What is your favorite area in your home and why?

Hey everyone! Suna here from SunasHouse & I’m a self-taught interior decorator and an interior designer wannabe. I’m a full time student studying interior decorating and also running a blog  about the small projects I do for my house. I love affordably well designed spaces and share the ideas with people. What having a cozy and welcoming work space means to me is “Being myself”. Especially when you are a mom of two sons and a wife to a husband, you usually don’t have a small space in the house that can reflect your own personality and colors. A well-designed office space makes work more efficient, productive, and organized and helps you refine yourself.

My home office used to be a small, formal dining room that was barely used. I wanted to transfer the space to a space that I can enjoy every day. My two dark wood tables were perfect for me to transform into a big desk, on which I could have enough space to decorate some objects that I like, read books & magazine, organize mails/bills, play with my camera and use my laptop. Now I have my work space and I feel more productive, efficient and professional.

It is my most used space in my house and I love sitting on the chair working and looking outside to enjoy the weather and greens. And I still can use the table as a dining table when I have guests over. I feel comfortable, cozy and more productive in my work space. Every girl has to have their own space/office to enjoy their work. If you have a room that was barely in use like mine, please transfer the space to a room that you’ll love and use.
Don’t limit your space. Don’t let space give you the purpose, but you give them the purpose that you want. 

The thing that I love most about my office is that the space is no more abandoned and I have my own space to blog and spend my time in my house. I rebuilt and painted the two old dining tables to the big desk for me and I love it.

Do you have a fave space in your home? Email us a few photos & if we choose you, it could be featured in this series!


- visit me at SunasHouse



  1. Love the desk! <3


  2. Such a beautiful space! Loving the chandelier! Such a fab touch!!

    --Sayeh, The Office Stylist


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