Need some home office inspiration? I do.

I'm trying to gather INSPIRATION so I can finish decorating my office space. Since adding new shelving, I wanted to see what other little things I can do to brighten up the space! I surfed around on Flickr and came across some pretty cool home-office images. What do you think of these?? Does your home office need a face-lift??

*Next 2 images below from Urban Grace Interiors Blog- I LOVE her entire place, truly one of my favorites!
Check it out



  1. Fabulous post. As I'm collecting ideas for my new office area, this has been a great source of inspiration.
    Your office is just to die for - especially the flag print which keeps popping up.

    ACS x

  2. I love your home office! Mine is so boring...I'm always in need of more inspiration for it!

  3. Yeah, the facelift I need is a Mac Book Pro! ARGGGGGGGG...

    One Shot Beyond Photography & A little More>

  4. Your office is absolutely gorgeous! I wish mine looked that great. Is the stuff on the wall behind your computer on a board of some sort? Or posted right on the wall?

    Great site by the way!

  5. I need a massive office-lift....great finds! And I so WANT your shelves....

  6. Heather,
    ha! a Macbook Pro is the best laptop I've ever had I get one if you get the chance..LOVE IT!

  7. Hello Carolynn,
    The pictures on my wall are just taped on with a small bit of tape. I know its not the best thing to do, but its only tape...and it is my house glue though.
    Thanks for commenting and hope to see your blog grow soon! : )

  8. Vanessa,
    These shelves are just from Home Depot and the literature mailer i ordered online....All together it cost about $170 . Not bad huh? : )

  9. These are so great.. I'm so wanting my own office room now! What is the pink thing your laptop sitting on? Is it a calendar or some sort of pad for the computer???
    Great inspiration!

  10. AnonymousJune 23, 2008

    Your office looks GREAT! So glad you were inspired by mine!

  11. Hi Trina,

    That pink thing under my laptop is a piece of one of my favorite fabrics....its sits on a cushion to better support my laptop. : )

  12. ERIKA:

    Thanks! The minute I saw your office space (your entire place for that matter) I was so INSPIRED. You have amazing taste lets just say!! So glad you decided to share your space.

  13. Thanks ACS,
    The flag images are just reminders of a trip I'd like to make I had to make it more aesthetically pleasing, hence the reason why I made them in so many colors.


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