My Robot Vacuum Cleaner....(Via Made By Girl)

I thought it would be SOOO much easier to clean up DOG HAIR on wood floors, but what I DIDN'T KNOW was that I would NOW be able to SEE THE HAIR!! Before, my floors were ALL carpet & it used to hide the hair. So if I didn't see it, I didn't think AS MUCH ABOUT it!  I NOW know how much my DOGS!!  

THE SOLUTION??? A robot. I invested in an AUTOMATIC vacuum cleaner. You know, the ROBOT that cleans your floors so you don't have to.

I purchased the i-Robot Roomba 532 Pet Series (the word pet sold me), and although it picks up the pet hairs, I still feel it could do a much BETTER job! However, I'm so glad I'm NOT WASTING MY TIME vacuuming anymore! After testing mine out, I decided to look around A BIT MORE & see what kind of cleaning robots they had out there. Below are some of the ones I found that really stood out.

TO BE HONEST, my Roomba is a good product, BUT it misses a lot of spaces!! It just doesn't clean in a back & forth motion. I'd rate mine a 4 out of 5.  For that, I am planning on (eventually) getting another one like the: Mint 4200 vacuum or the Neato XV-11 vacuum.  

It all depends on YOUR BUDGET and what you'll need it for. Some of these vacuums will go back to their docks once they're finished & some will recall their paths so they don't go back to the same area 3-4 times over (like mine does). You also have others that are programmable, which is a neat feature if you want to make sure your floors are CLEAN before you get home from work!! Now tell me... 

Do you have an automatic vacuum cleaner?? Which one? How do you like yours???



  1. i use my dyson for the hardwoods (my german shep sheds like crazy so i really have to vacuum daily!)

  2. I just moved into a new house with wood floors and experiencing the same thing. Except my problem is cat hair and these stray fur balls from my shag rug! It's driving me crazy! What a great idea! I'm going to look into these!

  3. this is amazing. i need something. i have been swiffering daily..2x a day if i have does my little boston terrier lose so much hair

  4. That's kind of amazing. I always wondered if those things really worked!

  5. I have an iRobot 530 series and it works great in my apartment. I find that if you want it to clean more thoroughly, alternate between which rooms it is cleaning using the virtual walls. ie: I let it clean the bedroom one day, then the rest of the apartment the next. (I have a very small place)

  6. wood floors definitely make dog hair more visible. We recently got our floors done and I immediately invested in a 6 pound, cordless vacuum. Now I don't have to lug around a giant vaccum every time I want to clean. Any product that makes life way easier is definitely worth the investment!

  7. Ohh I so need one of those..I have two you can image..hahha

  8. My roommate and I just moved into a house with wood floors. She has a dog that sheds a lot, so my brother was nice enough to give us his roomba that he hasn't used in years and was going to sell on Craig's List. It doesn't do a perfect job, but it's good enough that I have swept in a couple months. And that makes it worth it!

  9. My roommate and I just moved into a house with wood floors. She has a dog that sheds a lot, so my brother was nice enough to give us his roomba that he hasn't used in years and was going to sell on Craig's List. It doesn't do a perfect job, but it's good enough that I have swept in a couple months. And that makes it worth it!

  10. Does your dog try to attack it? i am pretty sure it would freak my pup out.

  11. I NEED one of these or that Dyson Animal vacuum cleaner! I have hardwood floors as well and you're so right, EVERY piece of hair shows up now and with 3 dogs, it's becoming impossible to keep the floors clean!

  12. ANNA: One of them (the female) tried at first, but we watched her and told her "NO" when she did it. She doesnt do it anymore....she mostly ignores it now. :)

  13. I am fan of Dyson. Not the cheapest, but a great quality product.

  14. AMY CLARK:
    I can imagine that fur balls would be all over with cats...ive never had cats but thats what my friends tell me...definitely look into these they save time.

  15. JACQUELYNNICOLE: they definitely work....

  16. That last picture made me giggle. Thanks for that!

  17. I was actually considering a robot vacuum cleaner but was wondering how effective they really are. Thanks for your post that really helps. Now I just have to decide which one to pick :)

    Marie @ MOOT

  18. I don't have a robot, so work is necessary, but the DYSON animal all floors is AMAZING!!!! You don't even have to use the hose, worth the investment, wait for a sale. I got mine for $380.

  19. I had both the (vacuum) and the Scooba (mop) about 4 years ago. Neither lasted very long, I had alot of mechanical problems with them...Hopefully they've improved!

  20. Oh my gosh! We moved to an apartment with all white tile floors in the kitchen and dining room area and we have a big black hairy dog. I literally could vacuum 4 times a day and there would still be hair. I can't believe that I didn't notice it in our old house with marbled tile. I guess ignorance was bliss! :) I might have to save for one of these.

  21. My doggie doesn't shed very much thankfully but I still HATE vacuuming... I definitely need to get one of these!

  22. I have an i-robot Roomba.. probably first one ever made! lol! It was awesome for my old house (large empty carpeted space) but I totally get ya.. it's not exactly efficient but it's not really meant to replace hand vacuuming and I take any help I can get! HA! Then I bought the Scooba (mopping) too..... ummm.. might not buy that again. It's SUPER loud, and in the kitchen around the island, chairs etc, it get's "confused" and misses a ton. Booo.

  23. I am surprised it works at all, my parents bought a Roomba when it first came out and I felt it was really lacking. I am happy to hear they have improved. I know all too well about the dark hardwood floors and shedding dogs, lot's of work! We have carpet now, but I would rather have hardwood and when we do again I am seriously investing in one of these. Congrats on your new home!

  24. TODAY HILARY: Hmmm Ive been hearing bad things about the I eliminated that one from my list, thanks!

  25. Thanks so much for this post, we moved into a home that is all wood floors and have noticed that I'm constantly vacuuming this review was so helpful!

  26. How come I have never heard of a robot vacuum cleaner before. Where have I been hiding?! Under a rock.What a great idea

  27. I think we have the same pet series Roomba as you! When we moved to an apartment with a carpeted bedroom we decided it was a must-have. We have to clean it out multiple times during a vacuum process though - it fills up quickly! We actually have a second Roomba too, for our living room which has tile flooring. Supposedly if you let two Roombas meet they will fight it out to the death. We haven't tried that one yet...

  28. how have i never heard of these before? we have hardwood and two dogs and keeping it clean is terrible AND one of my dogs is allergic to dust mites. i NEED something like this!
    one of these might be worth putting on my wish list for christmas


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