I'm a Sucker for color....

I came across this quilt and It stopped me in my tracks! I guess I'm just a sucker for color. Funny thing is, all throughout high school (Loooong time ago) I never wore anything but black clothing. Color to me was loud and obnoxious. Amazing how things have changed & how much better I feel now that I have let color into my life. Found this lovely picture at Cottage Industries Blog.



  1. I can't tell you how happy I am I just came across you blog, so much eye candy and interiors that are making me drool.

    Love this quilt, I have been obsessed with all things patchwork as of late. From couched by Squint to bags by Dolce and Gabanna.

  2. Thanks for the mention. Yes, isn't this quilt wonderful. I told the woman who made it that she should be selling them online!


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