Food: Three Ways to Serve Crostini

Hello there! Heather Freeman of The Lovely Cupboard here, and I'm back to share a recipe with you today. Actually, I've got three easy ways you can serve crostini at your upcoming New Year's Eve party. 

Crostini is such a fancy name for little toasts, but that's really all it is. However, this bite-sized crispy bread can be topped with anything from hummus to chutney. To begin with, you'll need a baguette, olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic.

1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and slice bread at an angle. (This allows more surface area for yummy toppings.)
2. Lay on a baking sheet or stone and brush each piece with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
3. Bake for 10-12 minutes. If desired, rub a fresh garlic clove over the surface of each toast. (It gives just a hint of garlic flavor.)
4. Next, top with any assortment of spreads, meats, and veggies. I've got a few suggestions for you below...

This tastes like a caprese salad with a crunch. Spread fresh or jarred pesto. Top with fresh mozzarella and half of a cherry tomato.

For this spread, mix two parts herbed goat cheese and one part cream cheese. Top with thinly sliced cucumber. I used a cranberry chutney, but any fruit chutney would work. Mango tastes delicious with it.

This is such a classic combination that you can never go wrong with it. Cream cheese, smoked salmon with dill, and capers. This one is my favorite.

These make such great appetizers for a party since you can assemble them shortly before guests arrive. So hang the mistletoe, light the candles, and bring on the white elephant gifts. You've got crostinis and you know how to serve them!

Cheers and warm dishes,

-post by heather freeman



  1. Thank you for this post. I`m definitly going to give it a try on New year Eve party. This really was a great post:)
    Hugs from Flutra

  2. Yumminess-in every sense of the word!

  3. These all look amazing!! I served a similar dish at my sons birthday party. I will be posting pictures of all of the recipes I used, so check out my blog!

  4. Love the recipes! Sound yummy :)

    - Sara @ Gameday Stylist

  5. Great ideas! I'm going to save this for when I have people over! ;)

    Have a great New Year! ;D


  6. I love crostini! I love one made with eggplant, tomato and mozzarella... Yummy! =D

  7. Thanks so much everyone! Let me know if you have other versions of crostinis that you've enjoyed. Cheers.

  8. Crostinis are the best arent they, I will definately have to try the cucumber ones sounds a bit different and refreshing for summer


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