What I REALLY want for Christmas...

My head has been spinning lately....You see, I'm getting that feeling of wanting to move back to New York City....again. So, if I had to choose one gift this year, it would be that. I used to live there several yrs ago & my family is still there - which I MISS very much! In fact, if my mom didn't love coming out here so much, I'd visit her more often. 

Manhattan is so alive... every time I visit, I SWEAR, I want to stay longer! Frankly, moving there would be giving up a lot, mainly square footage. As most of you know we have a decent home here in NV & it would SADDEN me to leave it.  

UNFORTUNATELY, due to the market, we'd have to rent it or.....not. You see, I'm VERY fanatical when it comes to my home, a perfectionist to say the least. So, other people (renters) in my home, would feel invasive to me. Is that so bad? Hmmm

Let's face it, we've played landlord before in the past & it was a BIG mistake! No matter how nice & neat potential renters seem, they can be pretty messy & uncaring once the keys are in their hands. The thought of being a landlord again stresses me out. 

Know what I mean?? Ever experienced a renter from hell???!  We have!

It's no party & truthfully it takes up a lot of my work time.  No renters means we'll only be able to afford a smaller place because we'd still have to pay on this house...it sucks. Oh, what to do??

So, in the meanwhile MY GUY is searching out JOBS in NYC.  A good job in the software/web industry. To be more specific - he's a UX/UI designer & information architect.  If you know anyone in this industry & can get us in touch with them, we'd appreciate it.  We are ready...!  As for me, I can pretty much work anywhere from home. Thank God.

The worst part of this whole thing is we would be sacrificing a large home & moving into a smaller apartment in the city. To many of you, that would suck, to me, I desperately want the culture & the vibe NY offers. I think there are days where I just want to pull my hair out because this town is sooooooooo fashion-backwards. 

Yes, I like fashion & love when average folks on the street have their own individual style. It seems LV lacks this - BIG time. It makes me feel like the elephant in the room every time I walk into my local Starbucks.  Most people here look the same, no one really stands out. I like a town that has vibe & culture, it's how I grew up, I can't help it. We're NOT the types that go out to clubs or bars, we prefer big bookstores, cafes, restaurants, museums & going to farmer's markets.

And yes, these are my views and my experiences, so if you disagree, that's fine.

Oh & I get invited to a bunch of events and 99% of the time they're in NYC. Figures.

I know I'm venting, but I feel I'm at a crossroads & if my guy lands THE job, we may just end up moving to NYC. We'd come back every so often to visit our home here in LV - but that's it. I've learned that material items, whether it's a big home, a nice car or 30 handbags, none of this will truly make a person (me) HAPPY....I have to dig deep into my heart & listen to what's it trying to tell me. 

In the end, I believe God will lead us on the right path whatever is decided...

So, am I crazy?? Would you give up a nice big home for a small place in a vibrant city?!? Should we sacrifice certain things to find a bit more happiness?

-NYC images by Marilynn K. Yee via New York Times



  1. It's so weird, cause I was venting about this very topic to my hubby this morning! I feel the same way about NYC and about Tampa (where I live). It's verrrry boring here. There's a huge lack of culture and excitement. NYC brings my soul alive! So, I completely feel you. You're blessed that your hubby is willing to move and that you can work from home. So, I say do it! You will make your space (as small as it may be) absolutely spectacular. Besides, you'll be in NYC!! With so much to do in the city, you'll be happy to get out of the apartment! : ) Be true to yourself and trust in God's guidance. As long as you stay in His will, it will all work out. Best wishes to you Jen!

  2. I used to live in the suburbs and I was feeling the same way you do. My husband was transferred to NYC, so we have our house rented in the suburbs and we rent an apartment in Hoboken. Have you heard of Hoboken? It is the cutest town, very walkable, right across the river from Manhattan, so I have the empire state building on my window without all the noise of the city. And in 8 minutes I am in Manhattan if I get the ferry. You may love Hoboken, it is like a little Manhattan, next to the big Manhattan, without the price tag.

  3. Im TOTALLY with you!!! We're in the DC area and in an area where I can walk everywhere which I LOVE!! We rent and we're cramped but to me thats better than being far away from everything and needing to actually drive. We even joke that when we start to "grow" as a family, we'd be happier in a 2BR apt with savvy little city kids than far away with tons and tons of space. Maybe Ill change my mind someday... but maybe not :)
    So you're def not alone!!! xo!

  4. Home is where the heart is, right? If you can make it work and it's where you want to be, go for it :) Everything else will fall into place.

  5. Go for it! My dad lived in LV when I was in high school and I visited enough to know that the type of people that live there only exist in that city, and they're all the same: tan, blonde, materialistic, and lacking any sort of class or style. Basically the complete opposite of a NYer. And, as someone who just downsized to live downtown, I can tell you it is worth it! It is actually sort of cleansing to get rid of unnecessary stuff. Good luck with your decision!

  6. Hi Jen... I think it would only be crazy if you DIDN'T rent your NV home. I know what your saying about Renters because my sister deals with them, but I think that would be the best way. I would lose sleep knowing I could be bringing in additional income w/ that rent. I know that may just be me.
    But It seems like you really want to do it. You have to follow your heart. If he gets the job, maybe you could try it out. It's an adventure, worth looking into! Sometimes once we starting looking for that thing we really desire, the pieces seem to come into place.
    Good Luck, I can't wait to hear more.

  7. it is wonderful that you are following your heart. everything else will fall into place. you are right- no material possessions make you feel the way that will! congrats.


  8. Jen, I can so relate to you. My husband works in Manhattan and we used to live there. In September we gave up our tiny Midtown apartment to settle in the NJ suburbs since we have 2 little ones now.

    I do miss the lively city & culture... just walking down the street was so much more fun there.

    (& I also lived in LV from 2001-2005 so I can relate! i LOVED LV for shopping and partying but now that I am older it is just not the place for me.)

    I am sure you will end up where your heart is. Your success will reward you in the end!

  9. I've been in this position before...in fact, this is (sort of) my current state. My huz and I moved from downtown Chicago to Orange County due to his job. I know many people would kill to live in OC, and while the weather is great, I miss Chicago like crazy - - the culture, architecture, museums, and Michigan Ave shopping! You have to do what is best for YOU and what will make YOU and your guy most HAPPY! In the end, you won't be taking your big home with you, you'll be taking the memories you've made throughout your life.

    Give your worries to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will never let good people down. - Psalm 55:22

  10. great post! I actually moved from Toronto to Houston to be with my husband, but I love life here much more because Houston is a pretty great city. I lived at home when I was in canada and I was in the suburbs outside of toronto...maybe i'd feel differently if I lived in the city.

    I have to be honest and admit that I do love having a big house (and being able to afford it!) My friends from TO visited this past summer and though they have great jobs they will have to pay 700k or more to have a house 2/3 the size of ours and that they would have to renovate. That would frustrate me, I think.

    My H and I are hombodies and I love to decorate so I love having a home where I can do that and I love that I don't have to stress as much about space. I like that Houston is somewhere where I can go out and attend events but also be perfectly happy at home---it's a good balance I guess.

    I understand how you feel though. Ever since I was a teen I always dreamed of living in NYC. I've visited a few times and the city just sucks you in and makes you fall in love with it. I don't know that I could live there though because it seems like everyone is out all the time and that people don't spend a lot of time at home. I like a balance :)

    Wishing you all the best w/ your decision and sorry for typing a novel here!


  11. There's nothing like NYC - :)

  12. i have never been to NYC (on my wish list) but we did the big sea change and moved from the city to the coast and whilst 90% of the time i love it, sometimes i miss the vibe that only a big city can give you.

  13. MINA: WOW..i used to live in Tampa too!! i also found it veru booooring...so i totally get you. Yes, im so thankful that my guy is willing to move :)

    Thank you for your comment- it really means a lot & trusting God's guidance is a must - i have to keep at it.

  14. LIA: yes, i know hoboken, but i dont think ive ever been. I may have to check it out because being so close to the city & having more space sounds appealing. thank you!!

  15. CASIE MACE: Lucky you!! Being in the suburbs..i cant stand it. Getting in the car is a daily routine...

    ONE STYLISH DAY AT A TIME: You couldnt be further from the truth, i swear. Style is a big one for me..i dont like materialism per se but i like stylish people...know what i mean? Big lack here, glad you know what i mean.

    JADE: I know the rental thing is REALLY weighing on me. You're right that the money i'd save by renting this place would bring additional income..i really just have to let go & hope for the best. I really need major convincing...because having had bad experiences before makes it twice as hard to just rent it.

  16. SPEARMINT BABY: I know how you feel..
    i also just miss walking down the streets in the city...

  17. we are moving to NYC in the next 6 months. My hubby has a job there and is commuting from south jersey. i'm so nervous about moving and finding an apartment and good place to live ( we have a baby). tell me everything about moving to the city. EVERYTHING. i feel so suburban!

    We're homebodies too...but its so awesome to be able to walk out of your place and see people, go and walk to a cafe or a bookstore, i love that i guess. It feels desolate living in the suburbs and every year its gotten more & more lonely living out here...
    Im in a weird bind because I dont have much in common with our neighbors - or most people I meet here in LV. I guess thats a huge part of it, the lack of a real connection with people who have similar interests....
    Im glad you enjoy houston :) Ive been to Toronto, it was super cold, but its a very nice place!

  19. Oh Jen, I think that moving to a smaller place in a city that feels more you is not a sacrifice at all. Look at me, here I am in a freaking island in the middle of nowhere, where there is absolutely NOTHING. Yes I have a 3 bedroom house, two cars, a huge garden...but you know what? I don't care about that. I much rather go back to Toronto, to our teeny tiny apartment, where we have no vehicles, where we have to take the subway and the streetcar, but where I get to be VERY HAPPY because I would be living in the place I LOVE. So if the opportunity arises, I say go for it ;)

  20. I definitely say follow your heart. Yeah, you have a lot of space (house) in Las Vegas but at this point you only have space and nothing else. Seems like your life is in New York City.

  21. i'm in nyc. i have a love/hate relationship. it can be so expensive & yes... very hard to find a good apt. (i have a lucky setup). yet there's so much going on here. good luck!

  22. You are not crazy - I pay ridiculous rent for a small, but quaint and lovely apartment in Los Angeles near the beach and always cringe when I here the huge homes old friends have who pay less for their mortgage than i do in rent. But, after I cringe, my thought is always - I wish I could be happy living somewhere else. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it - it's just not me. Your life is yours alone and you only get one go at it so I think you've just got to do what is going to make you wildly, passionately, dizzyingly happy and it sounds like NYC is a part of you. I think you should go for it ... bonus is it will be even greater for your business getting to actually attend and network at all those events AND you can make money renting out your LV place (that you would be crazy not to do). My two cents ... much luck and love. XO

  23. You are not crazy at all!! Pray, pray and pray some more. :)

  24. Living in a big house in a place you don't really love isn't really living. You're not crazy - follow your heart! People don't really get it - I moved away from So.Cal. to set up shop in KY of all places - but I really love it here. I think I was born to be surrounded by horse farms and southern accents ;) oh - and cheese grits are goooood! Just sayin'!

  25. Oh gosh! Is it something in the air? I so would gladly give up my square footage to move back to NYC. My guy and I were talking about the same thing briefly this morning. I miss NYC, I left my life back there. I always knew I was going to go back and now is the time. I miss my family and I am tired of watching my niece grow up by looking at pictures on Facebook and now that I have a new nephew it is making me even more anxious to move back.

  26. Follow your heart, always!! It will always lead you in the right direction. I have moved from Boston to La....I know the feeling.

  27. sister, move already.. So, I could come visit!!


  28. I've got my fingers crossed that it'll happen for you guys!! xoxo

  29. You belong in NYC. When I read your blog and I see your photos, I think ,"What is she doing in Vegas?!" You must be the only girl who dresses well.
    I am from NYC,(way back!) and Bermuda and know exactly of what you speak, because I live in Phoenix.
    And Scottsdale is nouveau riche gauche.
    I have a best friend in Vegas and both cities are uber casual. Nothing wrong with it, but it isn't your way.
    Run as fast as you can with your Hubby to Manhattan. You are young,smart,aware and fashion and design is your life and your career!
    Maybe you could try to sell the house since you get so much exposure? Or rent it as a Executive Listing for professionals with higher incomes and a higher rent and deposit. It is worth having a property manager if you live out of state to protect your investment.

  30. I think you already know you are willing to make the trade-off between house size and city experiences. And I know what you mean, I live in a the suburbs and I love it, but yeah, fashion and glamour are not The Thing here :D I think this is going to happen for you and I hope it is soon!

  31. Tough decisions, but I would pick a smaller place for happiness :) I have never really had to deal with renters before but my older sister and her husband did, so I got to see what they went through and yes very hard to get good renters! I love NYC and love going there, I have thought about living there before but unsure if I could do it, but I think you would thrive there and so excited for you!!! I will pray that everything works out for you!! (which I know it will)
    all the best! HUGS
    Pure2raw Twin

  32. NYC born and raised. There are days when I hate this place, no parking, public transportation sucks (wait to you see a rat on the subway platform waiting for a train with you), the homeless people begging for money, the schizo's, the high rents, parking tickets for no apparent reason (I mean to have a car is useless here, but I HATE public transportation), the taxes, MTA going up on the fares and trains dirty or running late, horrible public school system for children, but great assortment of colleges, high unemployment (don't let the "glamour" fool you) the noise when you have to be up at 6am. It can work your nerves....

    Then there are days when I love where I'm from. This time of year seeing the Christmas tree at Rockerfeller Center, Fashion Week, the fact that I can get anything to eat any time I want, the constant events, museums, street musicians, Century 21, Barneys, Bergdorf Goodman, Macy's, Tiffany's, Central Park in the summer, Brooklyn flea market, BAM Festivals, countless street fairs in the summer, Little Italy, the Village, Meatpacking District, SoHo (although to cleaned up now, back in the late 80's and early 90's these places rocked!) Times Square (not just on New Year's), the various stores, Union Square Greenmarket, The Yankees, Mets, Knicks. Harlem, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island...it's all here. Don't let anyone say anything bad about NYC, I'll go off on you in a New York Minute...

    What can I say. As Jay and Alicia said "Concrete Jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do".

    If you want to come alive, this is the place!

  33. Go for it Jen! you should try living in NH where a sweatshirt is in fashion!!! AAAAHHHH!! good luck! ;--))

  34. Hi Jen,

    yes! Go for it! I live in New York City and I commute to work. It only takes me 25 minutes. I live in a beautiful historical block in Harlem and I work in the fashion district. There's nothing like just walking out of your apartment and knowing you are in the city and you can walk everywhere and you're just a short train ride away to anything you want. Museums (the Met is my favorite, MOMA, etc) or the stores, bookstores, Central Park. Christmas time in the city is beautiful (yes you have to have patience with the shoppers and tourists) The window displays, walking down fifth avenue in the early evening and looking at the stores or the little pop up Christmas fairs that are around the city. Jen, you are too much of a fashionista to NOT be in one of the best cities...
    Best Wishes!

  35. MONI@CL JOURNAL: you're comment was too funny...especially when you mentioned the rat on the subway platform. LOL Which btw, i've seen...I grew up there & i saw it all, but the parts I hate in NYC i try to stay away from.

    The parts i hate about here, i can't seem to escape..weird. I love all the thing you said you love as well....thanks for your comment! :))

  36. Jen- You summed everything up in that last sentence... "In the end, I believe God will lead us on the right path whatever is decided" You just keep praying about it and it will all fall into place- If your heart is in NYC God will eventually lead you back...I have been praying many prayers lately and you and I just have to put our trust in him- He will always takecare of us and lead us in the right direction!

    xoxo- Tiffany

  37. sounds to me that moving to NYC is perfect for you and your hubby! I follow your posts and blog regularly, and you are always talking about NY or your family living there... and I guess I've always thought to myself, why doesn't she live there? it seems like a PERFECT fit for you. frankly, I am excited for you!!! anyways when all else fails, just follow your heart, it'll never lead you down the wrong path. good luck n fingers crossed for you! :)



  38. that's such a tough dilemma to face! We're currently going through the same thing at the moment... ready to move but not quite sure if it's the right time. I know it'll work out, though & that's what I'll say to you. Good luck with everything! Can't wait to follow your decision!

  39. I understand what you mean! I also have a love of NYC and it's energy and being from a small town in Florida I sometimes feel stuck in the twilight zone! If you get the chance to move, do it!

  40. No, follow your heart! You only live once in life and you want to live your BEST life. There are tons of great spaces in Brooklyn and you would achieve the best of both worlds; bigger living space and NY. Go for it and never look back!

    Live life, live freely,


  41. I cant say enough, GO FOR IT! NOW! not later, dont think about it back & forth...do what your heart is telling you. you only live once, have only one soul & sometimes only certain things suit that soul..& make it smile ;)

    I am stuck in Utah currently, due to my husband having an amazing job here..however, he works for a Canadian Company and both of us are so ready to move...I cant wait.

    I hope it all works out for the best & in a quick timeframe too.

    I grew up in Vegas as a child & I can say, it does all get a little old & while a larger home is nice, I think doing what is screaming out to you will be far more fulfilling.

    Best Wishes!

  42. oh & one last thing...guaranteed this will get you through...

    Utah, while it does have a handful of stylish ladies & MANY talented people...is full of what I like to call "cookie cutters"

    they all dress alike & do the same things. Which to me, is far from trendy... :)

    & I now live in a teensy little town...with just a grocery store & post office & you would not believe how I feel going shopping sometimes..definitely a bit of a laugh.

  43. AARON - Thank you for your comment!
    Oh i know a lot about cookie cutter, this town is full of that.

  44. DISSOLVED GIRL: We're on the same boat! It's pretty amazing to see so many people feel the same way & be supportive. It really gives me that extra boost that I need!

  45. SAEwards:Yes, we did think of looking in brooklyn as well...but i dont know it that well so its hard to gauge what the best parts are....any suggestions of locations and nice areas in Bklyn??

  46. GABY: Aww i had no idea you felt same way!! All that you said was soooo true. I cant wait to see what's in store for us..I pray that we're headed in the right direction- soon!

  47. TIFFANY: i totally believe that..thanks!

  48. Jen, if things work out for your hubby to find a job in NYC, I say go for it! If it's something you're truly passionate about AND your family lives there, I'd say it's a no brainer!
    (PLUS, we could meet up for coffee and talk design and fashion one day in NYC since my bff just moved there and I plan on visiting a lot more ;)
    Praying that things work out for you and your hubby for the absolute best! <3

  49. i feel the same way, you are not crazy at all..move to NY. If that is what makes you happy then do it!!!!!

  50. In the end, material things don't matter, only experiences do. "Stuff" just fills the void in the meantime. Follow your heart.

    Besides, there's too much fun to be had in NYC to be holed up at home! You'll find that you don't need all that space after all.

    I grew up in Vegas, lived in NYC, and count my blessings to have the life I have in LA now. Every move was a risk, but thoroughly worth it. And if another city (or even country) called out to me, I would move again in a heartbeat. Life is too short to simply settle.

  51. That is a hard decision.
    I have been a landlord and I totally understand. Our house wasn't too bad in the end but it was still annoying to deal with.
    We actually live in LV now. It's ok but I think it's a hard place to live. Many people in our area keep to themselves. I know 3 of my neighbors (because our kids play together sometime). The weather is not my fav except this time of year. I don't see us living here forever but my husband has a great job, and we have a beautiful spacious home. We always talk about relocating to other cities. I think if my husband got a job in Cali by the beach and we had to move in a dinky apartment I would do it tomorrow. I realized that when my husband sent his resume out. It was another step but that step made me think about what I really wanted.
    Hopefully you can find that gut feeling and know where your heart needs to be.
    I wish you all the luck in deciding.

  52. Hi Jen, I totally get where you are coming from. After spending 8 years in London (UK) I moved back to my home town a few years ago. I have my own home - something I couldn't afford in London - a car and I love being near my family, but it lacks the buzz, excitement and inspiration that London has. London has amazing places to eat on every corner, and cool, fashion forward people. I was there this weekend and I loved it!

    NYC is such a great city...I can see why you would want to move there, I often think I would happily live there myself!

    I think you should follow your heart...and all the details will work themselves out

  53. Go for it! Follow your heart. NYC is definitely the place to be. Especially if you already have connections and roots there. And so what if your sq ft is going to be a lot smaller. The city and all it has to offer will be your playground.

  54. Loved this post so much, I HAD to comment...

    My parents are from New York but moved to California before having kids. My ENTIRE family still lives back there so I visit as often as possible, but it's never enough. I think about New York every. single. day. My heart actually hurts when I see ads, commercials, movies... anything with even a glimpse of NYC, cause even though I've never actually lived there, it's Home. I step off the plane and suddenly the biggest weight on my shoulders, that I didn't even know was there before, is lifted. And I truly feel both at peace and alive. Sounds funny to say about a crazy busy city, but you know what I mean??

    NYC somehow has this magic that even Disney can't compare to. And once you've experienced it for yourself, it's sooo hard to want to be anywhere else!

    Praying for you Jen, that everything works out for you and your hubby! LOVE reading your blog every day, especially the NYC posts, so I can only imagine what more of a treat your blog would be if you lived there! Best of luck, and hope you have a great Christmas!


  55. I've recently moved from a studio in the UES to a 3 bedroom house in the burbs of London. After 8 years of being in the city I felt like I had done all I could do there and was happy to leave. Seeing pictures will always tug on my heart strings though.

  56. I think a smaller place would be fine in NYC because it is just such an experience and it is so alive and vibrant. Chances are you would be home less anyways. With your taste you will make a smaller place rock and you will have a blast doing it!! xo

  57. I always wish I were in a big city for the same reasons. We live in Tampa and yes, the weather is great...but alomst too great. I need variety. The culture and fashion is lacking so much. I'm all about moving to Chicago or NY. Give me some action, change of pace, and individual style!!

  58. I'm a native New Yorker and never think twice about my small home. It's completely worth living in a smaller space just to be in New York :)
    Good luck - hope you are able to make a permanent move out here!

  59. I think you should follow your heart and go! Just because the life is too short, and we won't have this energy to move and do big changes the entire life :)
    But keep calm and ask God to open the doors to the best place for you and your guy.


  60. Move back here to NYC, Jen! I totally know what you mean, living here you make a lot of sacrifices and have to put up with a lot, but something about this place just makes it worth it. I can see your dilemma though, you have a gorgeous home with tons of space. But I would LOVE to see what you'd do with a little apartment, I know it would be just as stylish.

  61. Im obviously biased but that doesn't seem crazy at all. Especially since you have lived here before, you know exactly what its like so if you are being drawn back, go for it.

    And yes, Ive had renters from hell. Not pretty.

  62. Jen, I live just outside the city and I have to say that I understand completely. I have lived abroad in several different countries and there is no other place in the world like the northeast. It is a way of thinking and a pace of life that you can't find anywhere else. There are days that I wish for something different but the variety and ethnicity in culture, food and design make life interesting. Brooklyn is a nice in between of the community feel and the city feel.

  63. Just to mention the Cobble Hill section of Brooklyn and Dumbo is great too!

  64. No matter how small the apt is you know you'll make it a warm, chic, beautiful, functional home, and you and your man will be SO happy! If you decide to let renters live in your apartment all I can say is screen them really good! Make them give 2 or 3 past rental references, personal references and do a credit check!!! Don't be afraid to draw up a really detailed contract too about changes they are and aren't allowed to make or fees for any type of damage they create. GOOD LUCK JEN!

  65. Have you thought about contacting a rental agency, so you don't have to deal with the renters? One of my friends is renting out her place through an agency and I haven't heard her complain once. Everything will work out!

  66. racking my brain right now to figure out if I know of a lead for your guy....crossing my fingers and toes for you both so that it all works out and you can move back to NYC...you are so obvi. a NYer!:) Giving up square footage means you would just make a smaller place that much chicer, you are so talented and creative, would be NO prob..(and ps. we are in a landlord rental big problem right now with the world worst tenant...ugh!)

  67. I've lived in GA and LA while hubby was in the Army... it was what we had to do at the time but now we live back "home" where family is, and for us that is Cleveland, Ohio (yeah, yeah...the brunt of all bad-city jokes) but to me "home" is where family is... & for your sake, hopefully fashion too! SO MOVE!! :)) Life is too short.

  68. This was a great read! I think you def. capture what alot of us feel. Thanks for making me not feel alone in my wants/needs. I will be praying for you and your Hubby! The right thing WILL happen for ya'll!

    xoxo, Emily

  69. We rent out an apartment that we used to live in, and we have dream renters! I secretly think it's because the girl is from Nebraska, and I think Midwesterners (in general) do live up to the stereotype of being good people. (And I am not a Midwesterner!)

  70. Sometimes you have to trade one good thing in to get another, and it always takes a little but of risk and bravery to do that. I think it's a pretty good swap but the unknowns are always scary. LV is definitely NOT new york, but you do a wonderful job of bringing it some life!! You have talent and will make things great no matter where you are. No amount of square footage will change that! Good luck!

  71. jen, I'll say a little prayer for you that everything works out as it should! Life has a funny way of doing that! I know the feeling it's quite frustrating, your heart is telling you to make a change I say do everything in your power to do so!


  72. O here's to hoping the opportunities of a big move present itself soon! I know what you mean about fashion backwards. I'm in OK and I can imagine there's not much of a difference compared to NV. I do live in a college town so I bank on those ambitious diverse kids stepping outside the box.

  73. Live where you're happiest! Good luck!!

  74. Will pray for your guy to get the 'perfect' job! And I so know what you mean about the Las Vegas 'look'!

  75. Big home where you drive yourself to frustration trying to make a space that makes you happy in a city that leaves you disapointed.
    Small home you can use as a home base and nest in and love and have the whole city as your livingroom and backyard to be delighted in...

    For people who really need the city to thrive i can't see space really mattering that much in most situations...

  76. Please have him check out salesforce.com! We have many openings and I'm based in our NYC office. I'd be happy to chat with him!

  77. Go for it! You have to look out for your own happiness because no one else will. Do what makes YOU happy!

  78. You are so sane. We gave up our BIG house in May for a loft in a college town with lots of restaurants, boutiques, book stores, and quaint coffee shops all within walking distance. I now bike to the post office, bank, and for my morning coffee. The farmers market is on the next block so every Sunday we walk for fresh flowers, hummus, and fruit.... WE love it! The people here are so cultured, interesting, and inspiring! My son is attending a school where they encourage kids to explore things they love like travel, art, etc.

    My hubby and I let God guide us and this is where we ended up and it has been the best decision for our family and lifestyle. Trust that God will lead you exactly where you need to be. Good luck with everything and I really hope your Guy gets the perfect job. :)


  79. i say do it 100%. you have family there and if it's where your heart feels the most humble, excited, and at home then go for it! I'd love to do the same myself, but unfortunately my husbands job doesn't transfer that easily

  80. Jen, so exciting you guys are thinking about moving to NY!! I think it will be great for you. Small places can be the most fun to decorate too.

    I have renters in my old condo and they actually keep it immaculate. Hoping you are able to find people who appreciate what you have done to the home. Maybe a fellow design lover?

  81. I completely understand how you feel. My husband is a Marine, which has our family moving every few years, leading us to areas of the country that leave me feeling seriously uninspired.
    We currently reside in Alabama, and no offense to the local population, but their sense of personal style and mine don't seem to match. I wore this amazing pair of purple jeans with a killer pair of heels to the store, and while my two daughters were incredibly excited about my choice in garments, the consumers were staring at me as if my pants were as equally shocking as a Mike Tyson face tattoo.
    I wish we were back in Southern California, where my style and inspiration levels were at their peak.
    Best of wishes to you, hope your dream of residing in NYC happens for you!

  82. Yes! You must follow your dreams. We had a house in LV and the renters were horrible. Ad everything you said about it is so true. We sold the house and which I would trade for my LA house in a heartbeat.

    I lived in SF and the vibe there is the same as NY. Plus you won't have alot to clean. Ha Ha

  83. Yes! You must follow your dreams. We had a house in LV and the renters were horrible. Ad everything you said about it is so true. We sold the house and which I would trade for my LA house in a heartbeat.

    I lived in SF and the vibe there is the same as NY. Plus you won't have alot to clean. Ha Ha

  84. Jen---we live in the loop in Houston so in the city...I agree I'd probably feel differently if we lived in the suburbs of Houston. My H and I made the decision to stay in the loop of the city because although we love being home, we like to be close to great shopping, reastaurants, concert venues etc. I don't know if we will ever move to the suburbs unless we outgrow our current home, but I'd like to stay in the city as long as possible because the commute is so much better.

    crossing my fingers for you and I hope everything works out!

  85. Bummers about the house situation, but yay! NY!
    I have always wanted to go there, and I hope one day I can. I used to dream of living there when I was young, fresh, and kid-less. But, alas, I am now old, worn, and settled with a brood to look after.
    I experience the similar "fashion backwards" scenarios living here in Hawaii, where flip flops are a staple of every wardrobe. You should see the looks I get when I wear my pumps......lol. So I just rock whatever I want and laugh to myself when I get the sideway glances.
    Good luck on your adventure! Everything will work out. Sometimes it just takes a bit longer than we would like.

  86. Change is good. Do it! And I agree that you should rent your home. Just replace any and all beloved light fixtures with something inexpensive and from a box store—and anything else you may have that is part of your home that is special and then store it. Find a property management company to deal with needy renters. You'll be in NYC so you'll really only be home to sleep and shower.

  87. CAT TOLER: Wow, Ive never been to Alabama, but I imagine its even lore backwards than it is here. I have gotten similar stares as you when i wore my red jeans...

    You're post made me laugh when you mentioned mike Tyson...LOL cute!

  88. I understand completely. We lived in LV for 6 years - had a beautiful home, steady work (husband a musician) but I grew to hate it there. Could not wait to get back to the east coast.

  89. MAMA SCAPEGOAT: Great idea to replace all the expensive light fixtures if i rent my place... thank you!! :))

  90. "We're NOT the types that go out to clubs or bars, we prefer big bookstores, cafes, restaurants, museums & going to farmer's markets."

    You just described me and my boyfriend to the T! I totally know what you mean, even though I now live about an hour north of NYC, I still commute there every day so I don't exactly miss it. If I ever leave NY, it has to be for another city like Chicago or San Francisco.

    On the otherhand, how often do you actually plan to be home? Would you be ok spending a lot of time in a 1 BR (with neighbors don't forget that) but you'll be walking distance to everything fabulous? Some of the things to think about. And maybe I can bump into you! =D

  91. Hi there Jen! As you well know, we all have such different experiences in our lives and finding what truly makes ourselves happy is something only WE can do. We are so fortunate to have the love of our significant others to guide us in the right direction, but it ultimately comes down to what experiences YOU want to experience for yourself. If you have the means, the will, and the way to do it, do it while you can! Because life is short and we need more people like you to touch as many souls as humanly possible :) Either way, keep doing what you do, because you do it so well! <3 <3 <3

  92. Jen,

    Do what your heart tells you! Your personality totally says NYC all the way! I often tell my husband I'd love to move to NY, but just don't have the guts. More power to you for doing what you dream. You are lucky in the fact that you have such wonderful opportunities with your work. I wish you the best of luck and well wishes your way. And I will remain a loyal follower wherever you call home.

  93. YES!!!!! Life is short and NYC is amazing!

  94. I think you absolutely have to follow your heart 100% of the time. Much like yourself, I love a city with culture, the arts, great restaurants, and museums. Also, I think it essential to live in a city with diversity....and I mean diversity in every way. There are so many inspirational people in so may walks of life, that I feel smaller cities and states shut me out from becoming the best person I can be. A big house won't inspire me and show me new a different takes on life, but a great city will. I'm in Boston now, but am considering jobs in NY, LA, and here. All are great, but all so different. Have faith that you'll end up in the right place :)
    xo Lisa

  95. I think it's wonderful you have the option to return to NYC! I live in Harlem also in a historic area like Anonymous and LOVE being able to be on an express train with my 15 month old in under 5 minutes and go just about anywhere in the city and the access I have to so much culture. Growing up in (very bland) Ohio and watching the city scenes as a child on Sesame Street it was my dream to live in NYC and I'm so thankful that I'm here. Hope it all works out for you! Oh and feel free to share those fab event invites ;-)

  96. If NY is where your heart is, go for it!! I know God will lead you and guide you to the right place at the right time :)

  97. Hi Jen, Everytime I see how gorgeous your house look like, I can't help not to get jealouse, and now that I read this, I almost hallucinating! My advice, move to NYC as soon as possible! We live just 15 minutes off Paris, in a small apartment, but happy as ever. Life is simpler in a smaller space, and especially when you have everything just close by. Forget about cars and driving too far just to see an exhibition. I hope that your husband lands a good job in NYC sooner than you thought.

  98. Your instincts are usually correct so if they are telling you to move back to NYC then I truly hope your guy finds a job! I would sacrifice square footage for a vibrant city any day! Best of luck to y'all!

  99. for jobs check out http://www.thehiredguns.com/

  100. I can totally relate to you! I'm from Chicago originally but moved to Tucson to be closer to my mom. Tucson is basically a retirement city and there is absolutely NOTHING to do here! Phoenix is a two hour drive away so I find myself up there a lot because there's so much more to do and the people are much younger and more hip. If NYC is calling you, I say go with your gut and make the move :)

  101. I would definely leave Dallas (where I live) in a heartbeat to move to NYC!!! I love the culture there...& the fact that I could walk to just about anything.

    Even though I live about 5 minutes to downtown Dallas (I would NEVER live in the burbs. I love the city hustle & bustle too much) someday I will gladly make the jump to NYC & sacrifice all my closet space!

    Good luck with your decision, going with your heart is never a bad decision!

    peace & love,


  102. I was just able to move away from Nevada this past May as my husband graduated from medical school. Our time was split between Reno and LV for his rotations so I know the state too well. Honestly, I don't think God meant for Nevada to be inhabited by humans. :) Maybe inhabitable for prison purposes, but not for real life living! I don't think real life and real memories fully happen there. The setting is not right. The structure of LV and Reno is not made for love, happiness, friendliness, or kindness. Besides the lack of style you mentioned, there is a lack of architecture which frames the environment and influences how people interact. It isn't wrong to be inspired by beautiful places, style and people. Nevada lacks so much culture, authenticity, and depth. It is a sad place and so many of the people are truly sad. I just remember driving around LV on those long straight roads lined with cement cinder block walls and dreaming of beautiful buildings, trees, views of some form of water (ocean, bay, river), seeing colors other than brown, and temps below 110 in the summer! You have to move! I honestly think you will flourish a thousand times more than you already do once you move out of LV.
    Also every Spring the new Residents that match into Nevada School of Medicine Residency Programs start looking for housing. They are great renters because they are never home (1 day off per week) but need a relaxing place to come home and sleep in between the grueling hours. I promise you could find some responsible, clean renters this way, especially depending on their medical specialty. Internists are so particular and hyper-clean. There is a lot of OCD in some of the medical specialists! Contact Ann Diggins at the school of medicine LV location and she can put you on a list for available housing rentals for incoming residents. Most Residents move in mid May/ early June and start mid June. Just an option. I can't wait for you to move to NYC!

  103. I moved from my beautiful NYC apartment to Bermuda 5 years ago. I loved it there and if I had to move back to states which will happen at some point it's the only place I'd move back to. You may have a big home in LV but if your heart is not there you may as well live in a cardboard box. I think you should go for it go home, it will be great. We still have a condo in Hoboken and I go back two the States about once a month for work. When ever we get to Hoboken and I look at the New York Skyline I can breath again. I love my life in Bermuda it's pretty close to perfect but NYC will always be my home. Follow your heart Jen.

  104. EMILY: I loved reading your comment...i even read it to my guy.

    So many truths ....the only people we've met who we've gotten along with and are kind have been the group from our church. That may very well be because we have similar beliefs that teach us to be kind to others...BUT as far as neighbors, people here dont even talk to you, its so weird. So, we just keep to ourselves now..

    I like the idea of renting to med student...interesting thought which we'll keep in mind if we decide to go that route. Thank you so much!

  105. NYC gave me the best years of my life it will for ever have a piece of my heart. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this beautiful city and for being a nice inspiration.


  106. Actually that would be a dream come true for me! I would take it as a challenge to make a smaller place work. And the vibe of NYC would more than make up for it!

  107. Go for it! You can still have an awesome apartment in NY-get Apartment Therapy's Small Cook Book. http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/big-book/

    There's nothing quite like having your family around.

  108. CATHLEEN: thanks! I actually have that book & will keep it mind. :)

  109. Life is short. Go where you want, do what you love with the one you love while the two of you are on the same page.

    Remember Gladys Knight midnight train?

  110. I feel your pain. I'm in Houston right now but really want to move to So. California. My oldest daughter is in San Diego. I'm just worried about the cost of living. As soon as my youngest graduates from high school I might just take a leap of faith and move there. :)

    I've never been to NYC but really want to visit. :)

  111. 100% live where you want! I left my house I owned in Phoenix and rented it to live in my dream city by the beach, San Diego. Although I won't be owning again anytime soon, the amount of things I can do outside of my home makes up for it. There are things I miss about owning a bigger home but there is something to be said about living simple with less stuff. As well as I LOVE having so many great places to walk my dog!

  112. just read your post for today, which led me here. i feel so identified, i had exactly the same experience last year. wonderful house in the middle of nowhere. we had all the room and facilities and appliances we needed, all wonderfully decorated and everything, but something just didnt work for me... the main issue was security in fact (the place was too isolated) so we finally decided to move back to the city. i was gladly surprised to see how supportive my husband was when i explained how i felt, as we had been working on that house for ages! we are renting an apartment in the city now, and were lucky enough to sell the house :) i realised there were many things i loved about the city when i got back, but what impressed me most was seeing the sea again. the house was in the countryside and, although the birds and flowers were wonderful, nothing compares to the feeling of endlessness you get when you see the sea, which is just a few blocks away! i know i am lucky to have been able to make the change immediately, some people have no option but stay. from the experience i learned its always better to rent for a year before making the decision to move to a new place. however, countryside is a no no for me from now on. life is too short to spend your days in a place which doesn't inspire you. in fact we have been thinking of moving to Europe recently... we're going there on vacations in a couple of months, so time will tell!

  113. BUBBLE: that is great, i wish you well. Ive never been to EU, but i bet id love it. You're so right when you say, life is too short to live in a place that doesnt inspire you....

  114. thank you for taking the time to read AND answer!:) your blog was one of the first ones i ever followed and it helped develop my blogger self :) by the way, just stumbled upon this pic in pinterest: http://pinterest.com/pin/148337381447391790/ enjoy!


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