The Creative Entrepreneur...(Book Review)

Thanks to my contact over at Quayside Publishing for sending The Creative Entrepreneur by Lisa Sonora Beam for me to review. This book is a step-by-step method of business development for creatives from all walks of life who want to turn their passion into actual business opportunities.

It CHALLENGES you to think & rearrange your priorities while teaching you how to develop a personal & business strategy to get results you want.
So, if you lack practical business knowledge or are facing emotional & psychological blockage while on your entrepreneurial journey, this book may just give you some insight to move past it.

  • A unique creative process for developing & testing ideas.
  • How to easily assess business ideas to see if they will work before investing time & money $$ in them.
  • Ways to develop a positive & productive relationship to the creative process that is essential to business viability & success and much more!

*The Creative Entrepreneur is perfect for creative types!

Photo by: Jen Ramos


  1. This book looks great, I think I will have to pick it up!!

  2. this book looks like a lot of fun and right up my alley - we creative people need a book like this to explore our thoughts and ideas. it needs to be visual and exciting - not just written text. thanks for sharing :)

  3. Thanks for the review! This looks very interesting... I may have to pick one up for myself and for gifts to my creative friends :)

  4. Thanks for sharing this!

  5. ohh I definitely need to pick this one up! thanks for the tip :)

  6. This sounds like a great book. I've actually been surfing the web for entrepreneurial stuff all day. Thanks for this tip! =)

  7. Looks like something i could really use. I will chickity check it out.


  8. Looks like a great book. Love the cover.


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