ALLEGRA HICKS Book Review ...(Via Made by Girl)

I'm a BOOK FANATIC!  I own a ton of them & STILL find myself buying more!! It's really hard not to when so many amazing titles keep popping up all over the place.

I also get BOOKS sent to me by publishing companies, but when I'm in IMPATIENT I'll buy a copy myself! 

Today, I'm reviewing ALLEGRA HICKS, 'An Eye For Design' by Abrams Books.  I love textiles & am always so INSPIRED by them... this book was a must-have for me! This title contains 224 pages of full COLOR and is only $26.

Here's a little info on Allegra Hicks: She's a London-based fashion & lifestyle designer whose line of luxury  homewares, and accessories is sold all over the world in department stores and boutiques as well as in her namesake store in London! She's quite well known for her unique textile designs, which she uses in her interiors as well as her popular fashion line.

The minute I SAW THE COVER of ALLEGRA Hicks, I fell in L-O-V-E.  Don't you just love a book cover that reminds you of textile?? Very appropriate in this case.
Another book cover that remind me of textiles is 'Glamorous Rooms' by Jan Showers (Leopard Print cover) which I blogged about here.

images by jen

You can buy your copy of Allegra Hicks here.



  1. do you have a library or special shelves for your fave books? i am trying to decide on a better way to organize some of my husbands books. he has thousands!

  2. SPEARMINT BABY: I only have a custom built shelf in the office area...but I desperately need more space. May get another one built somewhere soon!

  3. Loving that book and you are right - the cover is sublime! KG

  4. Ohhh the colors in that book. I have a Borders coupon that is just burning a whole in my pocket. I might use it on this. I love looking at the pics. I might be moving into my apartment next week so I'll need the help! =)

    Happy Thanksgiving Jen!! Love your blog!! =) Thank you btw for putting me on your links!! =) Enjoy!!

  5. I really really want this book- so gorgeous...adding it to the ever growing list.

  6. That cover is good enough to eat!

  7. It's on my Christmas list- love the patterns and colours!

  8. LOL! We have the same taste in books! I did the same post a few days ago!!! Too funny.

  9. My collection is growing, I have a thing for beauty/makeup books though ha.
    xoxo Heather

  10. Hi, I love your blog and visit almost daily, but the one thing that let's me down are your book reviews.
    They're not so much reviews, more pictures of the book. Nothing on what the book is about, the down sides (if they have any). To me the reviews are too simple and it doesn't feel like you've actually read the book. Just my 2 cents

  11. Allegra dishes on some tips for decorating homes her style in Gotham Magazine. Check it out:

  12. Allegra dishes on decorating homes in her style in Gotham Magazine. Check it out now:


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