For a good laugh....

Whether you've heard of artist Alison Jackson or not, her portraits are undoubtedly unique. You see, Jackson has never shot the celebrities who appear to be in her photos. She uses look-alikes to pose in all kinds of embarrassing or paparazzi worthy poses! Mocking public figures from Madonna to President Bush as you can see below. My favorite is the one with Madonna & her newly adopted baby boy. Which did you enjoy? You can see more of her work via her site.



  1. AnonymousJune 25, 2008

    Love this book, so funny!
    And they look so much alike, its scary!

  2. Oh my gosh! These are hysterical!! Thanks for sharing!! :-)

  3. AnonymousJune 25, 2008

    Loving the Paul McCartney one! LOL

  4. love it!!! her book is so fun.

  5. AnonymousJune 26, 2008

    going going going to check her out...right now...I am...seriously going now.

  6. Ha ha! I don't know about anyone else, but I sure looked as glamorous as Angelina while breastfeeding - and Madonna in the nappy department. Hilarious stuff - loving.

  7. AnonymousJune 26, 2008

    LMAO the Bush one is pretty darn funny! the perplexing look on his face alone had me cracking up...but the Prince William one is good tooo..kinda like 'yeahhh, that's right...KING!' hahaha

  8. so funny. great shots.

  9. OMG @ bush and his rubik's cube!!!

  10. I just love that last one especially!!


  11. AnonymousJune 26, 2008

    oh by the way! i've added you to my blog roll :o) love your blog!

  12. What does all this say about us? Of course..we are celeb-gossip junkies and we aren't afraid to admit it! Love her work. Great concept.

  13. I'd have to say that my favorite is a toss-up between Bush and Prince William. These are funny.

  14. hilarious! Bush & the rubic cube and "the king", like most of the commenters stated above.

  15. Am really enjoying your blog!

    But, and I seem to be the odd man out here, I just found some of these to be very DARK, certainly cynical. There's something about the images with the sunglasses on that just seems especially detached. I chuckled initially but they left me feeling cold.


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