GOLD is Sooo In....

Hey you guys, how are you all?? 

My week has been SO stressful, trying to book a place in NYC & getting some airfare amongst other things! But let's get back to the fun stuff.....
I LOVE GOLD. BUT, I used to HATE it. Well, when I was in my early 20's I'd only wear silver. Back in my day I used to see gold as LOUD & not-so-classy, but not anymore! In fact, I started wearing gold around the same time Sara Jessica Parker appeared on SATC wearing her gold horseshoe necklace!!! She inspired me.

Now we see it all over... GOLD is in everything these days from home decor, jewelry, wallpaper, artwork & more! In fact it's one of the key colors I use in my paintings on Cocoa & Hearts!

So, it's safe to say, GOLD is very much in trend & I now own more gold than silver jewelry, who knew?!? Some of my favorite gold jewelry this season is by Vince Camuto. Have you seen his newest pieces?!? Oh my gosh! It's super nice & super affordable too!!

 Also, since GOLD is soooo in trend.... I decided it was time to step it up a notch & make some gold LOVE prints as well! Here's another peek!

I briefly mentioned the prints last week & have already received many inquiries & phone calls asking when they'll be available!!! They're HOT! 

Coming soon to Made By Girl.

So what do you Gold hot or not??

- love print image by jen ramos



  1. gorgeous.. gold is so à la mode now that there is no wrong way of wearing it... bravo on the golden love, J'adore!

  2. Totally agree with you, I love gold. But as you, I used to hate it, in fact my wedding ring is in white gold. But for the last couple of years I've been enjoying it a lot!

  3. Gold everywhere! I´m in the same thing now: I always had silver, and now I love gold in everywhere!

  4. Brilliant! Love the gold. Well done.

  5. LOVE this! So beautiful and gorgeous!

  6. I am in LOVE w/ those bracelets and I totally get why that is your favorite ring!! xo

  7. I am in LOVE w/ those bracelets and I totally get why that is your favorite ring!! xo

  8. I love just the right amount of gold! The Love gold print is really pretty!! I hope the NY planning works out too! =)

    Melanie's Randomness

  9. Yes! I love gold. I remember declaring when I was 10 that I would never wear gold. It didn't take me long to turn around. And I adore that ring!! xoxo

  10. oh its hot for sure!

    Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  11. I'm definitely more drawn to gold than silver!! I LOVE your new print-so fun!

  12. I use to think the same thing!! Now I think silver looks old and dated!

  13. Gold and brass it is all coming back! I was just like you... it was only silver for me, gold was just old school and kind of tacky! Now I can't get enough of it in home decor or fashion! Love the new prints! And the coco and heart piece... just awesome!

    Tiffany {Living Savvy}

  14. Me too!!! I used to hate wearing gold when I was younger and now it makes up about 90% of my jewelry wardrobe and I love it!!

  15. I think GOLD is soooooo glamourous! I simply love it!

  16. Gold is definitely back in a major way!! i LOVE your paintings! I actually would like to purchase 3 small ones for my bedroom I am re-doing and painting! Alsoooo......Would you be intertested in donating one for a give-a-way on my blog?? I just love them so and have not done a give-a-way since Feb!

  17. LOVE IT!!! I am going to be ordering that print soon!

  18. I love gold with certain things– just depends on the outfit. I always love gold jewelry in the summer when I have a nice tan!

  19. definitely hot!

  20. Same here, gold was yuck to me from about 1985 to about 2 years ago. I decided, "I should be wearing gold now" but it was hard to find jewels.'s really in and alot easier. Michael Kors has been on the gold trend for awhile now and has awesome things in gold.

  21. Really cute pieces ! Love the crystal ring and the gold link bracelet !! I only wear gold as well but used to think the same thing you did and only wore silver...funny how things change !


  22. Funny - I just posted today about a gold and snakeskin Pentax camera I thought was FABULOUS. Gold never goes out of style in my world. :)

  23. LOVE gold! I'm in the same boat - totally loved silver and thought gold was "old" - worn by those less fashionable, but I'm obsessed with gold now. I definitely own more gold than silver (or "white gold"). Love your new print!


  24. Oh! I'm so excited to see that there is a gold LOVE print! I need one of those!

  25. Totally heart gold! I remember thinking that silver was the way to go when I was growing up because that's what everyone thought was cool, but then I realized I really like gold better. Then my brother got me a gold tiffany necklace for my sweet 16 & that's sealed the deal ever since!

  26. I agree with the gold, I love it! I really love your gold "love" print as well!

    'Please visit our new website'

  27. Love it! I am totally into gold right now. I love mixing it with other metals to keep it fresh.


  28. With the price of gold being what it is...its so sprkly, pretty and valuable! Love this!

  29. Gold ... LOVE IT!! I was like you, I used to hate it. But I've brought back the love and just in time for my wedding 2 weekends ago. Rocked a vintage gold watch (was my grandmothers) and new gold/pearl earings. :) So happy I didn't go with the traditional white gold/silver.

  30. Gold is definitely hot! Such a regal color.xx-Jackie

  31. I can dig it.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate,

  32. I absolutely love gold - always have! Love your print and the ring is spectacular!

    Best regards, Olga

  33. Love your new gold print. Think it's my favorite yet!

  34. I smiled reading your post because I use to be the exact same way.. I turned my nose up to gold and would only wear white gold, silver, or platinum.. now however I am slowly getting into the gold myself and with my Italian skin it looks so luxe and I get lots of compliments.. so crazy

  35. Gold is definitely in! I've always loved gold, mostly because I think it compliments my skin tone better than silver.

    I'm pretty new to your blog and I LOVE your artwork! Where do you get your inpsiration?

  36. Hi! I've been a reader for a long time, but I don't think I've ever commented before... I just wanted to say that I LOVE your paintings and I always admire your mix of metallics with other colors. I'm like gold more and more myself : )

  37. Jen, you can totally stay with me in NY if you help me figure out wall colors for my maset bedroom and closet! I have lots of gold, too, and used to be silver-only.

  38. Gold is TOTALLY hot!! I can't wait to get one of your gold ''LOVE'' prints!

  39. I hear you! I used to only wear silver, but now I'm really loving all things gold. They're still showy - but that's sort of the point!

  40. I agree! When I was younger I only associated gold with bad estate jewelry and kind of tacky. But now I can't get enough of it. In fact right before I saw this post I painted a metal bar table gold. It's funny how a little time can change your mind!

  41. I used to not be a huge fan of gold either, but I'm warming up to it lately -- especially as an accessory! I'm also getting used to the idea of mixed metals!

    I LOVE your paintings -- they're amazing!


  42. i have always like my skin tone with gold jewelry on it - i think people's skin dictates one or the other, really. but i tried not to like it. i did the silver thing. but i was just kidding myself really. now, set with my gold foil paint, I try to spruce up everything from side tables to picture frames with it.

    btdubs - love the VC stuff. must find now!

  43. Your LOVE print in gold is so chic and gorgeous, Jen! Love it!


  44. Love it too! Do you deliver in Holland? Xoxo

  45. Love the gold one! Do you also deliver in Holland? Xoxo Suzanne

  46. "LOVE" the new gold print ~ no pun intended :)!!!

    Happy long weekend Jen!
    xoxo Laura

  47. Love your gold! I just put up my first gold accents and I'm still looking at it thinking, "Do I really like that?" I bet I'll love it in a couple weeks! Just takes some getting used to.

  48. I use to only wears silver too but I am soo loving the gold again ... I am so excited we booked our first trip to NYC for November and just today we booked a cute studio we found on VRBO. I haven't been this excited in a long time, I feel gitty hehe. The gold LOVE print is just cool, think I am just going to have to get that one.

  49. HOT!! I totally agree, used to be anti-gold...what were we thinking?!
    I still love white gold for my wedding ring, but everything else...bring on the yellow gold.

  50. I have always loved gold, and really have never worn silver. gold's much better with my skin tone. I don't like platinum or white gold either, although from time to time, I can rock with rose gold.

  51. My collection of gold pieces is growing and I'm not stopping! Rings, bracelets, shoes, Happy weekend to you! xoxo

  52. The gold print is gorgeous! I had a stressful week also, but not quite as exciting as yours :) This gold is inspiring to do some new "stunning" pieces, even if they are paper.

    Have a great weekend :)

  53. LOST IN DETROIT: I like gold on my skin tone too...but i have yet to try rose gold..

  54. MELANIE'S RANDOMNESS: Thank you! Got the hotel + flight booked finally, so i think we're ok :)

  55. ELLA: Ha! I agree, Michael Kors is awesome...he really brought GOLD jewelry back in a good way. In fact, he makes Gold jewelry look real good.:)

  56. LILY: It's definitely funny how things change...I REMEMBER really hating gold and i said several times ," I will never wear gold" - im eating my words now thats for sure..but lovin' it! haha

  57. Gold is absolutely hot; I'm like a magpie - drawn to anything sparkling and shiny!

  58. I want that LOVE print in gold. That's a yes!!

  59. Completely with you, absolutely loving gold right now! The Love print looks incredible in the gold! Will you be having new Cocoa and Hearts small prints coming available soon? xx

  60. I love the gold LOVE print!

    Have a lovely day,


  61. Yes, gold is HOT! I LOVE you´r painting, the colors are just too perfect!

    xx Marie House Chic

  62. Hot! I can't wait to get mine!

  63. Moois & meer: Thanks! yes we deliver ALL over the world :)

  64. The Gold is beautiful! Are you coming back with the silver?

  65. Love your paintings! Gold is sooo hot!

  66. I've suddenly enjoyed working with and wearing gold, too!

  67. CHIC SENSIBILITY: Yes, I may add the Silver once again...we'll see :)

  68. I was the same way....I would never wear gold and thought it was a little tacky. Now it is mostly what I wear! I definitely see it coming back in decor as well. Take a look at The London Hotel in West Hollywood with all the beautiful gold details!(

    I'm glad people are embracing gold now, I love it!

    peace & love,

  69. It's always like that- we all wear silver first and then we fall in love with the gold!:D J'adore it now!:) And J'adore all your examples in this post!!!:)
    Jelena (

  70. love the gold print, but i dont see it on your site. is it going to be available soon?

  71. LINDSEY: oooh I didnt even know they had one in LA....Sooo glam! Thanks!

  72. I expect to be the first one to be notified when this print goes on sale! ;)

  73. I am the exact same way. I couldn't stand gold, thought it was TRASHY as hell and would only wear silver. But now? Love gold and almost never consider silver anymore.

  74. I want the gold LOVE print ASAP! Can't wait!

  75. I went through a stage where I thought gold was ugly and only wore silver as a teen but now I love it. So gorgeous in your paintings!!


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