On Sunday it was beautiful out so I decided to spend the day window shopping and at the book store picking up a few books. I LOVE bookstores! I consume myself into the magazines and gather so much INSPIRATION! Here are shots I snapped of things that caught my eye throughout the day. Feel free to comment on anything. : )

*My Starbucks above!

As well as one of the coolest looking pieces of furniture I've see above. The patchwork is great from Living Etc.


*2 0f my favorite reads, & the newest issue of Interview Magazine with Madonna on the cover, LOVE it!

*Image above of the AWESOME wall of books from New York Spaces Magazine.

*Images above and below from ZGallerie. I love the pillows above, they look VERY similar to KWID's Trellis fabric, anyone seen these? These pillows retailed for about $39 each!! Nice, I almost bought them.

ALSO don't forget to visit my shop at: MadeByGirl.


  1. I don't know about those pillows, but if you check out the Big Ass Book of Crafts by Mark Montano, he has a How To on making skull plates that look just like the ones posted here.

    Now I'm in the mood for a latte. I don't usually get soy but I do love me some vanilla. :)

  2. nice post. i love your blog. i haven't been to zgallerie in forever!

  3. Want, want, want that wall of books!

    Seriously though, it's been my life-long dream to have a library with a ladder in it...some day :)


  4. Fun post! I felt like I was right there with you!

    Happy week!



  5. Hey Marylin,
    I've heard of that book before, but I will look into it for thank you!!

  6. Melissa,
    GLAD you did.... its what i was hoping for. I think these type of posts are fun too...will have to try to remember my camera more often hehe

  7. Hiya Sues!

    I KNOW what you mean about the bookshelf...its so awesome and you really would need to have a TON of books to fill that up. But can you imagine what guests would say when they walked into your place as saw it? My first reaction would be WOW!

  8. Thanks Jill...maybe we should go sometime, Zgallerie is always fun to visit!

  9. You just made me crave Starbucks, and we don't have it here! Depressing :(

  10. you have the best style! i love all your colors!!!!

  11. lovely day -- i had easter brunch at starbucks! =)
    - Jessie -

  12. This was an awesome post by the way! I really love your blog, its so refreshing!

  13. My son, husband, and I also spent Sunday in the bookstore. I always sit in the kid's section with my son with all my favorite mags...thanks for sharing :-)

    Brace Yourself Boutique

  14. sure, i haven't been yet to the one in vegas. i'd love to go!

  15. that's just what I do in the bookstores or grocery stores...sit there for days reading all the magazines :)


  16. Good idea for a blog post! :) The other day I was looking for magazine to buy and came across a super thick wedding magazine that I bought straight away. I think it may take a couple of months to get through. LOL! :)

    Beautiful as always! xox


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