Glimpse into My Thanksgiving Weekend Trip...(Via Made by Girl)

Isn't it FRUSTRATING trying to get into the swing of things after getting back from a Holiday trip?!? I've got a TON of emails to catch up on amongst other things & all I want is to be outside in the sun (even if it is cold). 

Well, for those of you who weren't aware, my guy SURPRISED ME with a Thanksgiving wknd. getaway to California. He planned the whole trip, every single stop! 

He knew I was dying to visit the Getty as well as the MOCA and he took me straight there! It was such an amazing experience to be around all these great paintings. Of course.... I LITERALLY got goose bumps when I came across Mark Rothko & Franz Kline (2 of my all time faves). 

above: A Franz Kline original painting....I was mesmerized.

below: the delicious carrot cake we bought at the Getty cafe

These 2 paintings of Jesus were especially touching...

Below: I was so excited when I got to the area where the HUGE Mark Rothko paintings hung, wow.

Below: don't ask, I totally forgot who did this....
P.S. it's by Cy Twombly, thanks to Devon.

below: the Getty had several outdoor areas with SPECTACULAR views of the city, my jaw dropped when I first saw this. Trust me, this picture doesn't do it justice!

Besides paintings, they also had a ton of sculptures and old European decor items.

I'm so grateful that I got my dose of culture because LV is seriously LACKING in that department! Have you visited the Getty or MOCA? What museum would you recommend??

We also headed to Palm Springs to see the Elvis Honeymoon Hideaway.  After seeing it featured in Rue Magazine, (I expressed my interest in going) my guy decided to take me there! 

Stay tuned for those pics soon! 



  1. What an amazing weekend! That is a great hubby to plan a trip like that. Beautiful art and photos. Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. How fabulous! Rothko is my all-time favorite and I loved the views at the Getty too!

  3. What a fun trip! You're a lucky girl :) All of the art is amazing.

  4. He did so well:) What a great guy:)...I love weekend trips:) Have a lovely afternoon

  5. Oh my gosh! We probably passes each other in LA over the weekend! Looks like you had an amazing trip. The photos are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  6. What an awesome husband! Those paintings are beautiful! Looks like you had a great trip :)

  7. I agree about the catching up's only Tuesday but it still feels like last week and I am totally playing catch up! What a great surprise, looks like you had a wonderful time!

  8. I'm gonna say, Cy Twombly for that piece you forgot about... the scribbles.
    I'm an artist... we know these things.

  9. Oh my gosh, the European decor! Gorgeous!

  10. DEVON, That's correct...I found it pretty amazing, even as simple as it was. Thanks!
    P.S. your site is quite impressive...

  11. Looks like you had such a great time and how fabulous that you're guy planned it all... the best part, right? Love all of the art... breathtaking!
    xo Trina

  12. The Getty makes my top 10 list for things to do when in LA. The complex alone is so amazing, add in the art and it is an amazing way to spend the day. So glad to hear you enjoyed it!

  13. How fun! I just went to MOMA in nyc last month and scoped out some AMAZING rothko's too.. they are so cool in real life! And you m'dear are looking all kinds of cute!


  14. I spot Miró and El greco! My fave museum is musée d'orsay in Paris. Happiest place on earth for me :)

  15. i LOVE franz kline! looks like a fun time.

  16. That view does look amazing!
    xoxo Heather

    p.s. I gave you some love today on my blog <3

  17. I LOVE the Getty!! (although the underground parking ramp scared me a bit!)
    ps...i love your hair in these photos!

  18. I have been to both museums and the Getty definitely is the first choice...a truly spectacular setting for all that beautiful art! I loved it!

  19. SPEARMINT BABY: ha! Oddly enough it scared me too! was a bit windy that day so had to tie it up..!

  20. They Getty is absolutely AMAZING. Glad you were to able to experience it and enjoy it.

  21. What a wonderful holiday weekend! You have a keeper!

  22. I just was at the Boston MFA this morning and saw some pretty huge Rothko's and Franz Kline works of art- they are one of a kind thats for sure!

  23. Luckily me and my family are all members to every museum here in L.A. We know a lot of the good ones.You should definitely visit NHM (Natural History Museum), LACMA and Skirball.

  24. CHICKYTHING: Oh..NHM, that will be my next stop when in L.A. :) Thanks!

  25. beautiful pics! Looks like you had a great time :)

  26. Looks like it was amazing! Funny that the painting you originally forgot was a Cy Twombly because Houston has an entire museum dedicated to him. (And it's free!) We were just there a few weeks ago. I still don't get modern art! (But I do love it! :)

  27. love, love, love the hair! way to rock some serious style!

  28. What a sweet hubby you have! The Getty was one of our favorite spots to waste an afternoon when we were in LA. The gardens are amazing too!

  29. That is so nice that he took you to those place you wanted to go as a surprise!! Great choices too! I love the Getty, we try and go there a lot. The Getty has another one now called The Getty Villa in Pacific Palisades (on the way to Malibu along the coast). I've never been yet but it looks very pretty and people talk about how nice it is too!

  30. We went to the Getty last year, it was beautiful!!!! Especially the gardens, where we took all the pictures:!!!!!

  31. Glad you had fun! Let me know if you ever make it to NYC!

  32. Did you guys have time to go to the Getty Villa in Malibu? It is the original "Getty Museum". I'm glad you enjoyed the Getty; even though I live about 15 minutes away, I've only been there a couple of times :(

  33. CARPE DIEM: Nope we didnt even know about that one! I definitely want to visit though :))))


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