Peek into Famapa's home...

You can always gather INSPIRATION from another person's home, even if you don't like their style. Perhaps you just like the color of their walls or maybe the way they hang their art. Either way, inspiration can easily be found if you just look. Hope you enjoy Famapa's home in London and gather some inspiration for your own! Check out the blog here.



  1. i love this home!!!its so fresh and fun:)

  2. Me ha encantado tu blog!!!

    Un besote

  3. What a beautiful home. I love the Finnish design accents: the Moomin mugs and Marimekko patterns. I share a lot of those in my home as well!

  4. Why would anyone have a calender on their wall to commemorate September 11? I'm from NYC and find that in VERY bad taste. I was loving the pictures until I spotted that. It instantly turned my stomach. It just made me sick. That day was horrifying to experience. Period.

  5. thank you for your comment!...
    see you soon!

  6. Anonymous: The reason my perpetual calendar shows the date sep 11 is because that happened to be the day's date when I took that picture. If you find that offensive in anyway then I apologize, but it is in no way celebrating or even representing the attacks on the Twin Towers. It's a date. What made that day so horrific was what happened not when it happened. Please don't think it callous of anyone to display calendars on the 11th of any September. That day back in 2001 will stick in all our minds for the rest of our lives regardless of what country we live in.


  7. Oh! I love that cushion on the red couch!! Very cute!...

  8. Loving the colors in the home, especially the framed art over the staircase. Pretty!

  9. I love the wall of fame =) it gives me an idea to decorate my room.

  10. I love the wall with all the art. I'm getting a few pieces ready for my wall and I love this image for inspiration. In fact, I so love everything you post here. thank you!


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