want to be around anyway.

    Be thankful for the talent and life you have. Enjoy the successes of your hard work. And if someone has a problem with it - it's their problem!

  140. Funny that your posted this. I just closed my blog due to this. .

  141. Hi Jen,
    I can't believe people would write such nasty things. Your art is beautiful so don't let those haters get to you. Obviously these people have way too much time on their hands and live a boring existence.
    Keep up the great work with your blog and your art! You're one truly inspiring gal...

    Loni, Adore Home. x

  142. AnonymousMay 21, 2012

    I have been following your blog and have been too lazy to ever comment even though I love it so I really don't understand people who have energy to send hate mails! Today I decided to take time to say that following your success actually makes me happy because it inspires me! I remembered this quote I love "A thought of hate should be destroyed by a stronger thought of love."
    Sending you my love and all my support!

  143. Steve Martin said "Be so good, they can’t ignore you." It's annoying them just how good you are...that's way all the "Haterade"

    Plus ,haters goin' hate...talent wins out every time...Hang in there.

  144. Oh Jen how awful. It is true how the enemy wants to lie steal and cheat no matter what the cost. But Christ can do all things through us. Lean on HIM!

    Love you!


  145. I absolutely used to ponder & used to try to please people, even when they least deserved it. I have befriended & been a kind ear & heart to many. Even those in my same industry. & almost every single time, this has backfired & I end up with a broken heart from a friendship that was apparently fake...or I get taken advantage of, talked about, etc.

    It took me time but I now realize that it doesnt matter. Truly. I can only be the best person that I can be. Some people TRULY cant handle the thought of not being the only one doing something. Which is funny to me because the world is so full of creative & beautiful souls & we should all learn to take the positive from everything & everyone & stop trying to OWN everything. HOW GREEDY we are for truly declaring something as ONLY OUR OWN. FIRST WORLD PROBLEM, undoubtedly & embarrassingly so.

    Keep making beautiful things. & feeling such beautiful things. Your art is so full of love & life & I TRULY adore it. Its what made me come to your blog & now, I keep coming back because of your lovely personality.

    Your silver LOVE print sits propped on a stand in my living room & although its so simple, it says so much & it makes me like the room that much more. So thank you for that.

    I truly wish that more people could live by the golden rule & realize that we are all just people at the end of the day. None of us any better than another. Regardless of our residence & bank account.

    & again, you are only as good as the company you keep. So on that note, keep your company limited & upbeat. Therefore you can always see & feel the beauty in life.

    & p.s. HOORAY for wonderful husbands. Mine is amazing as well & there are times that other women make snide remarks & try to remind me how lucky I am, as if I dont already know. Again, he is human too. We work so well together [10 yrs - next month] because we are just who we are & we love each other for a lifetime.

  146. AnonymousMay 29, 2012

    Hi Jen. Im sorry you have to deal with people who are nasty. Jealously is ugly and it creates such insecurity. Know that God is gracious even to those who are nasty to you. But He also LOVES you so much and is proud of you. I think you are amazing! and I think you are doing really well for yourself (hence an interview woudl still be wonderful if you are still keen?)
    I love your artistic flair and that is exactly why I want to share it more and more.
    Good luck and know God sees you shining for Him.
    Debs xx

  147. Hi Jen,

    Your work is fun, fresh and totally reflects who you are. I admire you because you are so candid and personal -- that's one reason you are successful and your work sells out. As someone who is much older than you, I've learned that God wants us to live an authentic life and that leads to many blessings. So don't apologize for your blessings.

    And don't get distracted by anonymous haters -- they are cowards who want to discourage you. People who have left your circle were not real friends anyway. Jealousy can be tough to deal with but don't let it stop you from using your gift (or talking about your wonderful husband)! :)


  148. Wow, after a super busy period of work I'm catching up. This hit home. Hard. I have a friend I've known since college completely freak out a few months ago on me. It seems my new job and being a new first time home owner sent her over the edge. It really hurt and since then she's apologized and we've made up but still there's a little part of me wondering if there's still a grain of jealousy there, so much so that I'm scared to share any new good news.

    The hard part is all that I've received lately, I worked my BEE-HIND off for. It wasn't just handed to me on a silver platter.


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