
I haven't had much time to enjoy the Mark 2 camera I bought earlier this year. In fact I've only used it for work purposes. I finally decided to play with it today & Darla (my pretty boxer) was the subject.

She played it cool the entire time - posing while looking out the window, then away from the cam & then looking a bit tired. She's 9 years old & still healthy, so grateful to God! My favorite moments with her are when I get up in the morning & look over as she glances up at me. I also love entering our apt after a walk, she sits & waits for me to wipe her feet. (Yes, we wipe them every time) The look in her eyes as she glances up at me while I clean her little paws, so in love.

I can't even imagine what it's like to be without her.

Do you have a pet? What is your most cherished moment with them?

 -images by jen ramos



  1. Darla is really beautiful...

    my dog Molly is a maltese shitzu (I think she is almost 12 years old now) - we found her at the lost dogs home when she was about 5. I think for me, my most treasured moment was when I found her at the lost dogs home those many years ago - there were so many dogs barking and jumping in the cages - except for my little Molly who sat there quietly with her big brown eyes just waiting for someone to love her...the tears of that moment knowing that I was going to be the one to cherish her - it was a precious moment for both of us.

    have a beautiful weekend

  2. Bless that dog's heart. I can't believe she waits for you to clean her paws. That melted my soul into a pile of mush. How precious!

  3. I have two dogs. They're the most amazing! With the older one, Moni, I love her swag after a meal. I can tell that twice a day, she feels so pleased with herself. She ways and her head goes from side to side. So yes, I love after meals to watch her walk proudly. And because she knows I enjoy it, she walks right up to me in that really adorable way. Or maybe I'm imagining the last bit. :)

    With the younger one, Zara, she's still such a baby. She causes havoc running and pulling and tugging and playing. But come sleep time, she looks at me with the cutest expression and I know what she wants. She wants to climb on top of me and go to sleep. :)

  4. She is such a beauty, the perfect cognac colour!! She seems so wise, too!! Enjoy your moments with her!!

  5. OMG, you can tell she's just a big sweetheart. I love that face. I lost my Siberian Husky to cancer last month...and my husband surprised me recently with a baby English Bulldog - all white, we named her Sugar. She's a ton of fun already! www.styleoyster.blogspot.com

  6. I don't have one now. But back in Seattle, I have a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. He's very affectionate by nature. Whenever I watch TV, he always tries to climb the couch or the lazy boy and uses his paw to get my attention.

    I miss having a pet around!

  7. Awww, so cute!
    I feel you, I have a 13 year old that breaks my heart every day, thought I almost lost her a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes I think its all over and fall apart, she then bounces back, kinda like shes taking care of ME.
    Anyhow, I fear that day, but will love her up until I no longer can.
    Enjoy your baby, shes so sweet!

  8. Awww, so cute!
    I feel you, I have a 13 year old that breaks my heart every day, thought I almost lost her a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes I think its all over and fall apart, she then bounces back, kinda like shes taking care of ME.
    Anyhow, I fear that day, but will love her up until I no longer can.
    Enjoy your baby, shes so sweet!

  9. I love these photos! I do have a pet... I have 3 plus 1 labs. The plus 1 is my son's. She is just visiting for.......
    I don't know what I would do without them. And they are at the other end of my Mark2 many days. Sometimes I think they are rolling their eyes thinking, again? really?
    I love your work, blog, and now your beautiful "pup"!!

  10. sweet Darla! She is so precious. Our guy turns 10 today, I can hardly believe it!

  11. I'm so glad I am not the only one who wipes their paws each time! Haha. And she is adorable. Sweet, sweet face. I know exactly what you mean when you talk about wiping their paws. I have one who doesn't like to wait--haha. She is all "business". :) But my other pup is the sweetest at this time---and stares up at me with the sweetest little face. Probably my favorite time with them is early in the am--they are both so sweet...trying to nudge me out of bed--or encourage me to feed them breakfast. :) life,for me really is better with them. :)

  12. What a precious baby! Dogs are so special!!


  13. She is adorable, and taking tons of pictures and getting a few good ones is the drill! We have lots of animals here and they are tough subjects. Have a ball with it, and hugs to Darla!
    xo Nancy

  14. So adorable and I know the feeling! My Tilly, a mini schnauzer mix is my baby! I'm so lucky to have her alive. She was attacked as a puppy and they said she wasn't gonna make it through the night. She was in a little incubater and the doggy hospital for a week. I was there all the time and prayed everyday. She would pop her head up when my husband and I walked in and I knew she would be ok. She was blind for a few months and we had to reteach her to walk. My best,most precious memory is seeing her walk again for the first time! 4 years later and you would never know, she has the best spirit! Wish I could show a picture...here is a link to my bio with her too!


    Laura Dro

  15. I just lost my 2.5 year old boxer to heart disease a month ago. He was the sweetest boy and was loved by everyone who met him. He was a hugger and even though I was supposed to tell him not to do that, it was one of my favorite things about him! So glad your girl is still healthy at that age!

  16. Awww too sweet. Dogs are such an amazing part of the family. I don't know what I would do without my Lola. Morning cuddles are the greatest. She's such the cuddle bug!

  17. Darla is beautiful. I too have a 9 year old boxer named Hannah. I thank God every day that I still have her. Hannah has a white face (used to be fawn) and hip dysplasia. They are the most precious things. Please keep posting more pics of her.

  18. @LAURA DRO: aww i love how you stood by her & took care of your pup through those difficult moments...so sweet! :) She's cute i saw her pic in your bio, thank you for sharing!!

  19. Aww what a pretty boxer you have indeed! What great crystal clear photos & darling lil subject! =)

    I recently got my boyfriend's cat when we moved in together and in the middle of the night she loves to snuggle up to me under the covers and lays her head on my arm. It is the cutest and I cherish her every time she does it!

    Ergo - Blog

  20. Jen,

    Thanks for the sweet words:) She's a part of our family and it's amazing how dogs know they are loved. I think she knows we weren't going to give up on her!

    PS-when we lived in Chicago, I wiped her paws too...it's so muddy!

  21. My little 3lb teacup yorkie, Rocco has completely stolen my heart. He follows me around my house like a shadow!

    - Jaime

  22. Darla is such a cutie!!!

    I have a rescue that I got when he was 6 months, a 4lb yorkie that was pretty badly abused as a pup (he's 2.5 now) and my favorite memory is when I first met him. I was looking at other dogs at the shelter (they use to be on 9th ave in NYC and I would help walk them). the owner said he won't let anyone pick him up and nips every time, I sat on the floor and he came sniffed me and sat right down in my lap. He looked up at me and I knew that i was a goner. Even with all of his medical issues I know I was blessed, it's like he was meant to be mine and I was what he was waiting for. love him!

  23. Aw :) Sooo cute! Does she have a bit of pug in her?

    My Todd is the light of my life so this definitely touched my heart. He just follows me around, cries and waits for me when I leave, even if its only for a second. Couldn't love anything more.

    xo Ashley

  24. I have a cocker spaniel bison frisee mix, and my favorite moment with her is when I'd hide in a corner and she would quickly scan the room to look for me but not completely, and then she does 4 rounds around the house before she really finds me. Her pouncing look is my favorite! And then I chase after her and tap her butt to make her nervous.

    What inspired you to pick your major in college? Comment and share on my blog!

  25. What a doll baby she is! I love those pics! I wipe the paws of all 3 of mine everytime they come in, I totally get it. Love every moment with them. Dogs are such a joy, aren't they.

  26. Oh, she's so pretty! I totally get you on wiping Darla's paws... We recently got a puppy, a Chihuahua and we named him Nacho. I asked his vet if we could wipe his paws after walks, because we don't wear shoes in our apt! I think she looked at me like "what?", ha! So nice to know we're not alone :)

  27. She is such a beautiful dog. I have to say my favorite moments with my dog Ziggy is when she's guilty for eating something she shouldn't have. Here's a pic of her guilty face. http://www.mvastudios.com/post/46897330953/on-my-laptop-cam-ziggy-was-seen-eating-a-cadbury

  28. Que bendición tienes de tener una compañera tan linda como Darla, es hermosa.

  29. Such a beautiful puppy! I'm mummy to a kitty cat we call Serefina. Sadly we had to send her to live with my brother because my daughter has severe allergies to cat fur (we're talking hospital visits), but every time we are in town I go and spend some time with her and take lots of photos. I miss those moments late at night when my baby girl was in bed, Serefina would come and sit next to my computer while I worked.

  30. Well i was reading all those lovely comments and decided to share my storie. My boyfriend and I adopted a yorkshire terrier. Hes so sweet. I remember when i first met him the poor thing was shaking everything scared him. He came from an abusive past poor thing. Over the weeks and months we spent a lot of time together eventually he became fearless. He loves running and playing although he still doesnt fetch. I taught him to sit and lie down before feeding now he doesnt instantly its so cute and he mixes sitting for lying down sometimes. I really love him and im glad we were able to give a good home he deserves :)

  31. To me every moment with my sweet boxer is a special one -walking, playing or just sitting side by side-. Your Darla is so cute.Blessings


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