Interiors By Francesca....

I love designers who LIKE to do "affordable luxury" - such as New York designer, Francesca Herrera

Let's face it...not everyone can afford to hire a designer - so it's always nice to know that if we CAN, we may not have to spend a million dollars to have our home look good! 
Francesca is a native New Yorker, so for all you New York people, she's ready to design for you!!

I like how she says on her site, " I don't follow trends. I let my clients’ passions and interests dictate the emotion and feel of the home. Ultimately, I design homes that progress over time and reflect my clients’ ever- evolving lifestyles.” 

That's something I wish I could do more often, NOT follow TRENDS in my own home! You see, as good as it looks at the moment, the problem with trends in the home is you HAVE to keep changing things out! 

So, using items that are classic & timeless is a BIG plus! Wish I could afford more of those TIMELESS items!!

Anyhow, Francesca's portfolio is gorgeous - and the minute I saw it, I knew I wanted to share it with all of you! My FAVORITE is of the entryway....the large photograph of the white horse, the built in cabinets against the white walls looks flawless. The entryway is so calming....I can imagine entering this home & just wanting to stay awhile. 

Again, please check out Francesca's full portfolio on her site, Interiors By Francesca.




  1. I definitely will check her site! I'm really enjoying this beautiful post, Jen!


    Luciane at

  2. Her designs are beautiful. I agree, trends are tiring, but if you do it in small amounts it can be fun. :) I like freshening things up a bit from time to time with pillows, wall art, lamp shades....little things.

    -Danya at

  3. she has such classy taste

  4. I love Francesca's style. Always refreshign to hear about a designer that listens to her clients and doesn't follow the trends. And yet, her portfolio still manages to look current.

    Amazing portfolio, thanks so much for sharing. I like hearing about new designers - or at least ones I haven't heard of before!

    Thanks again for the info.

    Kate and

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful designer's portfolio! It's always great to hear about new designers - or at least ones I hadn't heard about before.

    I love how timeless her rooms look but have an obvious twist to each which I'm guessing she picked up from her clients. So refreshing to hear about someone that doesn't follow the trends - I agree... it's so hard to not be influenced!

    Thanks again for sharing,

    Change of Scenery

  6. wow! love her portfolio, thanks for sharing!

  7. Gorgeous! I agree, the foyer is my favorite!

  8. I'm in love! I love how she has that right amount of color in the room! Especially the red accents with the white and those cerulean pillows!! To quote Rachel Zoe, "I die"! =)

  9. Really great style. These rooms are gorgeous. LOVE the entryway and the black & white piece over the wood cabinet !


  10. I am DYING to get my hands on a horse photo like that one!

  11. She has a great eye for design!

  12. Oh wow, all of these spaces are incredibly glamorous! Thank you for the introduction, I'm off to check out her portfolio! xx

  13. Flawless is a good word. That horse print is fabulous. Really like that vignette with new York book and Puccini scarf too

  14. Beautiful blog! I will place your blog in my inspirational folder, love it! Take care, towe.

  15. I just checked her site and she has a really wonderful portfolio! Love her use of colors and materials. All her rooms look very fresh and beautiful!


  16. Gorgeous interiors... Thanks for letting us know about Francesca! =D

  17. These are all great designs. I especially love the red accent chair in the 2nd to last picture, I found a set of two chairs here for just $250

  18. I have a copy of Castiglioni lamp on my living room, I love it!


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