9 Items for Holiday Gift Wrapping....

Hello - how is everyone? Have you finished your Holiday shopping yet?  If so, (which I have) it's time to wrap things up! What type of wrapping paper do you prefer? Something festive, creative, or simple? 

I have to admit, I've NEVER, EVER tried to creatively wrap any of my Holiday gifts....EVER. 

It's not that I didn't want to, it's just that I never took the time to. Is that bad?  Well today, I'm hoping some of you will, because after seeing all this good stuff, I feel like re-wrapping all of my gifts! 

Hope this inspires you to wrap something a little extra nice this Christmas....

7. onlyee



  1. I love wrapping gifts! Just wrapped one yesterday and one big one today :) More to come so all the ideas are welcome. Thanks for sharing!

  2. All is beautiful!!



  3. I usually keep my wrapping quite simple with brown paper and some pretty ribbon. I love picture #4 on your list here! I think I'll do something similar with brown parcel paper and coloured hemp cord I have stashed away. Thanks for the inspiration, Jen! :)

  4. I really like the paper used in the first picture! It gives a rustic but sophisticated look... I have already bought a similar one :-)


  5. I have to say i love that first image too, I like things quite simple myself brown paper packing just works for me then let the kids make the tags using cookie cutters of Chrsitmas trees etc as templates

  6. I LOVE that first one! I always opt for modern over traditional wrapping...it's a little more unique and exciting! Thanks for sharing all of these creative materials.

  7. Wish I had the time to wrap my gifts, I never do:(

  8. I LOVE the polka dots and stripes and the glitter tape! So so pretty.

  9. All my pressies are going to be wrapped in brown paper this year and then I'm going to add embellishments like a mad woman!
    Emma xx

  10. I don't get too creative, but I always adore using ribbon to add a bit of pizzaz to my packages!

  11. I've finished buying and wrapping all my presents already. I did pom pom embellishments and hand stamped gift tags this year. Love all the festive wrapping ideas here esp. the film bows.

  12. Love all these ideas!


  13. I love the glitter tape! ...as soon as we are done decorating the tree I will begin to wrap and place them under the tree...hoping the bebe will just ignore them and not destroy them. xoxo

  14. I'm a sucker for brown wrapping and ribbons!! Love it!

    Xx. Patience

  15. I adore wrapping gifts! I spend a lot of time on them. Christmas is the one time I actually go all out on the wrapping. I love to mix simple and elaborate. Plain wrap or postal paper with elaborate bow and fancy wrap with simple ribbon or twine. This year, I am turning things around a bit, wild ribbon and wrap together, Jonathan Adler style. I also purchased moss ribbon I'm excited to try. Great ideas! I never would have thought to use film as ribbon.

  16. what an inspired post- thanks!


  17. These are pretty awesome - especially the glitter tape. Will be running out to get some stat!

    Stylishly yours,

  18. love beautiful wrappings, but feel as though I have not done any holiday shopping here at school!
    xo emily

  19. These are pretty awesome - especially the glitter tape! will definitely be getting some stat.

    Stylishly yours,

  20. Loving those polka and stripe tapes!

  21. Loving number one & Number nine! I tried to something a little different this year too. I even printed out trendy gift tags lol! I felt so proud, LOL!!

  22. I soooo love making my own gift wrap. It's soooo fun. :)

  23. How creative is that film bow?! of course I'm loving the gold and glitter ribbons too!

  24. Great ideas on gift wrapping, notice how you guys made a simple gift wrapping into a explicit one. My friend is getting married this summer and you guys give me ideas that would surely make my wrapping beautiful.


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