NYC Bound....

Ok, I'm finally heading off to the airport to NYC for the National Stationery show! This will be my first show ever, so wish me luck, I'm so nervous! For those of you who'll be there, if you see me, please say hello. I may look stuck up, but I'm not!  haha   So, I apologize if there is a lack of posts until the 23rd....I will try to post something from my laptop in NY.  I'll leave ya with one of the newest cards at MadeByGirl. Enjoy your weekend.



  1. Hey of luck!!! You'll do great and the show is alot of fun if not alot of work! Drink lots o' water! And know where the bathroom is! ;)

    Have fun and travel safe! We'll all be waiting :)

  2. Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!

  3. AnonymousMay 16, 2008

    Good luck. I hope to stop by your booth. What type of print is this///are these screen prints? I love how graphic they are.

  4. Love the new card. Have a great weekend, I'm sure you'll do fantastic at the show!

  5. I wish i could go! I'm sure you'll do great!

  6. AnonymousMay 16, 2008

    Good luck!!! I'm sure it's going to be a big hit for you!!

  7. Good luck! I may be stopping by the show on Monday so if I do I'll be sure to visit your booth and say hello!

  8. Jennifer: You will rock the show. Be proud of you. You are so fresh and unique. Buyers will fall madly, truly, deeply in love with your line. Get ready to freak out you stuck up little girl! (Take lots of pics...pretty please)

  9. how cute are you? i may look stuck up, but i'm not! hope it was a raging success! {as if it wouldn't be...what am i thinking?!}

  10. AnonymousMay 20, 2008

    You don't need luck. You're designs are fabulous, you've obviously got the talent.

    Have fun in NYC, wish I could go:)

  11. I actually attended the stationery show and had the pleasure of meeting Jennifer and her sis. They are the sweetest! Had a great time chatting and bouncing ideas off both of them. Beautiful stuff! SO Vibrant! Curious to hear her take on the show. Lots of people, but were they buying or just browsing???

  12. AnonymousMay 21, 2008

    hi , i am a card designer in Australia and discovered your blog the other day! Just wanted to let you know that i have put your blog on my list "BLOGS OF MAY" ...blogs that i have stumbled upon this month that have inspired or entertained me ! Hope thats ok.

  13. AnonymousMay 21, 2008

    Good luck, I'm sure it will be a great show for you!

  14. Hi Jennifer.....
    Very best of luck to you! Very exciting!
    Oh and I finally got to add your link. I'm a bit of a snail : )

  15. Wish you luck and nice to meet you

  16. Lou lou,
    sorry for the late response, but thanks soo much!
    I saw it and will add you if i haven't already. . :)


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