Online Magazines - Are they inspiring you?

When it comes to seeking out inspiration -one thing I always look forward to is online magazines. The latest issues of Lonny Magazine & Adore Home Mag are some of my favorite issues! You can get a sneak peek of both below! 

Displaying homes from New York city to Australia - both are equally engaging & completely inspiring! I swear, I feel like re-decorating after I finish looking through these issues! But, we merely moved into this place and that just ISN'T happening! 

On a side note, I wish these online mags would devote an issue to more AFFORDABLE SPACES - so that the pages don't just serve as inspiration but would be attainable to most people. Make sense???

Do these online magazines inspire you? Do you feel they should feature more affordable spaces sometimes?

-images via :

lonny mag
adore home mag




  2. I do get inspired by online magazines but yes I do agree that once in a while they could do more "This Room For Less" type articles! =) I've always loved those type of posts when bloggers do it! =)

    Ergo - Blog

  3. As much as I've tried to love the Lonnys of the world, I can't do it. I'm sorry, I sit in front of a computer all day at work and then I go home and often work more or spend time on the computer on social media. I don't find looking at magazines on a computer to be enjoyable. And let's be honest, most of them are about 90% images. It's like a less convenient Pinterest. There is no meat to the articles and rarely more than 500 words.

    Of course not having to pay for paper, printing or postage is the huge benefit that online mags enjoy. Except having to deal with those things often makes for a better magazine. You have to be more judicious in your editing. You can't just pick 40 photos and decide they are all good enough to run. Most online mags are lazily edited and I find them rather tedious to manage.

  4. I love online magazines. They inspire me and really get me excited to try new things with my own twist. Sweet post and great photos :)

  5. I love Lonny! Online magazines are great but I use a subscription service on my iPad for all other magazines too.... Basically all magazines are online now so I think I'm just used to it. It's so useful for bloggers!

    Kate from Clear the Way

  6. I have definitely been driven to "step-up" my game with the images in Lonny as inspiration. I love dreaming about amazing spaces and I'm not so sure average places I could afford would be quite so drool-worthy. It's easy to do AMAZING with loads of money but much harder with less. Not that it can't be done, it just takes more work.

  7. I love online magazine so much that I decided to start one... Having worked for traditional print media I can tell you that as much work goes into producing online publications as their print cousins...

    Check it out if you are inclined:
    From Scratch Magazine

  8. @scratch magazine: awesome, me too! - i'll def check it out thanks!

  9. @ERIN: interesting point of view...I am probably the opposite, i love them. Its not often i get to go to a news stand and pick up a mag, plus online mags are free! but i do agree - they dont have a lot of text, but with the whole Pinterest thing, ive realized that most people care less about reading these days. It seems they just want to look at things for inspiration and less to be taught.

  10. @ELISA: I agree, it can be done, but takes a lot MORE EFFORT.

  11. Of course, so inspiring!

    Love B&W mix

  12. I also love looking through these online magazines...I agree that they have many images unattainable for the regular on-a-budget decorator, but I take that as a personal challenge. Most everything in these images can be adapted in your own way to your home since the magazines are there to provide inspiration. Otherwise copying the whole room as you see in the magazine would be soooo boring!

    Really enjoyed the pictures you chose for this post, BTW!

  13. Love Lonny magazine, I miss Domino!

  14. Yes, I love these on-line magazines - Lonny and Sweet Paul are my favorite. I thought I would have an issue since I love to hold my magazines, physically, but it is really nice that you can click to buy on the majority of them!

  15. I think most magazines both on and offline have lots of great pics but not so much inspiration for common people.

    I use to make posts about budget living on my blog. This Is a Swedish low budget bedroom post... Maybe you like It:)

    LOVE Maria

  16. I really like the online mags, and I totally agree. I can't tell you how many times I click on a link from the magazine, only to see that the item is way over my budget. I would love to see more affordable items featured.

  17. Geez!!!! You are SO RIGHT about magazines featuring more affordable spaces.

  18. I love online magazines - I just wish I had more time to look through them all - I'm so busy looking at blogs and other social media that I find I get my inspiration through this instead and on the sometime occasion I get the chance. As for the cost side in terms of affordability of the design choice - I think you take the inspiration and then make it your own - opp shops have the most amazing decor sometimes that you would be surprised what sort of room you could create...

  19. Thanks so much Jen for the blog post and featuring Adore Home magazine - so greatly appreciated. I tend to put less words in our articles mainly because it's hard reading long amounts of text on a computer screen - we try to keep it brief and to the point. :)

  20. I love online magazines! They're easy access and they're better for the environment.

    Jen, are you going to continue your online magazine? Would love to see more.


  21. I love online magazines! They're easy access and they're better for the environment.

    Jen, are you going to continue your online magazine? Would love to see more.


  22. I do like them--and yes, they inspire me for sure....BUT, I would absolutely love them if they have "affordable" features. Sometimes it can be overwhelming and frustrating when all you see is price tags above my price range. When I get frustrated, I usually go to Pinterest and see what other people have done on budgets!

  23. @17 PERTH: I do too. I get discouraged when prices are sky high...but a part of me loves to see what I can't have...ugh a bit of a dilemma & torture.

  24. I love online magazines. Home decor ones are some f my favorites, but it is nice to provide a range of price points when featuring rooms. I love the color of that turquoise wall!!!!

  25. Those magazines inspire me too! It's true that when I look at those pictures I want to change everything in my little home :)
    Stunning homes and decor, gorgeous decorative objetcs ...
    And yes, most of the time all those things are too expensive for "normal" people like me.
    But I think it's just like fashion magazine in a way that show us amazing outfits, bags and shoes that we we cannot buy because too pricey!
    They just want to make us dream ... and let's be honest maybe they also want us to be more frustrated too!

  26. I think about this a lot, actually. While I won't say it's easy, it's definitely not as hard to have an inspiring space if you can spend $15,000 filling the living room with furniture and accessories.

    It's hard to walk the thin line between mass produced, vintage, and custom items and I think those who do it well are truly talented but perhaps not connected to the right people. It's always the head of a brand or some designer who is thrilled for the exposure.

    I wish we could see more average size/budget spaces, but I suspect they're harder to find since the owners are not submitting photos.

  27. I adore online magazines but I do wish they would offer more affordable spaces every now and then. They are great for inspiration but definitely not so budget friendly...

  28. Hi jen!

    i totally agree with you about having more affordable interior design. I launched a digital mag with the idea of having affordable style (all fashion under $100) & real girl's homes, & women entrepreneurs (P.S. would love to interview you for our next issue!)

  29. Jenn, I totally agree. They should have more equal mixtures of price points, and "look for less" features throughout. Many of the viewers are young people in their 20's and 30's who just go their first place and are looking for tricks. Many of the homes are not reflective of what viewers can financially attain.

  30. 1000% agree with you and being a Canadian reader, I wish they featured more Canadian stores and houses.

  31. Very Beautiful, but I admit I still like the print form.

    Website owner


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