Happy Birthday

I can't say I was excited about turning 40.  Yup, that is correct. However, I am healthy and my business is doing well, so I'm grateful on many levels.  It's weird though, I recall turning 35 & how i felt that was the beginning of feeling old - so of course, 40 was not something I was welcoming with open arms. Good thing is, I have good young-looking genes, so no one ever guesses my age...thanks to my lovely mother. We actually celebrated on the 13th because today I'll be heading over to the Bowery Mission to help serve food to the homeless.  I've never done this on my birthday, but they asked & I figured, why not? God gave me a beautiful day on the 13th with friends & family, so passing on that blessing seems like the right thing to do.

Now that I'm (1111+ 0) - just like many of you - there are so many things I'd love to do, things that I dream about, long for & hope for one day. Things like traveling, spa-vacations, children, business growth, bigger philanthropy & more! My life has been an interesting ride -  I'm looking forward to what's to come. 

What desires & dreams would you still like to accomplish?? Maybe before you're 30th or 40th?

-photos from my instagram



  1. Happy Birthday!!! Don't worry about your age! You look great and age is just a number :)


  2. well, seeing as I am almost 42 I don't quite qualify for your question :D but I would like to keep raising my boys to be good men, full of wonder and respect for others and this planet of ours. And buy a flat in Paris, of course.

  3. Happy Birthday!! Be sure to thank your mother again for those good genes. You look amazing!

  4. Happy Birthday!! Hope you enjoyed your day. I have been to and served at the Bowery too. What a wonderful thing to do on your birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday, Jen! You certainly don't look your age, you look young and fabulous! May everything you wished for come true! :)


  6. What a great day to spend your day: giving!

    I think that it's not about age (although you look great), it's how you feel that matters. Having dreams and goals is what keeps you young!

  7. Happy Happy Birthday!

  8. Happy 40th Birthday Jen...and welcome to the 40's club...the best is yet to come sweety...its a beautiful age and new stage in your life..be excited...breath every inch of it in..your life is truly beautiful and truly blessed lovely. Sending big birthday hugs. Anna x

  9. Seriously Jen, I would of NEVER EVER guessed you were over 30. Never. Happy, happy birthday. May all women look as good as you when they turn 40!

  10. Happy Birthday!! Feliz Cumple! I felt the same way when I turned 35 & now that 37 is creeping up I do get a little terrified. Age is just a number & yes being grateful is the best acknowledgment.

  11. Happy Birthday! My 35th is coming up in 8 days and I feel like I've started over with ditching the Communications world for Graphic Design and most recently, interior design! I've followed your blog for a year now and admire your drive, talent and ambition!

    Cheers to being productive, healthy, hot and happy!


  12. nice!|!

    i invite to me too


  13. You look beautiful! Happy Birthday!

  14. You look beautiful! Happy Birthday!

  15. Happy Birthdday Jen! Cheers to 40 and FABULOUS!

  16. Happy Birthday Jen! Cheers to being 40 & Faboulous!

  17. Well, first of all Happy Birthday! Of course you don't look fourty but then again what does it matter? People look the age they feel. Plus young looking genes and a good man beside us ... things like these never let you grow old. I hope you accomplish all your dreams.

  18. Anyone under the age of 60 is young to me once you hit your 60s then your just plain awesome. I look up to a lot of people around that age.

    But oh my I thought you were in your late 20s!

  19. Anyone under the age of 60 is young to me once you hit your 60s then your just plain awesome. I look up to a lot of people around that age.

    But oh my I thought you were in your late 20s!

  20. Happy happy birthday!! I think it's a great idea to make a "bucket list"...who cares if you don't accomplish everything? It's still good to have goals and to put pen and paper to what you want out of life. You can check out my bucket list here: http://702parkproject.com/2013/02/09/my-non-bucket-list-list/


  21. Felíz Cumple Jen! I hope you have a soulful birthday day. You look great and that's because of your positive energy; age is just a number.

  22. Muy feliz cumple Jen! you look amazing at 40! hope you have a great weekend, darling! xx carolina

    p.s. would you take a look at my blog and tell me what you think? thanks!

  23. Jen, I would have never guessed you were 40! You are doing your thing, Girl! Keep up the great work.

  24. I had a tough time with 40, but it didn't last long before I realized I went from thinking I knew everything (30's) to I can do anything! Sometimes it's not about what we "want"to accomplish, it's just knowing WE CAN!

    40 is the age of empowerment!

  25. Yes it really is just a number. But more importantly it's a blessing to have lived 40 years on this earth. Just think of everything you've learned, survived, accomplished. You should be celebrating

  26. @Dawna Jones Design very well said...I have to continue to think that way & less the other way. thanks!

  27. @Melissa V thank you- happy early birthday! i sure do remember 35...it was a great time.

  28. Happy Birthday Jen, hope it was absolutely amazing! xo.

  29. Happy 40th Jen! I, too, am in my early 40's and remember seeing an episode of "The Nate Berkus Show" where he turned 40 and Oprah told him life was just beginning. I completely agree! The trade off for getting older is the wisdom and comfort in your own skin that you gain. I can't really explain it. You start coming into your own in that 40th year. Cheers! xoxo

  30. Happy birthday Jen! You look great by the way!

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

  31. 40? Are you sure?! Happy Birthday!!

  32. Happy Happy Belated!
    Looks like it was a great celebration!!

  33. You are making 40 look easy! I love it!


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