Books: On My List

Welcome to almost Friday..... 

I have SO many books, and even though I've not gotten around to reading them all...I like to think I will someday. Designs books especially....

However, on my day off you'll find me submerged in books like "Girl Boss" by Sophia Amoruso or "It is Finished" by Pastor Tullian Tchividjian.  Totally different types of books, but both fascinating...since one is about faith & the other about a woman & her successful business. 
This year I've decided to read even more, and on my list are the titles below. (with the exception of 4 and 5, which I have) . 

Do you enjoy reading?? Which book is on your wish list this year?

-post by jen ramos



  1. so cute.. ;-)


    new post

  2. I really recommend (to almost everyone) Jimmy Carter's book: A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, & Power. Regardless of your political stance, the book is a great collection of how religion is warped and used against women all over the world. Carter's strong faith is very evident and has propelled him to work on Human Rights,and so even though the book discusses people manipulating religion/hurting women to gain power, it was refreshing to also see how faith cloaked in love and mercy can make a difference in our world.

  3. great list!

    Girl Boss was one of my favorite reads of 2014!

    xo Danai
    Champagne, Darling

  4. I actually just purchased the first one last week at Anthropolgie. lol


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