Coveiter Feature

A BIG thanks to Lindsey & Julie, the 2 designers who run this cool little blog called: Coveiter. If you haven't seen it, you should. They have many inspiring posts & I love the fact that they often include posts showing off environmentally friendly products. Today, they also featured an interview they did with me that you may find interesting! Also you can go to their site to get a 10% DISCOUNT CODE for any item within my store!! What are you waiting for?? Go get that discount code!

*As you can see they were the first to feature my newest print: "I LOVE hUe".


  1. hey! thanks for the comment on my blog (who doesn't love chocolate? :) ) i really love the aesthetic of your cards: hopefully we'll be seeing more and more of you and your work in different articles and magazines!

  2. Thanks for allowing us to feature your great work and for giving us the interview.


  3. Hi Jen! What a great spread! And I enjoyed reading the interview. On a sidenote, I'll be at the National Stationery Show in May, just checkin' out the scene, not exhibiting. But I will definitely stop by and say hello!

  4. Hi Jen,
    Nice of you to read the interview... YES, drop by to see me at the show....glad to hear you'll be there! ; ) My booth is 1842.

  5. That's a great interview. I think what drew me to your work in the first place was the emphasis on love. I think we're both pretty big romantics! ;)

    P.S Thanks so much for the shout out the other day! I really, really appreciate it.

  6. ooo, thanks for the tip...and I love your new little bio icon, so cute! It's always a pleasure to visit your blog -- all the fun pink and personality, but always with a refined eye. =)
    - Jessie -

  7. Hi Jen,
    Just read the interview on Coveiter, loved it. They really did a nice job of highlighting your work too!


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