Super Woman

New Year's was SERIOUSLY a great time.  How about for you? 

I got to be creative (what I love) by putting together a FAB gold glitter DIY 2014 sign & spend some much needed time with my husband & friends.  However - this new year will be a time to reflect on my business, my marriage, my health & more.   In the midst of everything,  I've been trying to listen to God's voice.  Like anything else, with so much going on, it's easy to miss a beat & end up doing the opposite of what I know I'm supposed to be doing.  I've made a few quirky goals for myself such as working out at least one more day a wk. & longer workouts. I'd like to get those 4-6 pack abs I had back a few years ago.  Why not?!  I'm aiming to stay healthy & maintain a stronger core, which means less back pain for me.  Another thought was painting larger paintings, I know that I tend to do a lot of little 8"x10"'s - but with the lack of time, they're easier to get through.  However, I need to focus & figure out when I could just drown out & paint. Noted.

Another thing was our on going journey to having a child.  I'm not going to lie, it's been a long road & certainly an emotional one.  There are days, I smile in public while quietly yearning for a child. I know it's a part of life to feel pain, but I'm learning that the way we deal with that pain... is what matters.  And, although I'm not ready to fully speak about this, I hope to soon. Until then, we are trusting that God is working behind the scenes for us.

Let's that it?? Hmmm - now Marriage. It's not easy. Ups & downs are constant - but this year we are working to tip the scales, so that we could see more ups THAN downs. Trusting God - having family, good solid friendships & always picking ourselves back up when we fall...that is where we both want to be.  All in all, I AM blessed, and the blessings I see every day are reasons to celebrate.

My hope is to keep on inspiring women all over the globe..... to be strong, courageous, to be loving, kind, caring & to not be discouraged.  Even when I'M A MESS,  I somehow find my SUPERWOMAN vest & I put it back on.  To quote Alicia Keys....'I'm a Superwoman, yes, I am"- and we HAVE TO believe that... despite what others feel or view us as.  This year, I will strive to constantly see myself the way God sees me & I hope you ladies will do the same.  Happy New Year!!

-images by  jen ramos



  1. Good on you Superwoman. My hope if for a kinder year too. we had a particularly hard one last but now I look back I have changed and grown so much and believe that I am a better person for it. Don't forget to have fun and faith too. Bonne Annee' - Shell A Darlings Nest

  2. Love this post Jen- so much you have accomplished, and I love you for being honest about where you want to improve. You're an inspiration. Xoxo

  3. This IS going to be a monumental year for you! I feel that 100%. You're going to look back at 2014 as one of the greatest years of your life. Amen! :)

  4. These are all wonderful and thoughtful goals. I can empathize on the journey to have a child and the struggle to remember God's timing doesn't always align with our timing. I have trouble with that. Keep the faith!

  5. What a lovely and personal post. May God bless your family with a little one soon!

  6. What an honest and heartfelt post. Thank you for that. You are a superwoman and there is no better time to re-recognize that.

    thank you for being you!

  7. @shawna: wonderful words - thank you! xo

  8. I love this post and love your blog. I can totally understand how you feel and wish you all the best. I have so many wonderful examples of women having children after all, it will happen. xo Caroline

  9. What a wonderful post. Today must have been to day for posting authentic living post. I posted from the heart today too! This will be your year to shine brighter than before!!


  10. As these posts!! And I love your viewpoint in just trusting Him. Knowing and trusting and really believing that He is working on behalf when I don't feel it is one of the most valuable things I learned about God's character! Looking forward to seeing what He has in store for you in 2014! And praying that He makes your dreams come true for you.

  11. Thank you for sharing such personal thoughts with us. I wish you nothing but the best in 2014, I hope your wishes come through, you seem like a person with a lot of love to give.

  12. Proud of you Jen! You inspire so many. I'm blessed to call you and Mat my friends. We're behind you both 100%.

  13. Wonderful post Jen. I completely agree on staying focus and seeing the big picture when it comes to doing what God has in plan for us. It's kind of crazy, but you talking about your marriage made things so "real." I guess it's because we always see these great photos of you and Mat all lovely dovey and as someone from the outside, I would think things are perfect for you both. But, it's humbling to know that you guys also have to work very hard at your relationship. I know 2014 will be an amazing year for you. And yes, keep inspiring us! Sorry this was so long. Ekk!

  14. Wonderful post Jen. I completely agree on staying focus and seeing the big picture when it comes to doing what God has in plan for us. It's kind of crazy, but you talking about your marriage made things so "real." I guess it's because we always see these great photos of you and Mat all lovely dovey and as someone from the outside, I would think things are perfect for you both. But, it's humbling to know that you guys also have to work very hard at your relationship. I know 2014 will be an amazing year for you. And yes, keep inspiring us! Sorry this was so long. Ekk!

  15. Lovely post. Kinda makes me think of this quote, What you seek, is seeking you - Rumi.

  16. I love the striped sequins! Are those the dresses from ASOS?

  17. You are amazing! Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. You inspire me everyday to do bigger and better things in my life. Keep it up girl!

  18. You look amazing in your NYE dress!

  19. I pressed publish too quickly…even though I still think you look amazing! Great post, and I wish you all the best with your journey to become a mother. We adopted Stella four years ago, and she is such a blessing…not the road we had planned on, but definitely the the happiest road! Happy New Year

  20. Happy New Year! God Bless & wishing that all your dreams come true for 2014.

  21. You truly are an inspiration... This really touch me... I told myself I would do any resolutions this year im going to LIVE AS I CAN with GOD on my side.... <3. Life and Learn.

  22. Beautifully honest Jen, thanks for sharing. My husband and I have been trying for another, but are struggling getting pregnant. It can be a very discouraging experience. I hope 2014 is the best year of your life, and that each year after gets sweeter.
    XO - Samantha

  23. pretty pics;DD

    new post

  24. Jen, this post really touches me. I follow your blog for a quite long time and you are a big inspiration for me. Thank you for telling us to be courageus women. I have two children, fantastic husband, work and many creative ideas and still grumbling - you show me it's not the way. We should be thankful for our lives! May your dreams come true in 2014!

  25. Look... up in the sky... is it a bird? is it a plane?
    It's SUPER JEN!

    Thanks for your transparent post, Jen. Very encouraging for others and honoring to God.

    We had this blessing prayed over us on New Year's Day... I pray the same for you:

    The Lord bless you and keep you;
    the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
    the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.

    -Numbers 6:24-26

    With <3,

  26. What a great New Years post. Through all that's going on, your positivity and faith will make it all so much better. And having just come off a year when the ups needed to outnumber the downs in my relationship, it can totally happen!

    Luci’s Morsels – fashion. food. frivolity.

  27. @LISA- thank you! Will check it out :)

  28. @JOANNE: I love this- it's always a blessing when someone shares a piece of scripture with you - so im grateful for this and the prayers. thank you!

  29. Happy New year Jen! Hope you gain everything you want.

  30. Wishing you and your hubby everything your hearts desire in 2014. All the best!

  31. Happy new year Jen! Cheers to 2014:)

  32. I know I've told you this before, but what an inspiration you are! I love that you walk your talk and keep God first. I to am wanting to hear God's voice and to just get closer to him. Also, I don't know what your exact journey to motherhood is right now but I can tell you that God has you. Mike & I had a long & difficult journey ( which isn't over) But All things work together for our good. XO

  33. @brian - thank you my friend :)

  34. I've been following your blog silently for some time now. Love your positive outlook about 2014! It seems like you have everything on the outside- but like everyone else, we all have our struggles when we look deeper. I appreciate your honesty and openness about life. As a mom of two, I face constant struggles, one of main struggle being having to give up a once beloved career. Looks like you have an amazing one going for you! That's one HUGE blessings many women like I would love to have! Hope your wishes come true in 2014! Cheers!

  35. Amen Jen, it's so easy to become discouraged, I struggle with this all the time so you're certainly not alone. Continue to lean on God and he will not disappoint! You do nothing but bring Him glory every post. You keep me and as it appears many other women encouraged. May your 2014 bring you much blessing!

  36. Amen Jen, thanks for sharing such a heartfelt post! It is so easy to become discouraged when the greatest desires of your heart remain unseen as of yet - the way you feel about a baby is how badly I would like to meet the man God has in mind for me.

    Continue to lean on God and he will not disappoint. He is so delighted in you for all the glory you give to Him. Thank you for continually encouraging me and the rest of the community.

    May you have a wonderful 2014!


  37. @DELIGHT IN HIS DESIGN/ROSE: Thank you/ I'm so grateful - and I'm sure He will bring you great joy. :)

  38. @ANGELA, Funny a friend of mine actually told me this..about how I may want children, but how others may long for a successful career. I'm grateful for my business and Glory to God for what I have been able to do with it. It's never too late to see what God has for you, who knows you may realize that another career was for you and once your children are grown, you will end up tackling it. There are many roads to life, and the most important thing is we have to continue to walk those roads with Him.

  39. Such as good blogg its amazing, would love to be able to create such an intresting amazing blog! please check out mine im new:)

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  41. Hey I read your blog and I really like it and I think you should see mine it's about giving advice it's


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