Mi Cou Cou

 Cou Cou is such an adorable shop based out of Buenos Aires Argentina. I like the wall color they used throughout the interior space and how well their products fit in. I love it when stores create an aesthetically pleasing environment to shop in, don't you?? It makes me want to stay there longer. Its too bad I haven't found many shops like this here in Las Vegas...but I'll keep my eyes open. Check out their blog for more photos and info.



  1. This is so cute! It looks like a cozy room in somebody's home!

  2. i live near this shop!
    i love it!!

  3. hi,I'm Emi from coucou,thank you for writing about us the way you did. You're very generous.Please visit our flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/micoucou
    and of course you're very welcome here again. kisses.

  4. You are VERY welcome Emi...your store is great so I'm quite happy to feature it! Thanks for the FlickR link too.

  5. i am a celestine!!!

  6. I have to go to this shop!

  7. What a great find! Those little pillows are too cute!!! Love!

    PS- your office is looking so great! The shelves are great.. I am getting an itch to organize just looking at them :)

  8. I'm headed to Buenos Aires in November for my honeymoon. I'll have to check this store out!! It looks adorable!

  9. AnonymousJune 19, 2008

    Thank you so much for this post Jennifer, my walls are that exact same color in the 3rd pic and it gives me so much color inspiration to feed off of! Lovely shop!

  10. Hi Meghan,

    Lucky you, if you do please take pictures! I love that store.


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