Is Your Guy Clueless During the Holidays?.... (Via Made By Girl)

Sometimes MEN can be CLUELESS when it comes to giving gifts.  For instance, last year MY guy asked me what I wanted....(I wanted a surprise) but how do you tell him YOU WANT A SURPRISE, then it's NO longer a surprise! Duh.

Either way, I give him credit for TRYING, even if he does bring me something I never even thought of buying for myself. Like socks....

This year I've decided to take a NEW approach (take notes ladies), I've decided to post my wish list via my blog for him to peek at. Here he'll be able to select one, two or three of the items to give to me as Christmas gift this year. Brilliant!

It's WEIRD because he knows me VERY well, but sometimes he just gets STUCK on what to get me. BABE, now I've made it easy for you, just choose.
Now, I'm sure he'll hit the mark, I'm quite relieved!

Is your guy clueless when it comes to gift-giving??  OR Does he usually hit the mark?



  1. I want the clutch and the jeans! I´m gonna pass the post to my boyfriend ;-) And yeah!! He is pretty clueless

  2. Very good idea.. i shall do that to HIM too.. :)

  3. The clutch and the bracelet was absolutely gorgeous. And YES my guy is usually pretty clueless too. But when he bought me italian leatherboots and a Cartier-watch I had to give him credit...and I still do, five year later. :o) But socks and cookbooks is more normal under my tree.
    Brilliant idea to post your wishlist on the blog.

  4. my guy's not too bad although I do always drop hints for him!! Most times, he just sticks to jewellery so you can't really go wrong with that!!!

    Luv the cushions by the way...

  5. ha! I'm just as hopeless as the husband - we just tell each other what we want and buy it ourselves. Or just decide on one major thing for the house and use that as our gift to each other. we have the fun surprise and spoil thing with the kids! x

  6. I feel I should defend the male population. But, I can't really, I've heard some really bad Christmas presents idea such as an Iron. So I really welcome your idea, I think you should try and spread the message for the benefit of Christmas happiness.

    Great Blog by the way.

  7. great ideas!! i love that clutch and bracelet. and the ceramic gun is awesome!

  8. omg...i am diggin the ceramic my style! lol

  9. Nicely done! I am personally an amazon "universal wish list" kinda gal, but this works too!

    actually, could you just email your list to my husband? ;-) Love the cords, (I have been looking for a pair myself)clutch,bracelet, and of course the gun.

  10. I'd be happy to just to have a guy this

  11. LOVE that necklace. I. need. it!

    ps. My boyfriend is pretty clueless throughout the year (no suprise flowers, no cute thoughful cards or notes etc, no surprise homemade dinners) but he's pretty good at Christmas time!

  12. I have to admit that my husband does a lovely job. Of course he usually gets some hints from me. (Especially now that I've recently started up my blog). Love all of you ideas. And yes, I think skinny cords would be the bomb on you. Love them.

  13. Oh giiiiirl I learned quickly that men need to be told what to get... I also blogged about my wish lists last year and he was able to read through and click on links. I gave him lots of choices from very practical, to very dream-worthy picks. He chose a beautiful necklace and a few other things. ALSO it helped his family who doesn't know me as well choose something that they knew I would love and appreciate :) At first I thought it was a little pushy, but it ended up being so helpful.

    Type WISH LIST in the search box at my blog to check them out!


  14. I'm going to do the exact same thing! My bf keeps asking me what I want and I say, "I have an entire blog of things I want" but really, he needs one consolidated post!

    Love your picks!!!

  15. I am planning on taking the same approach as far as giving hints to my hubby. He is so clueless too ..

    Have a fabulous weekend!


  16. If I even get a gift I am happy as usually I am a last thought. hence one year I got a half eaten platter of shrimp.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  17. Since we've been married, Mr. M and I have gotten one gift together -- "Gifts" really isn't either of our love language, so we pick something out that we normally wouldn't buy and would love to have. We've gotten everything from the very unromantic, but practical new washer and dryer to high-end watches we picked out for each other. I never feel cheated or like I've missed out, and we're both always happy with what we get for Christmas!

  18. I admit. My gift giving last year was WAY off. Matter fact, i bought her something she already had, then bought her something she totally hated. I wish all women had a blog so they can post stuff for us to buy.

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  19. This is such a great idea. I think I'm going to do a post like this & then choose that day to tell my boyfriend about my blog. hehe. He can be very clueless. I love that bracelet!! =)

  20. Clever! I really want the ceramic hand gun too.

  21. I thought you might like this stuff...and what a deal. Check it out:

    Sale ends in 3 days. This site gets awesome prices on group deals...I subscribe and get daily emails. That's how I saw it. Thought I would share!

  22. ahaha!That was an amazing idea!I Like your wishlist!

  23. Mine leaves things to the last minute and usually forgets about all the things I have mentioned leading up to Christmas!! I have that python tray on my list as well, I've had my eye on it for awhile.


  25. Mine is usually pretty good about jewelry and perfume kind of stuff but never thinks of buying decor items, which are always what I want most- love your blog list idea and yours is fab- want that bracelet and the pillows!

  26. haha very cute! I know how you feel, I like surprises but my husband always asks me what I want. Kudos to him for trying though :) I just bought some skinny cords from Old Navy and I'm pretty excited about them!! xoxo

  27. haha! we just buy our own gifts - not romantic but easy. i just had the house repainted so i guess that is my early gift. i also bought myself new Charles David boots on sale at Nordstroms. maybe new hardware for my kitchen cabinets for Christmas! lvoe your ideas!

  28. SPEARMINT BABY: Ha! Nothing wrong with me, i also buy myself something too! :)))

    i think most guys would think of buying jewelry or perfume, thats a safer bet...not many i know ever buy home decor items..wish mine did.

  30. Good idea! I may have to do this myself. It's much better to give options so that it will still be a little bit of a surprise. Ooh wonder what you will get?

  31. KATE: That's not a bad idea....:)))
    What are you guys getting each other this Holiday?

  32. MR. GOODWILL HUNTING: Ha! I think girls give off more clues on what they want, some guys just dont notice....hmmm but blogging about it is a good idea, but you have to make sure the man knows where to find the post. In your case, it doesnt seem like there was a blog...but I bet there were just gotta keep a close eye. :))

  33. DESIREE AND LARS: I like Gilt..thanks!

  34. L.R: haha That is exactly what i told my guy "I have an entire blog of things I want"
    too funny. Go for it!

  35. That python tray is so cool! and I don't even like snakes!lol


  36. Hee hee - I have the same thing planned!! If everything's posted on my blog, there are no excuses to mess up, haha! ;)

  37. I always say I want it to be a surprise too! Actually, he normally comes up with better presents than I even could think of. He always pushes me into new hobbies... my new favorite gift is a NIKON... I haven't been brave enough to use it yet. But I can't wait to put it to good use for my blog.

  38. Haha, this year I've decided to try something new for my guy, too! I was going to give him some guidelines, like, you have to buy me at least this many things but you can't spend more than a certain amount... make him get creative!

  39. hehe, guys are the same worldwide..
    I want a surprise as well but in the end we go shopping together to get my present!
    hope your trick works =)
    xo, Eleni of My Paradissi

  40. Pretty sure I also need that python tray!

  41. Love this post. I feel like I have an even harder time finding something for my guy though, then he does for me! I would love to see a post on "Clueless During the Holidays? Part 2 (What to Buy Your Guy"

    Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

  42. I love that gun! As well as uhh...everything else on the list hehe. I've been doing the same thing, dropping the hints to my hubby via my blog. Here's hoping right? lol.

  43. We love the bracelet clutch and porcelain gun! Thanks for your post!


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