My NYC Closet

Hi everyone! This has been a busy week - I'm very much looking forward to the 3 day weekend. 

Thanks once again for all your support & kindness. My husband says he is going to take me away for the weekend to do something fun - he tells me I need to clear my mind & relax. I feel overwhelmed with work - in a good way though.
Speaking of work - our apartment is featured in the new issue of Style At Home magazine - it's the organization issue available in news stands all over Canada! Supposedly this issue will be available in new stands until next year, very cool! I have gotten many emails asking about our apartment here in the city & since the apartment is now featured in the magazine, showing you photos isn't a problem. Here we go!

So excited! Let me start with my wardrobe.

 I say "my" because only I use it (for the most part). Below is what was supposed to be 'our' bedroom closet. Even though it's bigger than most NYC standard closets - it wasn't going to fit all my things. 

It was certainly a challenge trying to find an apartment with good closet space here in the city. Living in Las Vegas & having a huge mini-boutique as a closet, was great.  Unfortunately, I had to give all that up to make it work here.

So, we thought it was best to go to IKEA & buy something relatively inexpensive and similar to what I had in LV. This time I chose a closet with doors & all white. This IKEA closet system is called PAX wardrobe, the doors are white BERGSBO.


I love the white wardrobe, it's so bright & pretty, but a far cry from the space I used to have - don't you think? Now, instead of in a closet, my wardrobe opens up to our bedroom. I can't say I love having doors on my closet, but I definitely LOVE the way the doors look!

oh chandelier, I miss you! 

In order to make things interesting, I decided to give these IKEA drawers a more hip look. I lined the inside of all the drawers in a leopard wallpaper.  The same wallpaper I used in LV wardrobe above.

Then I added my jewelry - neat huh? I love how much more interesting it makes it appear!  You can add any color or style of wallpaper - just as long as you don't glue it. I recommend using double sided tape, it should hold just fine.

My friends always point out the hardware - they tell me it makes the inexpensive IKEA wardrobe look high end. I'd agree. In fact many of them didn't even think it was IKEA! The brushed gold pulls are the same ones I used on the floating shelves here. The hardware can be purchased at myknobs.

images below by janis nicolay

I donated several items of clothing & handbags before I moved out here- I only kept the ones I knew I would use. Do you keep extra handbags & never use them?? 

I am trying NOT to do that anymore.

Check out the newest issue of Style At Home magazine where more of my apartment is featured as well a great organization tips! Next week I'll show you our living room! 

So, now you know how I made my IKEA wardrobe look CHIC.

cover image via decor happy

Have you had to downsize your wardrobe?
Let me know what you think of my NYC wardrobe.

Thanks to my husband for building the whole thing, he's amazing. Stay tuned!



  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE. First of all - what a fantastic post to end your week. I've been following MBG for a while, and love your site!

    Secondly - i'll be sticking around for a while, you can't get rid of me that quickly, however i hope you feel a sense of 'free' and glad to hear you get some time to relax this weekend.

    I've just moved into a new place, and was snooping around the net for a new closet - and this might just be it - do you mind sharing what the name of the closet is?

    Thanks for posting, i can't wait to see the rest of your place


  2. I looove your wardrobe! it's just as beautiful as the one you had in LV. and the hardware + wallpaper make such a difference! xoxo

    1. I have done one before and i love. i mixed and matched and it worked for great area of the home. Myfavorite is to change those horrid ones. oh well!

  3. Wow, it looks fabulous. I'm sure it's making a big difference. I love the closet hardware you chose too!

  4. Wow, it looks fabulous. I'm sure it's making a big difference. I love the closet hardware you chose too!

  5. Love how chic your closet is!!

  6. absolutely amazing closet! puts mine to shame thats for sure! also have fun on your weekend away! clear the stress :)

  7. Love it. Crazy how a little hardware goes such a long way!


  8. I wish I had a wall to do this on because I have the worlds tiniest closet and too much window and walls with doors that this is not feasible. PS where are those shoes from that you are wearing? I'm in love!

    xoxo Jessica

  9. OMG, those shoes! Where are they from?

  10. I'm green with envy! And those black wedges are TDF by the way! Where are they from?!

  11. KAS: These old things? i think they're from Wild pair. :)

  12. APURAVIDA: Thank you! Glad this could serve as inspiration...the name of the closet is now in the post. :)

  13. SING: you and i have done the same thing....if i dont use it i get rid of it. I gift it or donate it... downsizing can be good and bad.

  14. I love how you lined the drawers. Such a unique and charming idea--adds so much fun!

    The Glossy Life

  15. Wow! I didn't know it was that simple to spruce up the Ikea wardrobe. I love that the tiny details (like the hardware) could make it look incredibly different. love it! - thanks for sharing.
    -Michelle {LiveLoudly}

  16. Is the dresser with the glass top from Ikea?

  17. YOLI: Yes ITS from IKEA, Not sure if they still have it, i bought it earlier this year around March.

  18. Thank you. I've been looking for something like that.

  19. Jen It's the most beautiful wardrobe I've seen in a long time! I couldn't agree more that the leopard details and the gold pulls totally transform this closet from IKEA to high end and custom. A fantastic job!

  20. Jen, your closet is awesome, love the details that made it custom to you... Can NOT wait to see the rest! On my Way to buy the mag (hope its out in Canada right now!)

  21. Absolutely fabulous! That is all I can say :) What a beautiful fantasy closet! (My fantasy anyway haha your reality!)

  22. I love it! I have been anxiously waiting for you to start showcasing your NY pad, it looks great...even with half the space of your LV home. I love the snake skin mirror on the wall too btw...can't wait to see more! Have a good weekend!!

  23. Congrats on the feature! I love the idea about changing the knobs to create a more high end look, what a great tip! Have a great weekend, dear.
    -Ashley Cooper @

  24. AMAZING JEN! I am playing catch up here -- but I have to say how much I admire your honesty. You are such an inspiration to many bloggers and having you open up like that just makes you so real and makes us love you even more. I love seeing you work with a smaller space, as I live in a 835 square foot apartment and space is often a challenge! Looking forward to the living room pictures! It's like Christmas! :)

    1. Hannah, do nice of you to say thank you! A small apt. Can be very challenging.. This was a big downgrade for us, but I think we made it work. My husband likes how I put it together, he's just not crazy about sharing a bathroom. The drawbacks of living in a smaller place right? Ha!

  25. Oh mine!! Your closet looks amazing Jen and those brass hardware ... I am heading over to order some now!!

    Congrats on the special feature on Style at Home! I will have to pick up a copy when I get back to Canada!

  26. Your clothing is lovely and that is one fabulous closet.

  27. will your apartment be featured on their website as well or only in the magazine? where can i get a copy of the mag in NY?!! you have amazing taste!

  28. Your wardrobe looks fantastic! I've been thinking of using IKEA for installing a much needed wardrobe in our master bedroom so it's good to see how great they can look :)

  29. DANIELLE: Im not sure if its sold in nyc. I would tweet to @styleathome and ask them :)

  30. Yay! I've been waiting to see how fabulous you've made your new home in NY. It really must have been challenging to downsize from such a huge house in LV. But I think you made it work!

    I love how just minor touches like adding a bit of wallpaper and knobs can really make it look super high end. Great job! and Congrats on being featured in the magazine!

  31. Dressing up IKEA white with gold hardware is genius--looks great here and loved it on your floating shelf, too! PS: I like those old black wedges also :)

  32. Yes, I have had to seriously downsize as I am divorcing my husband and moved to my little cottage in Maine - so I went from over 2,000 sq. feet to just over 600!! I got rid of tons of stuff that I have accumulated over years. I still have a lot, but had to downsize all my handbags, shoes, clothes, everything. It really has been a 'cleansing' of sorts - love IKEA and your closet is fabulous - I really love the use of the gold handles, I wouldn't have thought of it. ;-))

  33. PS: I see you are wearing leggings - I LOVE leggings and miss wearing them - I think I need to shake up my wardrobe! Love your outfit! ;-))

  34. oh my frick, I am SO going to do chic knobs from now on - forget the basic IKEA things :D and if you, uh, ever need to donate more bags, holla!!! :D

  35. I saw the magazine in the store the other day, but didn't have time to wait in line to purchase's definitely on my list though!

    I'm dying to know...what is the name/style of your Louis Vuitton clutch?!?!

  36. PATISSERIE PARIS: im still waiting to get a few copies. I think its The Pouch 26 - the largest. Its an older one though.

  37. Love the jewelry storage in your closet - genius!

    My jewelry blog:

  38. Well I must say your new closet looks amazing. You really know how to make a space work. I love it!

  39. I love it Jen; it's gorgeous!! I feel for ya, with having to give up so much space, but you've definitely made a small closet space very organized and stylish! I love the tip about the lining the drawers with wallpaper!

  40. Oh, and the shoes you are wearing in photos are killer! Any helpful hints on where they can be found? Have a relaxing weekend :)

  41. it looks like it belongs in the room! very chic and simple. i LOVE it! Your right, LV closets have a lot more space... but id take NYC over that any day :) im going to have to steal your wallpaper idea to line my dresser too. thanks! love everything. take care and have fun on your relaxing vacation with your hubby!
    -jasmine o.

  42. Love the way the wallpaper looks in your drawers and the gold pulls are to die for. Truly they do make the ikea cabinets look very "high end"..

  43. This post is what I'm waiting for long! Glad it's now up for us to see.:) What I really like in your previous home is your closet. I keep coming back for that post of yours as an inspiration. On the contrary you made a good work in your new closet here. I love how chic and cozy it looks like. The leopard wallpaper is a fab touch to the drawer as much as I love in your old closet.Can't wait for the other part.

    Enjoy these post. Be well gurl and God bless you more!

  44. Gorgeous! Your decorating style is right up my alley and I can't wait to see upcoming posts of the rest of your apartment!

    via Emily

  45. Fantastic! Your closet is such a dream...sigh, those brass pulls are stunning. Love.

  46. I want to see the entire apartment but it is not featured in their Please share more, I'd love to see it. Love the have impeccable style. Xo

  47. Fantasic closet, I was just thinking how much you must be missing your old walk-in one... and downsizing, ugh!
    I don't think I could possibly part with the pieces i've accumulated over the years, besides most trends just keep coming back.
    Hmmm, perhaps I ought to do a concise clear out again before filling the closet with Fall pieces!
    I have no idea how you managed to fit everything in the new closet, the Ikea job looks very slick!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  48. I am DYING for that snakeskin mirror! Where is it from!?


  49. Your closet may be smaller and more unconfortable than the one you had in Vegas, but once you get are in NY City !!!!

    You hace a gift of adding glamour to everything you touch !!!

    Cant wait to see more of your apartment !!!

    Very inspiring !!!!

  50. Love your style and the hardware is beautiful! Ikea is a great basic. Have you seen So many ways to dress up Ikea.

  51. KECIA: we made that mirror! it was an old mirror and we glued a fancy paper we got onto its surface. it was a flat surface so it worked out perfectly..

  52. Do you know if you can buy the magazine in the US?

    and I LOVE those handles!! You made that wardrobe gorgeous!!

  53. Congrats on the feature Jen! Your home and closet are beautiful and I love the hardware.

    PS Thanks for the link love! I'm featured in the same issue as you!

  54. love it Jenn! it looks amazing! i love that hardware, seriously. ikea can do no wrong in my eyes lol

  55. Jen congrats that is so awesome!!! I too have an Ikea wardrobe a lot bigger though and can you believe it the same hardware except in chrome you have to check it out I'll send you a pic. I always spend a wad on hardware cause it is the jewelry on the dress.

  56. Jen! This looks amazing!!!!! I cannot believe this is NYC. You set the bar high...time for the rest of us to get our closets in gear!!

  57. Love this post! Thought about doing similar when feeling my closet need autumn update and organizing, and this really inspires me! Have a great weekend! xo Caroline

  58. Hi Jen,

    Your closet looks great! You read my mind I was going to ask where you got those amazing drawer handles.


  59. The hardware really does change the complete look of the wardrobe, and the touch of leopard would make me happy to get dressed and go to work any day. Great photos too!

  60. I love the wardrobe! Very chic & a great way to downsize! A had a very large walk in closet at my college apartment, but after moving back home this summer my closets are super small and unorganized...downsizing is not fun! But you have given me inspiration! Thank you :)

    go for the glam 

  61. Jen, it was so much fun working with you! Rob and I loved meeting all of you and shooting your pretty home. Your closet was especially inspiring, so I may finally tackle mine this long weekend. Have a relaxing few days off with Matt!

  62. LOVE your closet and wardrobe! It has totally inspired me to get organized!

  63. LOVE your closet and wardrobe! It has totally inspired me to get organized!

  64. Hey Jen! Love the closet!! I love organization. I'll have to keep this in mind whenever i get married. Does the magazine distribute in the US? I couldnt find it at B&N. Their website looks really cool but its just something about magazines in print.

    1. Danielle, thx! Organization is key when trying to make a closet look good..! As for the mag I'm not sure if it's in the US. It's def all over Canada.

  65. Nothing wrong with a little downsizing! It can feel very freeing! I'm in love with your style girl! Enjoy a few days off — you have given me some encouragement this week to keep posting and being authentic! -BL

  66. I love how you make Ikea glamourous! Congrats on the feature~

  67. fab drawer linings. i change the doorhandles on my wardrobes and find it completely re-vamps them.

    couldnt part with any handbags though!!

  68. I saw the the pictures of your room in the magazine just yesterday! Picked up the magazine just because of it. Fabulous look!!

    1. Hi kaitsie. Where did you find the magazine?? Im in the US but not in a city as vaste as NY.

  69. i try to downsize my clothes often. but i have a hard time doing it! i work from home and have kids so many of my clothes i just don't wear! but i can't get that fantasy of wearing them someday when i leave my house again. i justify this by telling myself i always get nice classic pieces that will be cool forever. though that might not actually be true!

  70. Your old closet looked amazing. The wall paper on the new one looks amazing though!

  71. Beautiful closet! It's so neat and beautiful! I am so jealous!

    Please check out:

    Twitter: backtofive's twitter
    You have to visit: Bloggers Against Social Injustice too!

    See you there! :D
    backtofive's twitter

    xoxo backtofive

  72. I have just found your blog and it's fantastic! :)

    Btw loving the closet - animal prints are such a good idea! PAX is the best! ;)

    Best regards from Slovenia!

  73. I love Ikea. Their furnitures are so chic.

  74. Such a clever yet chic idea Jen! Those handles are simply gorgeous and you're right-- totally unrecognizable as an Ikea wardrobe. Love your ideas + your style. Perfection mastered as always!

    Gen x

  75. Hi Girls. I'm just beginning my blogging adventure so you will all be really welcome at Hope Jen won't mind :)

  76. Oh Jen you always have a magic to turn the simple into Chic. Love your new closet even if it is smaller than the previous one.

  77. Um....your closet is AMAZING! I'm absolutely in love with the hardware and doors.

  78. Love that wallpaper detail!

  79. Love your new wardrobe!
    My is similar but without the touch of leopard paper and less tidy...

  80. What a great solution Jen! We too had to downsize recently and closet space is just sooo hard to come by. I may have to take a trip to Ikea soon. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see the rest of your home!
    xo -danya @

  81. OMG! I love the wallpaper lined drawers! YOu are SO creative. And I love the ikea knobs. They look so high-end! Nice to know for when I move into my own place someday!

    Holly Foxen Wells

  82. Love your closet. Love to see Ikea stuff all glammed up. Would you mind telling me where you got the drawer liner? Would love to have that print in the backing of a bookshelf.

  83. Love your closet. Nice to see Ikea all glammed up. Would you mind sharing where you got the wallpaper that lines your drawers? Would love to put this on the backing of a bookshelf.

  84. Wow, that hardware made such a difference! It all looks so high end! And the wallpaper lining was a grand slam! Lovely lovely lovely!


  85. LOVE the blog! Your closet was the inspiration for my own (but I went with black). Quick question: what size (length) is the gold hardware? Thank you!

  86. i've been obsessing over this wardobe unit since you posted it. i'm right across the park from you and suffering from the same closet issues on the upper west side:( why am i keeping all this more traditional furniture when these wardrobes use the vertical space that we need in nyc??? i'm so inspired and making this a priority. can you share a little more info on the knobs you used? name/lengths? thank you!!!! love your blog!

  87. Not sure if you are checking these comments still - but wonder if you have the exact name/link of the cabinet pulls you used. I love them!

  88. Not sure if you are checking these comments still - but wonder if you have the exact name/link of the cabinet pulls you used. I love them!

  89. Hi, I am also wondering what hardware you used. Thanks in advance!

  90. Hi, I am also wondering what hardware you used. It's just beautiful! yet there are so many options on their site, it's hard to see which exact one you have. Thanks so much in advance!

  91. Great blog!! It has inspired me to turn my spare bedroom into a dressing room with Pax wardrobes too.

    I hope you don't mind me mentioning you on my blog? :)

  92. Great blog!!

    It has inspired me to turn my spare bedroom into a dressing room with Pax wardrobes too.

    I hope you don't mind me mentioning you on my blog? :)

  93. Would you be willing to share the shade of paint you used on your bedroom walls? I have the same wardrobe, and am trying to find the right white for my definitely looks like you've found it! Thanks :)

  94. Would you be willing to share the paint shade you used on your bedroom walls? I have the same wardrobe, and am trying to find the right white for the walls- it looks like you found it, and I'd be thrilled if you'd be willing to point me in the right direction...

  95. @LAUREN, this is a rental, so im not sure what they used...sorry.

  96. Hi Jen!

    I love your closet. I am currently downsizing and looking to do something similar. Can you tell me the interior fittings you used to make this closet? If you have time, I would greatly appreciate the information. Thanks so much!

  97. Hi Jen,

    I love your closet. I am currently downsizing and looking to do something similar. If you have time, I would greatly appreciate the information. Thanks so much!

  98. Im going to Ikea tomorrow to purchase 2 of these Pax wardrobes and also the brass door pulls...but first can you please tell me how long are the pulls so I can order them asap.
    Im also inspired by your floating cabinets...thx so much for inspiring others !!

  99. Please what size bar pull did you use .... 7 or 10.5 ? I need to order asap...Gracias

  100. Wow, it's wonderful! Congratulations on the publication of your interior :) You have very beautiful closet, my closet need some update, so I definitely have to buy similar one to my house :) Love your blog, thank you alot for everything!

  101. Even 5 years later your closet design is still chic! How ever did you get your pax drawers flush against one another/without the gap?


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