Anine Bing is in the House

I can't tell you how many times I've searched for the perfect pair of leather pants.  Ones that would make me feel like Joan Jett & a bit of a BAD-ASS on days I feel like crap. I came across my all-time favorite pair from Balmain (which Kate Moss always wears) and I got soo excited! The excitement didn't last long when I saw the price tag, gulp. Hopes were dashed. Then, a few weeks ago.... I found a pair that looked quite similar, by Anine Bing. Let's just say I fell in love.

So.... I saved up & was able to get the Anine Bing leather pants. The price is still a bit steep, but good quality leather pants don't come cheap. I mean even the zippers are big & sturdy, love them. Call me CRAZY, but leather pants are a must in any wardrobe. 

Do you own a pair of leather pants? Do you wear them casually or just on dress-up days? 

images above via:

striped top/asos



  1. Laughing right now as I desperately wanted a pair of leather's about a year ago...but yes the price can be a little steep as you said. Love the Balmain pair - they are hot and you will look fab in them...just a tad jealous right now!! :)

  2. LOVE this post. Really inspiring.


    Cecile In L.A.

  3. I am totally loving leather I want a skirt like this thanks for sharing the ideas! xx. gigi. food and beauty blogger @

  4. I am forever afraid that leather pants are going to be like that episode of friends where Ross is in the bathroom with baby powder. Anyone??

    Surely they're worn often enough that that must not be the case, but I just can't get that sweaty sticky image out of my head! Must I get over this?

    with grace & gumption, Hilary

  5. I love the look of them, but I have never come across the right pair. Maybe next year...

  6. I have a pair of leather like, it is not the same but i love them

  7. Anything that Kate touches I immediately want! Love leather pants!

  8. I wear mine so often that one of my girlfriends asked me the other day if I owned a pair of jeans! Mine are Iro and over the course of time, have perfectly moulded to my body. I'd die if anything ever happened to them!

  9. I saw some at Zara the other day that looked pretty good but was too lazy to try them on. I may need to go back now!

  10. I think they are so hot, just not sure I can pull them off.

  11. I LOVE these pants. Loving the zippers at the bottom!

  12. HILARY: haha I never even thought of that happening...too funny! I've worn leather pants before, and lets just say its best to wear them during winter and sprint (not summer weather).

  13. Holy hotness! LOOOOVE!

  14. I love this! To be honest, I've never had the courage to wear leather pants. I must get over this though because I love all of these looks!

    Happy weekend, Jen! x

  15. Thanks for your comment on my blog! I'm still searching for the perfect pair of leather pants too, love them but just can;t find that one perfect pair...xx

  16. I've thought about buying a pair, but I don't know if I could pull them off! Bet you look fabulous in yours :) xo

  17. Love all the leather, but also deeply in love with the striped tee.

    -- Angelica

  18. I really like leather pants. I don't own a pair, maybe a day I'll buy one.

  19. Gorgeous post! I don't own a pair of leather pants but, i wish i did!

  20. I ALSO need these pants!

    xo Ashley


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