Your Weekend.....(Via Made By Girl)

Time for me to get ready for our EARLY THANKSGIVING dinner....we're eating out since our ZGallerie table hasn't arrived yet!  It would've been our 1st THANKSGIVING in our new place... so I'm a bit disappointed. However, I'm certain the CHEF at the restaurant we're heading to will make a lovely meal! After dinner we'll be going on a WEEKEND GETAWAY.....finally!!!

Hope you ALL have a great thanksgiving & remember the things you are thankful for today & always...

I'm thankful for:

  • that my mother and father are alive & healthy
  • when my guy makes me dessert
  • my 2 dogs in good health
  • a man that cares about me & shows it
  • weekend getaways when I need it the most
  • a lovely place to live
  • being able to meet others that share the same beliefs
  • wood floors
  • my business is doing well
  • God in my life
  • my blog readers & the support they have given me for the last few years
  • going out to dinner on weekends
  • an upcoming renovated kitchen
  • gorgeous weather
  • new friends at my church
  • the invention of tiramisu
  • other bloggers i've met online who are super nice
  • the gift God gave me to be able paint & draw
  • the gift God gave me of creativity
  • the friends i havent seen in so long who still stay in touch
  • the fact that i'll get to eat a nice meal on thanksgiving
  • serving at my church
  • my best friend
  • art & music 
  • care for those in need
  • that my mother & i talk almost everyday on the phone

There's alot more i'm thankful for but these are some that came to mind this year. Talk to you Monday!

So tell me, what 2 things are you REALLY thankful for??!?


pic by jen



  1. Hi Jen, Happy Thanksgiving to you and all of the wonderful US bloggers! I loved reading your list of things you are thankful for. I am thankful for my beautiful home and my job, where I can really let my creativity flow x

  2. A very happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    I am most thankful for a supportive and loving family
    and for good health for all.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving!

    I'm thankfull for my beautyful family and that I'm able to take a years leave from work to take care of my now 2 months old daughter <3

  4. Hi Jen! Loved your post.... of course I am grateful for my family and wonderful friends - but the two things i am really happy about is that my dog is doing exceptionally well since his spine surgery, and that I met an amazing guy in San Francisco!! maybe I'll be moving to SF.. how cool would that be!!!

  5. Jen..Thats a pretty good thankful list...honest ..simple and true. Me...Im thankful for my two amazing husband and an affectionate and clever little son :) Enjoy your weekend away lovely x

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you have a wonderful getaway.

    I'm thankful that my family is healthy and for my relationship with Jesus :)

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Jen!! My Two things? My God & My husband :) So incredibly blessed, I can't put it into words. God bless you & your family today and everyday =)

  8. Great post Jen! Happy Thanksgiving from a blogger friend in Canada:) Even when it isn't Thanksgiving I try to not take anything for granted. I am always grateful that my family is healthy and happy.


  9. God, and my job and that I have one! And my husband and family and friends...

    New to your blog. I've enjoyed reading it so far! Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. What wonderful things you have in your life that you are thankful Jen.
    Only 2 of my favourites is that my family are healthy and happy and that I live in a place that gives me choices and freedom.
    Happy thanksgiving xox

  11. We had Thanksgiving at a restaurant yesterday, too. Sometimes, I prefer to be at home, but I really enjoyed not having to clean-up.

  12. I am happy to be alive and well. Have a fabulous weekend.

  13. What a sweet post! Hope you are having a cozy and lovely Thanksgiving, my dear!

    Im most thankful for my amazing Balazs and great family

  14. I'm thankful my family are healthy, happy & safe and I'm thankful for my camera for it's taught me to look at life from different angles and see things I never really looked at before.

  15. what a lovely post. My 2 things: my husband & my kids. Happy weekend!

  16. Great post!!! Hope you have a great Holiday Weekend!!

  17. Hi Jen! Happy Thanksgiving! Your list is so heartfelt and beautiful, you truly have so many things to be thankful. I am mostly thankful for my family and my friends!

  18. My husband and my little princess Martina.

  19. Happy Thanksgiving from Canada - after living in the US for a few years, we embraced Thanksgiving Us style, now that we are back in Canada we miss it :(
    But I am thankful daily for my family and my health!

  20. Happy Thanksgiving Jen!! God Bless you!

  21. Grateful for same - husband, family and home. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving - hope you did too and had a great weekend getaway!

  22. Hi Jen, I love your creations. and I'm always excited to see what you post every weekend (the "Your Weekend" posts). It's light, always nice to see, and creative.

    Anyway, 2 things I'm thankful for this year:
    - being loved by my parents no matter what
    - my sister and my sister in law are now pregnant, so in a couple of months hopefully I will get 2 new nephews (or nephew and niece)

    Have a great week!

  23. Lots of wonderful things to be thankful for! Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend!


  24. Happy Thanksgiving Jen!! Aww sry to hear about the table but next year it'll be great! =)

    I'm thankful for my family & my health. =)

    Melanie's Randomness

  25. Hope you had a fabulous thanksgiving as well! Thank yo ufor your wishes :) So glad you got a chance to take some time off for yourself. I love your list for what you are thankful for especially the tiramisu (hehe) that would sure make it on my list as well (yuumm). I love your doggie's sock photo,, so darn cute!! Have a wonderful week!! my best xoxo Edyta

  26. Thankful each Waking day!
    Much Love, Peace and CREATIVITY TO YOU ALWAYS!

  27. What a lovely post Jen! Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving! xoxo

  28. What a lovely post! I'm so happy to be able to come here and find always something inspiring that makes me smile! Thank you, Jen! x

  29. Ohmygosh, I have been reading your blog for an HOUR! You are so sweet, talented and inspiring in your faithful life! When my eyes finally uncross, I'll be following you everyday! :)

    And I'm grateful for healthy and happy family, His Grace...and this year I added new friends via blogging to the list!

    Merry Christmas jen!


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