New Movie.....New Set

Sex and the City opens today and I am so bummed I won't get to see it till next week!! Well, in the meanwhile I found these sneak-peek shots of Carrie's new set via Apartment Therapy. Since the characters have evolved a bit, apparently so have their apartments. I like this new look, but I'd say Carrie is NOW writing columns for a 'higher end' magazine! How does she afford all this great stuff?? I'm going to avoid ALL blog posts about the movie for the next few days, I don't want to ruin it.

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Been wanting upholstery like this......

FOR AWHILE. I've always wanted a sofa or a chair with this mix and match upholstery in my office. I wonder how much something like this would cost to get done. Does anyone want to attempt a guess?? Lets assume we have already bought the single chair (on the left) for about $350-$450, what might the upholstery cost be? I love the various mixtures of fabrics, reminds me of this Living Etc Chesterfield sofa (pictured below on the right) with the patchwork-looking fabrics!

*awesome upholstered chair from Pink Chalk Studio Blog
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Random images I've saved....but why?

Ever wonder what compels you to save one image over another? Why beautiful interiors are so eye-catching? What do we keep these images for? inspiration? motivation? Do we wish we could one day live in a home like that, wear those clothes? drive that car marry that man?? As I pulled these various images off of my harddrive I began to wonder why I was drawn to each and everyone of these.....I came up with this: inspiration for my home, motivation to succeed in my business. Be up on the latest trends....etc. What type of images do you have on your hard drive?? And what triggers you to save those over others?? I'm curious.....

*Above Vogue Living Australia -Thanks Felicity!!!!!!

*Above MY DREAM SOFA- from Real Living Shopping

*above from Snobber Blog

*Above from the book 'Bazaar Style' available on Amazon.

*Above from Marie Claire Maison

*Above from Sara Jane's Blog

*Above from FOREVER 21

*Above David Beckham Armani Ad

*Above from Living Etc.

*Above from Amy Chin.

*above from Living Etc.

*Above from this blog.
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A stop at Booth 1842-MadeByGirl (Part 1)

The 'National Stationery show' was a great learning experience for me and my business. Exhibiting gives you an opportunity to network and meet people in the press you normally wouldn't be able to reach online. I'm so proud of my booth it didn't let me down, everything stayed intact!  Please leave your comments, good or bad, I can take it.

*Above, some of the fashion I wore at the show- for those who were curious.

*More fashion above...

*Before set up - what a mess!

*Hmmm looking good- what a difference the frames make.
We actually created those frame wallpapers ourselves.

*More NSS pics to come.........
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Flying back home.....

At the airport, on my way back home. I had such a blast here in NYC!  NSS went pretty well for MadeByGirl and the press seemed quite interested in my work, yay!  I met so many other bloggers and people who have been reading my blog and that alone made my day. All in all it was a success and I'm happy to have experienced it.  Will be posting shots of the booth soon, so come back to see it all. 

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NYC Bound....

Ok, I'm finally heading off to the airport to NYC for the National Stationery show! This will be my first show ever, so wish me luck, I'm so nervous! For those of you who'll be there, if you see me, please say hello. I may look stuck up, but I'm not!  haha   So, I apologize if there is a lack of posts until the 23rd....I will try to post something from my laptop in NY.  I'll leave ya with one of the newest cards at MadeByGirl. Enjoy your weekend.

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Wallpaper? More like ART....

Maybe you've heard of Deborah Bowness? If not, I'd like to take a minute to introduce her work to you. I remember moving into my old house and there was 70's wallpaper everywhere, even on the ceiling in some rooms!?! What a hassle to remove all that. I remember saying "I hate wallpaper!" Well, wallpaper has come back to impress us (although some would still say haunt us) and Deborah's hand printed designs are quite impressive. What do you think? Do you have wallpaper in your home?

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P.S. this movie was great!

I finally got to see the film "P.S. I Love You" for the first time last night.  This movie was so sad (even my bf pulled out the tissues) and very touching. Its about a woman who's husband dies from a terrible illness and her struggles to keep going and rebuild her life again.  I recommend this film, however if you've ALREADY seen it, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Gerard's (Jerry) irish accent captivated me....I saw him in '300' but he was a lot more adorable in this film. Hooray for LOVE!

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Happy Mom's Day....

I really Love this magazine from Denmark called BOLIG. Even though I don't speak the language the pictures are captivating enough to where you can spend quite a long time looking around. Unlike other mag sites, BOLIG doesn't disappoint, they even have an option where you can enlarge the photographs. Check them out! Happy MOM'S day!

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