I couldn't help myself...

I was at the bookstore this weekend and I discovered the new 'Sex & the City' movie book! Has anyone seen this book yet? Its sooo cute, its like watching the movie all over again in photos! Some cool features:
  • 176 full color pages
  • behind the scenes shots
  • brand names of everything that was worn in the movie (including shoes)
  • names of all locations they used to shoot the movie in (from the courthouse to the coffee shop).
  • and more!

I'm so glad I got it with my Barnes and Noble Discount - it retails for $29.95.



  1. AnonymousJune 08, 2008

    I did see this book earlier this week and think I'm going to buy it - it's fantastic! I took a couple of photos from it and did a post on Carrie's apartment earlier this week. I LOVE that they detail every outfit that each girl wore + all the behind the scenes/making of the movie stuff. Fab!

  2. I SO want that book! I studied every picture that you posted! Thanks so much for this!

  3. I saw this earlier this week but was in a super big hurry and decided to skip it. I think I am going to go back and snag it though...especially now that it has MBG's seal of approval! :-)

    { Lindsey }

  4. Hi Kay,
    just saw your post over at your blog...very cool and informative. Thanks for the comment : )

    Yea, I recommend it and i'm sure you'll love it....thanks! : )

  6. getting on amazon RIGHT NOW!!!!

  7. i just love visiting! your blog is all hot pink and gorgeous...and all is well once i get my glamour fix from you...

  8. was hoping they would come out with a book for the movie! will get myself one, the pictures in your blog looked great.

  9. Now I want the book even more! Will go straight to the book store next time I'm out shopping.

    I *must* have that book!

  10. That looks like a fun book to have... I was thinking about buying the original novel... have you read that?

  11. I saw it but didn't have a chance to look at it. Now that I know it is as fabulous as I'd hoped, I've got to have it. Thanks for the tip! I feel better knowing it has your stamp of approval :-)


  12. Haha, I still need to see the movie.

  13. FiFi Flowers,
    Believe it or not- I haven't read the original novel. Usually when I hit a book store...i always open it and scan through some of the pages. I don't know BUT i love pictures so this book was definitely up my alley.

  14. STACEY,
    GO NOW! Ha!

    Cyndi & LEE-

    Aww, thanks !


    THANKS so much...i just realized I never got back to you - (ur email) so sorry about that. Will get to it soon ,promise!! thanks for commenting. : )

  15. AnonymousJune 09, 2008

    what an amazing book!
    I didnt even know that it existed, but now I do, I want one!

  16. That's a thought... picture books for adults! You would never have to leave it up to your imagination... oh that might not be so fun! ;)

  17. AnonymousJune 09, 2008

    Jen, I'm a die hard SATC fan! Ran right out and bought this book. Now I have the Series collection, the Kiss & Tell book, and the new movie book. Woohoo!


  18. Hi Myisha,
    Ooh...nice! Hey, which is the Kiss and Tell book?

  19. AnonymousJune 10, 2008

    Hi Jen,
    I absolutely love your blog I think its fabulous! I have just created my own fashion blog,called Fashion Fuss.Would like to know what you think about it and maybe you can give me some good advise on how to keep the blog running.thank you

  20. oooh, i love the inside peek! thank you!

  21. Ooooh...I totally need this book! I haven't seen it but will be sure to pick it up!

  22. Hello Irina,
    Thanks so much and am so excited to know you love my blog! I just checked yours out and I think my advice would be - Update as often as you can. Don't be afraid to write whatever you want...be honest. Good luck! : )

  23. AnonymousJune 10, 2008

    Hey Jen,

    The kiss and tell book is similiar to the Movie book accept it's all the fashion, directors notes, interviews, and stuff from the complete series of SATC!

  24. Oh, yes I saw this book in wal-mart.It is amazing if you ever get tired of it then send it my way- I'm sure it's interesting! :) xo Daisy~

  25. AnonymousJuly 20, 2008

    I didn't know they had a movie book! I must get this!


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