Hurricane + Moving + Giving

It's been an interesting few days here in NYC. While half the city has no electricity - we feel blessed that our lights are still on. It was an intense night with the winds howling & barely anyone on the streets. What a rarity, no one on the streets of NYC.

I never felt truly scared as I like to keep my trust in God and his protection over us - but I did keep wondering where the electricity would go OFF next.  It's amazing that most of the news on CNN was already being spread on Twitter. Even beyond the tragedy, it was great to see people shedding their fears by bringing some humor into things.

In the midst of it all, we realized how glad we were that we weren't moving on Nov. 1st - but during the middle of the month instead. We managed to sell all the items we put up for sale, the biggest one being the white sofa. 


It was bittersweet, as I watched it for the last time being loaded into a truck. It drove away to it's next destination, Brooklyn. I hope the new owners will LOVE it as much as I did. Sometimes we have to learn  to make room for other things in our lives. Things we may not even know are coming. Just like God prepares us spiritually for our next journey, we also have to make room for it as well. I look forward to decorating the next place.

Please consider making a donation to the Hurricane Relief - you can go to my church site here:

OR Salvation Army.

Btw, you can follow my Twitter here.



  1. So glad to hear you are safe, Jen. I love that black wing-back chair. I know you will find fab things to replace the things you gave away. I can't wait to see it come together.

  2. So glad to hear you are ok dear, be safe and keep praying

  3. Happy to hear that you are safe! :)


  4. Glad to hear you're doing well and kept safe!!

  5. So good you are safe! AND you still have power bonus! Xx

  6. Brooklyn is the new Manhattan !
    UES will miss you !

  7. Dear Jen, In my busy busy day I did thought of you and wondered if you and everybody in New Yourk was safe. I did prayed and I did asked for stillness. Turned on the computer now and the first thing I did was go to the blog page to find out if everyone was okay. I'm so glad you are fine and with lights on! ;)) Good luck with the moving process. cheers AnaAntunes

  8. Happy to hear that you are safe!

  9. So glad to hear you made it through the storm safely, Jen! XOXO

  10. I am also glad you are safe. And looking forward to seeing the new house decor pictures that you choose to share. Hope the move goes smoothly.

  11. glad you guys are okay. we had to evacuate zone A and can't go home for a few days but grateful things are not worse. God bless you guys.



  12. yay! Glad your safe :) Stay warm :)

  13. I am so happy that you are safe:-)

  14. I am so glad you are safe...we will keep praying for everyone;-)

  15. so very glad that you are well & safe. & here is to hoping that your power remains on during this time allowing you to help others during all of this.

    I wish I were closer. I used to be an AmeriCorps VISTA & I love nothing more than helping in these situations. Stay safe dear.

  16. So glad you guys are ok! We've been praying for everyone on the east coast - this florida girl is no stranger to hurricanes and/or wicked storms. They're so eerie. Hope everyone can recover quickly! - Danya


  17. Glad to hear that you and your hubby are okay and that you still got electricity:)its a true blessing!!!!

    Hope all goe well with your move as well and happy Halloween'ing if you're doing anything.

    Take care Jen dear and stay safe!

    p.s. loving that black sofa chair and it matches well with the black photo frame with your painting:)


  18. I bet your new place will be amazing! I just can't wait to see some pics ;) Glad to hear you're safe! x

  19. i was thinking of my NYC friends and so glad to hear all is good. We were lucky as well. no power loss in southern NJ. I am sure you will be relieved by the end of November to have the move behind you. settling in again well be so nice for the holidays. stay safe, shari

  20. so glad to hear you are safe!!

    I understand why you'd be sad to let the white sofa go, but I agree- good to make room for new things in your life.

    Looking forward to seeing the new place come together.


  21. Thank you - THANK YOU!! for your lovely comments & concerns! So grateful. Sorry - ive been busy trying to get back to normal, and now helping my church get supplies to those in need. I'll be back Monday!

  22. Glad to hear all is well. Thinking of your & all my friends on the East Coast. Be safe!


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