DIY doggie socks...

This is what I see when I look down almost every morning. Yes, those are baby socks converted into dog booties. They protect the wood floors better than the original booties I bought them & were super affordable!!

My dogs don't hate these as much & can walk in them just fine. We bought velcro strips and sewed them onto the tops of the baby socks, so glad we thought of this. They look funny at first glance, but so adorable.... They work!
P.S. make sure they are non-slip socks!

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  1. Adorable! But... doesn't that make them slip and slide like crazy? My guy has enough trouble not taking out end tables on the wood floors with nothing on his feet! I actually got him some weight-lifters grip enhancer for this summer when all the rugs were up! But he's a little bit of a doofus...
    - Meg

  2. ahhhh! i am laughing so hard! your dogs are so well behaved. i have a feeling if i tried these on my german shepherd she would nip at them until she had them off. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!

  3. Madame Meg. Ha! No, the socks they are wearing have a non-slip piece at the bottom. If you shop for kids socks, you'll see what I mean ;)

  4. They are so cute, I can't believe they leave them on ! My son put his socks on my dog and she went crazy trying to get them off because she loves to play with socks.

  5. haha, so cute!!! I bought doggie boots for mine but every time he wears them, he just refuses to move... will try the non-slip socks, quite clever!!

  6. Hmmm.....for some reason I feel like this post was directed at me. ;) Lol!! I'll definitely have to try this. I usually put socks on my dog when he gets his allegies and his feet start to itch (prevents him from licking his feet...which is a major no-no for the healing). As I mentioned before I am going to reupholster my couch and he likes to get in it when no one's around. Thanks, Jen!!

  7. hahah holy crap that is the cutest thing I've ever seen and even cuter that they dont mind it! gotta love dogs ! <3

    xoxo follow me!

  8. ha ha ha! we used to have to do this to our bullmastiff whenever he lost a nail... and boy he lost nails! except i used to use a sock and then that stretchy, sticky ace bandage stuff so it made him look like he was wearing a ballet slipper. i miss that pooch.

  9. ohhhh! my dogs would refuse to walk wearing them


  10. What a cute idea! I think my dog would rip these to shreds.. either that or my head.
    He gets mad when I put anything on him.. here's a little look at him modeling a headband.

  11. I will have to try this on my 200lbs of dogs! Joe likes to sleep on the leather sofa but the pads of his feet scratch the finish. Good thinking! Mary Ann @ Anchor Cottage

  12. Oh, my god, I can't help laughing. It looks like they are going to get a surprise when they wake up.

  13. That is so cute. My dog refuses to wear anything on her feet but adores her sweaters. Crazy animals.

  14. I have a boxer who scrapes up our wood floors as well...I think I might try this. It would definitely take her some getting use to? Aren't they the best dogs??

  15. haha adorable! they are quite big are they?? I would love to have a dog but my cat keeps me busy for the time being.
    Regards from London.

  16. KARLEE: Yup.. they are super sweet!

  17. Ohmygosh!! I love it! My little doggy has all but ruined our wood floors.. but how on earth do you get them to keep them on? I think my dog would do everything in his power to get those babies off his paws. :)

  18. AJA: They stay on with the ties around the ankle basically. You have to put them on and watch them and if they try to remove them, say no in a stern voice.
    Like everything else - dogs have to be trained. So far my 2 keep them on, it took a few days...and once in awhile i'll find a sock lying around, but for most part, it helps.

  19. Wow that's so cute! What race are they (a bit difficult to tell from that angle) AmStaff?

  20. THE LENNOXX: They're boxers :)

  21. Owh, So cute... its such a perfect re-use idea. My 3 pugs will chew them off i m sure, but i want to try it again on them :)

    Love it Jen !


  22. So funny, but a great idea! They look so adorable in them.

  23. Hahahaha..Ayaiyai..way too pull ups next? ; ) x

  24. I've noticed when I have my family's doggies at my home ...I too have hardwood floors throughout my house...the doggies don't run on the hardwood floors...they wait till they hit an area rug, then they start to run and play. Hmmm.

  25. This made me laugh! But they are so adorable!

  26. Love it, how precious are they?! Thanks for the smile :)

  27. That is hysterical...the stuff we do to keep things beautiful!!! I may have to try this on my cats b/c they are destroying my new grey sofa, but knowing cats it isn't going to go over too well. Maybe I'll film it and you will see some very fat cats run around like kittens...hahaha. Seriously thanks for posting this...too cute!

  28. Super, super cute idea. Do you think dogs could wear those outside? I just adopted a second dog who seems to get very cold outside, so I'm looking for a good cold-weather solution!

  29. Great idea! Your dogs don't try to take them off? My dog would chew them off if I made him wear socks.
    Too cute though!

  30. SHANIKA: yea then i would definitely suggest you try this, dogs can be soo sneaky when your not looking. I had a dog once that would get onto my sofa when we were walk done the stairs & catch her. Luckily these 2 dont have a thing for sofas..... :))

  31. THECKLA: Since these are just cotton socks for kids ...wouldnt be a good idea for outside. However you can try they have some booties that are thick rubber & would work well outside :)))
    Good for you adopting another dog...we adopted both of ours too :)))

  32. That is an adorable and fun idea! I certainly should look into this for my dog, I've noticed a couple of scratches in the timber floors already!!

    :) Hazel

  33. So cute... what a great idea....


  34. Too cute!! Don't think my lab would wear these - he dislikes clothing of any sort! Have a great holiday!

  35. hehe... dogs in slippers. hehe. Cute

  36. That´s such a sweet picture.
    I remenber putting on little socks to my dog for the first time and I laughed the way he walked, he made funny huge steps cause he didn´t knew how to walk with socks on.
    Good idea to make them with velcro.

  37. Ha ha, those are so dang cute! We used to put real socks on my dog and he would slip and slide everywhere!
    Lila Ferraro

  38. awww how adorable! you're such a thoughtful mom :)

  39. Holy freaking adorable! So cute!

  40. hilarious and so cute! i like!

  41. Where did you get the socks


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