My Holiday Weekend...

I decided to pop in today & will probably be back a couple more times this week ...hope you all had a wonderful Holiday! Here's a little peak into my weekend.... 

How was your Holiday??

Gold was the color of the season at my house- I had a GOLD pedicure & gold Holiday ornaments throughout my place. Polish is by Butter London in The Full Monty. Looks sooo pretty on!

This was our tree this year..branches we bought at West Elm last year & placed them into a tall white vase. We filled the vase with rocks so that it was sturdy! 
Maybe next year we'll have a real BIG tree....

Talk about a DELICIOUS dinner. My guy once again whipped up a great dinner & dessert- he's so awesome. We had lamb chops with cranberry-pinot noir reduction , yam mash with cinnamon & braised brussel sprouts.  

We also had a side plate of tarts with goat cheese & balsamic onions along with parmesan twists. Oh & the dessert...chocolate twists with dark chocolate drizzle and pears. 

As always had cappuccino at one of my fave places - Espressamente.

The day after Christmas, my guy made these for me...oatmeal cookies with dark chocolate centers!

My boxer- he's been with us for a long time now & is now 13 years old. Pretty old for a Boxer! He has some health problems unfortunately, but we love him so much! 

This is the dog food we always's a combination of cooked vegetables & lean ground beef- then we add cooked brown rice & mix it all up....they love it! We store it in the fridge until feeding time. In my opinion, this is much better than dog food.

Gold decor on the stair rails...

-images by jen ramos



  1. Do you make his food for Health Benefits or just because you want to? I know that sounds kind of rude, but I promise I don't mean it that way.

    My cat is allergic to chicken, and the food I buy for him is really expensive, so I'm thinking about starting to make his food.

  2. cute pup! Love the gold details on the banister
    Girl in the Poodle Shoes

  3. We make it this way for both of our dogs, it helps their digestive system and they go pretty regular with no issues. I find that feeding them this type of food, saves money and helps them stay healthier. He's lived a long time but his health problems are due to irregular heartbeat...heart murmur. They also stay leaner... :) You can save place it in your fridge and then microwave before feeding them.. :)

  4. My 3 year old Golden, Hemingway, has such bad stomach issues! I have tried every top of the line dog food out there, but he is always getting diarrhea. He also has a lot of environmental allergies. I wonder if feeding him a "people" food diet would help? Do you feed this alone or along with "dog" food? I am open to any dog health tips you have and want to give. I want Hemingway to live as long as possible!!!

  5. JULIET: I'd def recommend this for your dog too....his poop should get better - if not then it may be something else thats causing the diarrhea?
    We don't mix it with dog food, only veggies and ground beef, sometimes we'll add little bits of bread chopped into small pieces or even chicken. You can also add other veggies like broccoli and potatoes. I'd recommend to try this for sure- there are so many chemicals in dog food, prob even in the higher brand ones that say they don't add them.

  6. Beautiful polish! And that dinner looks delicious! I'd love to hear more about your dog food. I have toyed with making dog food for a long time. Do you make large batches and freeze it?
    Glad you guys had a great great Christmas.:)

  7. 17PERTH: Yes, you can freeze it....
    We normally store it in a large tupperware container in our fridge- then make more as needed.

  8. I relly want to try this; i think it will be so much healthier! Do you have to supplement with vitamins or something?

  9. JULIET: No...but if you want to try that, you can. Ive never given my dogs supplements...

  10. Your husband sounds like quite the chefs such a lucky girl! Btw- lovin all the gold Christmas decor!

  11. my guy needs to learn how to cook--i'm jealous! LOL
    I've been thinking about making my own dog do you determine the serving size?

  12. Those cookies look absolutely delicious! Could you post a tutorial (or a recipe) please?

    XX Kathryn

  13. Looks like such yummy food! =] Hope you had an amazing holiday as well.


  14. We just started feeding our swissy real food. He's been having skin allergies, itching terribly! We weened him off his dry dog food and give him meat and veggies. No more itching. He dances for his dinner now, he sings sometimes too. Although I feel if he could talk he's probably saying, "hurry up mom, I'm hungry"! Love your site Jen, and your dogs are such sweeties!

  15. Love the gold nail polish!!

    - Sara @ Gameday Stylist

  16. loving all of the gold!

  17. Love it all but mostly the stair rails! Happy New Year!

  18. Glad you had a great Christmas! Everything looked wonderful & your dog is adorable. So many years & they are still one of the best friends to have :)

  19. JENN MARIE: ha! so dogs dance for their dinner too! i also noticed that both my dogs itch a lot less since they've been on this diet :) Good to hear yours is better in that dept. too!

  20. oh that sweet dog's face! so happy to see you make your own dog food! we do the same except I alternate with organic chicken and lamb.

  21. I love yur golden nail polish - so festive! But honestly I'm a big fan of real trees with real candles. I haven't seen them really on US-Blogs, but here in Switzerland they are still 'standard'. Maybe you like my nostagic version of it?


  22. nice blog...
    u can catch me up at mine :)

  23. Love the pooch - he seems adorable.

  24. I have been following your blog for over a year and this is my first comment. I love that you care for your sweet boxers so much that you make their food. I am active in animal rescue (my passion besides fashion and home decor) and this just confirms how awesome you are. Wish there were more people out there like you and thanks for sharing!

  25. Your dog is so cute! My dog is 17 and we have a lot of homemade stuff we mix with with her normal food. She has stayed thin and relatively healthy, except for her skin allergy and heart murmur. "People food" can be very good for dogs if you pick the right stuff! Oddly enough, the only things she's ever had digestive/allegry issues with were certain kinds of dog foods, never any of the fresh meat/human stuff we've given her. Definitely seems like it helps!

    Have a great new years!

  26. Looks like you had a fun and tasty weekend! Love your nail polish!


  27. Love the gold pedicure. Mostly love the sweet Boxer.

  28. J'adore votre blog! Quand je serai grand je veux être comme vous! :)

  29. Yummy! Looks like we have that in common - our men are great cooks! :)) Very chic Christmas :)xo

  30. ok, you tell your guy that if he ever starts a food blog I'll be following ;)

  31. i wish and i would have had this idea of this super stylish xmas tree oe week ago!
    this looks very nice, really! love the picture of your dog!

  32. Love the stair railing, Jen! Happy Holidays! xo

  33. I did a gold colour scheme holiday as well. SO pretty, classy and festive. :)

    Did not think of nail polish though, there is always next year.

    Check out my gold treats

  34. Love this post!!! Like how you designed your house with the gold color scheme in mind.Love what you did with the staircase railing, so pretty~ and your gold toe nails and that tree in the vase is gorgeous!!! I actually had a gold and silver color scheme for my x'mas tree this year!! Gold is defo the color for x'mas:)

    Wow, your bf made you oatmeal cookies with chocolated centered? So envious;)

    I love the dog food, i would so eat it. Your dog looks sooo CUTE!!! 13 years is a long time, AMAZING:)

    Lastly, hope you have a fabulous happy new year and all the best to you and your loved ones, your doggie, and your fab blog!!! Keep it up:D

    Happy 2012!!!!!


  35. You have a gorgeous decoration Jen, I like how the branch look like.. after my grandmother you are the only person who feed her dog with rice, veggy, and meat, I agree with you it is much healthier.

  36. love your tree and all the food!


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