The Truth about becoming Free

Today I wanted to share something that's been on my heart for a while. I'm telling you this so that the truth can be known instead of a twisted version of it. This is straight from the original source: me, the person who lived it.

My life isn't perfect. For the last several years, I've been a designer & an artist. In the past, I worked as a nude model. It was my job at one point, several years ago. 

Have you passed out yet? NO? Ok, keep reading.

In my earlier years, my life as a young girl was a happy one; I'm NOT a victim of abuse or a sad home life--in fact, I had a great family and still do! I've always been a straight-A student. I've never done drugs and never cared for alcohol much, but, I got caught up in a bad decision. I'm not going to justify it. It wasn't an easy thing to do--but at the time, it meant that I would eat, have a place to live and go to school--all on my own dime. My parents are not well off and were never able to help me financially, which in turn put a burden on me to support myself entirely. I had no role model, never experienced any abuse, just a longing desire to do something with my life, and I knew I needed money to get to that point. So, I posed nude to make money. More importantly, I quit after a short while because deep down I felt convicted. I started to feel unimportant and not valued.

The point is, I made a bad decision, and I'm aware of it. If I could turn back time, I would. However, I can't beat myself up, and I refuse to continue to feel shame. The reason is because I think back to what Jesus did for me, for us. He died for all the wrong decisions I made in my life and will make. But if I continue to live in hurt and shame, that would mean he died in vain. A story that resonates with me is the story of Jesus and the immoral woman found in Luke 7:36-50 where Jesus says to the woman: "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."

What Jesus said to that woman is what I feel now: at peace. This letter to all of you was the last bit of darkness I needed to reveal in order to be set free. It's interesting that the few people who tried to "expose" my PAST will now have nothing to talk about. I'm no longer going to feel shame for something I am NO LONGER DOING. God has blessed me with a tremendous amount of love, support, a wonderful Christian church here in NYC and a great business. That is why I continue to lift up his name.

From "SHE" by Kobi Yamada
I hope that women out there who are struggling with money, feeling devalued or lacking hope, can read this and be inspired. Women, who are working as models or in any industry that is looked down upon, should know that they are smart and capable and that God has a purpose for their lives, too. You don't need to feel hopeless or continue to feel shame.

For those people who have tried to taunt me through threats of exposure, you cannot touch me.

"Even though you planned evil against me, God planned good to come out of it. This was to keep many people alive, as he is doing now." (Genesis 50:20)

For the last few years, I've been living God's purpose for my life. I have NO intention of ever going back to modeling, because today I live for Christ--everything else I've let go. Some of you may be shocked, some of you may not care, some of you may relate and some of you may understand that none of us is perfect and that we all make mistakes and bad decisions. The only difference is my bad decisions were made public, therefore,  I also decided to make my truth public. I feel God pressing me to do this now, and I know this is his way of taking the evil intentions and turning it into good. I always knew that I would have to talk about this; I just needed to be ready and strong. Today, I feel that strength which I know comes from Him.

If anyone is truly affected by this and feels the need to discontinue their online friendship with me, you are free to do so. If you are 'not satisfied' with my testimony about my past, then you are free to never visit my blog/site again.  Labeling me or calling me names - is not my problem, but yours.  I have moved past this and hopefully you will respect the situation and do the same.  I will let my current work (MadeByGirl) speak for itself.

When I look at past provocative images of me,  I know it’s me, but I don't feel a connection to that "past" anymore. This scripture explains it quite well, when Jesus said "Behold, I make all things new." (Revelations 21:5)

I'm a new person. My intention is to continue to create a strong impression on women; a positive effect. A friend told me yesterday "Let God finish the masterpiece that he started." So I am.

In light of all this, and to focus on the good, I would like to offer 20% off on MadeByGirl products for the next **3 days*. 100% of the profit for all 3 days, will go to both Children's Cup - an organization serving the needs of the poor children in Africa offering opportunity for them to go to school + more & Women’s Initiative - an organization empowering and assisting low-income women to become financially independent. Just use the coupon code FREEDOM at checkout. Thank you.

* MadeByGirl products only, accessories and products from other designers are not included, sorry.
* expires aug 30th, 2012



  1. There's definitely something to be said about the feeling free. Thank you for having the courage to share this with us. I too have made some bad decisions in my past however, I'm a firm believer in "the past is the past" and moving forward. Your current work does speak for it's self - it's lovely, beautiful & inspiring - like you! Please keep it up :)

  2. thanx for sharing something so personal!!! - it's great when bloggers can really open themselves up to the world - and girl, i don't think there's anything to feel bad about - so what, u posed nude - the human body is beautiful - live and learn - :o)

  3. It's done and many years ago.
    haven't most humans done something stupid?
    I think that you are brave to tell the truth and set the record straight. That's a very good thing.
    Be happy, you are human - with all your wrongs and rights, flaws and all.
    That's life.
    You've learned.
    You live a good life, never let anyone take that from you!
    God bless you :)

    big hug :)

  4. "Everything I am for your kingdoms cause" --lyrics from Hosanna.

    Jen- you are fearfully and wonderfully made and everything about this post is God shining his light + love through you. You are the salt of the earth.

    thank you for continuing to inspire us all, through your strength, determination, convictions and LOVE!


  5. I love this post! What an amazing story! Through your struggles God has given you strength and will continue to do so! God forgives us, but sometimes it's hard to forgive ourselves. I had a hard time with that, but my faith will always remain in HIM! Thank you for sharing your story! You are a wonderful inspiration and this was a wonderful way to spread HIS love through your message! I love seeing posts about faith and all the wonderful things God can do!


  6. I was once told "You have to go empty to feel full"... meaning you have to let go in order to fill up. Fill up on the future, love, and happiness. Past is the past.

    Thank you for your inspiring message and the beautiful work you create!


  7. Thank you for sharing this. It has helped me feel better about past experiences, and I am very blessed with the new happenings in my life. Thank you for sharing this, I believe it will inspire and help others open up to the world and face it! Very brave of you to share this!

  8. Love your honesty and love you even more for your courage to be a shining example of the truth. Thank you for being so brave and encouraging women to know that they have a choice, and that freedom is found in that choice! You are one of the few women in your field I have found who are so open with who they are, and so real. It's one of the reasons I follow you!

    Respect for rising above and not letting others pull you down!

    2 Corinthians 5:17

  9. I'm really impressed with your courage in sharing this! God definitely has the ability to wipe away our past mistakes, and it's so important to share our stories so that we can encourage others.

  10. Love your honesty and love your courage to be a shining example of the truth. Thank you for being so brave and encouraging women to know that they have a choice, and that freedom is found in that choice! You are one of the few women in your field I have found who are so open with who they are, and so real. It's one of the reasons I follow you!

    RESPECT for rising above and not letting others drag you down!

    2 Corinthians 5:17

  11. Love your honesty and love your courage to be a shining example of the truth. Thank you for being so brave and encouraging women to know that they have a choice, and that freedom is found in that choice! You are one of the few women in your field I have found who are so open with who they are, and so real. It's one of the reasons I follow you!

    RESPECT for rising above and not letting others drag you down!

    2 Corinthians 5:17

  12. Long time reader. sometimes I comment and this post propelled me to response. I think it's sad that you even need to defend your past and explain yourself. But like you said hopefully someone out there will relate to your story and can grow and move forward because of what you just shared. And not to appease those that are jealous and mean and spiteful. One can only imagine the skeletons in their closets. . . He who is without sin. . . Thanks for sharing! The Devil is busy and he is a liar.

  13. You are utterly amazing,Jen...and inspiration beyond words. I've greatly admired your talent as an artist but even more so, I also believe your beauty as a person is heavent sent. God Bless. xo.

  14. Thanks for sharing such a inspiring post. Very brave. You should be proud of the wonderful person you are!

  15. Thank you for sharing, you are super brave to put yourself out there. As an artist and lover of your blog/website/artwork I feel no different about you than the day I first discovered MBG! You are so generous and do so many fantastic things for others, it's really inspiring!!! I hope you have a big smile on your face today for having that off your chest. For those that were trying to expose you...shame on them and what goes around comes around!

    MBG+Jen=Love & Compassion!


  16. HI Jen,

    While my first thought upon reading your revelation was "no big deal", I realize after thinking about it a bit longer what a hard decision it was to come forward and having lived with a secret that might be exposed.

    Shame on those people who may have tried to use this against you.

    Lastly, as a first time commenter but long time reader, when we might get a tour of your apartment? I'm seeing little glimpses here and there from your blog and in the background for the images on your shop ... anxiously awaiting. :-)

  17. Nothing but tears in my eyes & admiration & respect in my heart for you, beautiful friend!! I believe that your story of freedom will, in turn, release many others held captive by their past... so proud of you for your humble honesty & boldness in sharing your story.

  18. I am glad you are free! No one needs these blocks to happiness, and you are brave and wonderful to let it out and deal with it. Now it's behind you for good, hopefully. You have nothing to be ashamed of. As an artist I have drawn many nude models and it is a valuable tool for a true art form. (I always wondered what they were thinking inside) Fly, sweet Jen, you are being true to yourself.
    xo Nancy

  19. Thank You for sharing this with us :) I'm so glad that you found Him (or He reached for You) :D He is the Road, also the Truth, also the Life, greetings from Poland :) I love Your blog, and all the things you do :) kisses ! Our Lord is Great :)

  20. Thanks for sharing your story, Jen. It must be really hard to share something as personal as this. I really admire your strength and courage.

    Keep doing what you are doing. You are talented, successful and inspirational to many women out there and no one can ever take that away from you.


  21. SO much respect for what you have done. Thank you for being brave enough to share your story!

    Praying the people who need to read this will be exposed to it and hearts will be touched- I know mine has! God is good!!

    xoxo, Emily

  22. From the day you entered my life, I have had the wonderful joy of being with perhaps the most incredible, generous, and truly loving woman ever. There is nothing in this world that you should ever feel ashamed of - you have exposed your fears, your sins, your soul to God and like He promised, he brings you closer to him. All the malice out there can never tarnish the beautiful masterpiece that you truly are - let God finish the work he started.

    I love you, baby, always & forever.


  23. Wow Jen,

    Thanks for having the courage to share your story and for refusing to allow the past to keep any control in your life. There's no shame in the light, only in the dark. I know you will inspire many people to release themselves from shame and find freedom in Christ. So proud of you.


  24. No pb ! We love your work and it doesn't matter what you did when you were young. We all make mistakes and I don't even think it was one. You don't have to justify.
    Anyway, thanks for sharing.
    xxx from France.

  25. Wow Jen,

    Thanks for sharing your story and for not allowing shame to keep you captive. I'm sure your story will not only set you free, but many others who need to know it's ok to be honest about mistakes we've all made! Thanks for having the courage to confront the past head on and letting it know it can not have any part of the future.

    Well done!

  26. Beautiful words Jen - so inspired by your faith and conviction. Thank you for your courage to take your story into your own hands; I know it will help others who currently lack the faith to do so.

    If only more people were as open, honest, and transparent as you. Beautiful stuff...

  27. I thought you were going to share that you were pregnant. No one is perfect, that is why Jesus died for us. The past is the past.

  28. I agree with Sandra. And I'm sure you're modeling was beautiful.

  29. You are supported!

  30. There would be no reason for His grace if we (all) didn't need it. Thanks for sharing your testimony with your readers.

  31. Reading about how your faith set you free really resounds with me... Jesus never asked us to be perfect, he was perfect and his grace covers all our imperfections. That's how we can be free, and its so inspiring to read your story. Thank you for sharing Jen, we love you!

  32. Well congratulations - you have officially made me cry! This is such a beautiful and uplifting post...and I'm not just saying that. Everything you said I wholeheartedly agree with...and it was just what I needed to hear. Just like Ashlina said: you and every other woman who are or have struggled out there are fearfully and wonderfully made! I think what you're doing in connection with Women's Initiative is so amazing...this post just made me love you even more, if that's possible! :)

  33. Romans 8:28 God works it ALL together for good. Praying his best for you today! :)

  34. You go girl! I am glad you have set yourself free from whatever was weighing on you. I feel sorry for the people that felt the need to bring you down. Your post today doesn't change my opinion of you other than to feel happy that you have let go and given everything over to God. That is something I struggle with every day and I constantly have to remind myself to "let go and let God". I will continue to be a loyal reader.

    GB you,

  35. This is such an inspirational post for so many women. I've felt very down and have considered doing very un-christian like things to make money while I was unemployed. While I didn't end up doing them, I really can see why women would turn to different things when they are truly struggling to get by.

    Thank you for this post. Keep inspiring others!


  36. I am a first time commenter... however I just wanted to tell you that, that I was the most beautiful picture of Gods grace and forgiveness. Wow. So inspiring and encouraging. What church in NYC do you go to by the way?

  37. jen, thanks so much for sharing your story. you're brave, and you inspired me on a day when i have been feeling down about my own past (different situation, but same experience of berating myself for making choices i regret). it is so good to remember that we are free in Jesus and we should extend to ourselves the same forgiveness He offers us. by the way, i purchased your LOVE print when i was going through a terrible, terrible breakup and every time i see it, i remember that i have hope for the future--someday i want to hang it in my baby's room, when i have found a good and trustworthy man to share my life.

  38. Thank you for being YOU, Jen, and for this beautiful post! Blessings. xo

  39. My Dear Sister,you are now free from what had held on to you for so LONG.. You are a wonderful blessing in our family and continue to be one to many others. I admire your courage and willing to put it all out in this world. You and only you, understand what you have lived and how it feels to be judged by others THIS WAY.. God is the only one who has the right to judge us!
    You are an inspiration in ways you can't even imagine.

    Thank you for being my sister & friend
    May goodness over power, what comes your way !

    You are stronger then you know.
    Love your sister Jeannette

  40. sending my love and support <3


  41. Who HASN'T made a bad decision in their lives?! Cheers to you for your honesty and bravery.

  42. you go girl. you are who you define.

  43. I appreciate this post and your love of Christ. I'm sure working through this has been quite a struggle and I am happy that you are happy and can move on!

    hugs to you

  44. I have goosebumps from this post. I am a young woman, 22 years old, and have looked up to you for the past year or so as the type of woman I want to be: successful, independent, kind, creative, loved, and perhaps most importantly, a true Christian. This post has not changed any of that for me. Keep being you. I'm so glad you feel freed and at peace. Anyone who threatened you with this lives with jealousy and hatred in their hearts, while you live with love. God bless you.

  45. How beautiful. Your post brought tears to my eyes. Someone once told me that "All our un-dones were done upon the cross." And I really believe that. All our shortcomings, mistakes, failures and sins were taken away upon that cross. What a beautiful thing! Loved this post.

  46. What a beautiful testimony Jen. You show how far you have come, not only by your actions but by your thoughts too. You have a beautiful spirit and I am sure the Lord is pleased with you.

    All my best~
    Sara :)

  47. Jen,
    Thanks so much for sharing your story! Its amazing how the truth sets us all free. You are such an amazing woman. I am bummed I don't get to run into you and Matt at Starbucks anymore or see you at church but I can see how God is using your story. God has given you a great place to share His truth and you have so many people who support you (I am one of them).

    Praying for God to really use this post to help grab people's hearts that may be far from Him or just need a little encouragement! I see it being retweeted already and I am praying for God to use your story to help change other people's stories that are still being written. You are amazing!

  48. Hey, "Madeforgirl!" I am very very deeply moved. You are spreading his gospel today. Those who spread the gospel via our own experiences have been through some stuff. You are courageous. Honestly, if I was in the position I would buy something just to show you love and support. Unfortunately, I don't have the means to do so but I wanted you to know that you're inner beauty showed thru today. Be blessed--oh, wait you already are! Stay blessed, Chica!

  49. Jen, I read your blog daily but don't often comment. I truly applaud your honesty and your faith. All of us have made decisions that we regret, and that's what makes us human. I've had my eye on some of your bracelets for a while, and now seems like a good time to really stand behind you. Thank you for telling your story. (((HUGS)))

  50. That was an awesome testimony. I really appreciate your willingness and confidence to share with us. I grew up in the church and accepted Christ at an early age. Even so, I struggle with my faith and shy away from openly expressing my beliefs since SO many people seem to be so anti-ANYTHING Christian these days. (Funny because those that don't believe are SO ready to say why and/or make jokes surrounding Jesus-yet I'm the one that doesn't speak for fear of offending anyone). Anyway, because of my insecurities, I really respect you for having the courage to discuss your past-and your new life-so openly. God bless YOU!

  51. Everyone has something in their life that makes them sad, a bad choice, a cruel comment or act or just a regret of some kind. The thing you have done, taking responsibility and moving on, takes courage. You should feel proud of yourself for taking the power away from the past and moving forward. God bless you.Sincerely, Coleen

  52. That was an awesome testimony. I really appreciate your willingness and confidence to share with us. I grew up in the church and accepted Christ at an early age. Even so, I struggle with my faith and shy away from openly expressing my beliefs since SO many people seem to be so anti-ANYTHING Christian these days. (Funny because those that don't believe are SO ready to say why and/or make jokes surrounding Jesus-yet I'm the one that doesn't speak for fear of offending anyone). Anyway, because of my insecurities, I really respect you for having the courage to discuss your past-and your new life-so openly. God bless YOU!

  53. We were born naked. I am European and see beauty in the naked form. Your life is yours to live and your past is yours. The shame is on the people who tried to taunt you. They should never throw stones as i am sure their glass houses are way more fragile than yours and way worse.
    Your a strong lady. god bless you x

  54. Querida Jen,
    I do have several friends here in London and back in Spain who's work are nude modeling, for art school and individuals who are artists. I respect them as much as I do others, I don't see their job as anything less than my own. It is a hard one to be posing in front of people and you need to be very confident and takes a brave one to do it. I am not a religious person, believe in god in my own way, i don't think you made a bad choice, it was the one you could made at the time when you need it. Now you have moved on to do something you really love and manage to pay your bills and have a comfortable life. So no regrets just experiences in life we all go through and make us who we are right now, well done on the charity, I hope you raise a lot of money for the cause, Kisses marga, by the way Ikea??? haha...

  55. I loved that post, it's made you even more inspiring. Everyone at some point in their life has made a mistake and will regret that. No one has any right to judge anyone.Lets be honest, they would have to live a perfect and very boring life to have that right.Your so incredibly brave and strong to do that. Keep on painting!:) they are beautiful!

  56. You are such an inspiration in so many ways. I love that you proudly love Christ and lift up his name in your blog and your artwork. If you own who you are, no one can ever hold it against you. I hope you feel free because it really doesn't matter. I'm proud to be a reader and a advertiser on your blog.


  57. You are brave and powerful and wonderful for sharing this. I respect and admire you more, Jen. xoxo

  58. Hi Jen,

    Thank you for sharing such a personal part of your experience with us.

    I too love the story "The Parable of Two Debtors" from the Bible that you mentioned. For me, it means "The one who loves most is the one who is forgiven most." Or, reverse, "The one who is forgiven most, is the one who loves most." (Luke 7:36-50 KJV)

    One of the most important things a person can do is forgive. That includes forgiving yourself. Then, take it out of your hands and give it to God. It's not your problem anymore.

    Nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so - Shakespeare

    Keep up the wonderful work on your blog. I look forward to the daily inspiration you provide. It's (and you) have been such a blessing!

  59. Thank you for sharing your story and your scars. It's so wonderful that we can live unashamed because of what Jesus did for us on that cross.

    Thank you :)

    Much love..

  60. You are an inspiration...don't ever let anyone get you down. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  61. You are HUMAN, we are all human. This is a great post and I really do admire you! I just purchased the LOVE print! Can't wait to put it up in my home.
    -jasmine Olague

  62. You are an inspiration. I've been a reader and fan of your work for a long time and that is not going to change!

  63. I've been reading for quite a while, and you've always presented yourself beautifully. It was truly courageous of you to share your truth with us. Everyone has their own truths, and that's a part of life.

    Thanks for being an inspiration!

  64. Amazing testimony and so brave of you. I admire you even more for who you are. You are talented, beautiful, and a servant of the Lord. God Bless!

  65. Jen, may I call you Jen :)?) There is NO condemnaton to those who are in Christ. What you did and the reasons for doing so, was apart of your former life! I read your blog daily and you inspire me. Jesus is your REDEEMER, and all those who tried to expose you, God will deal with them. I pray that your story ministers to those that read it. Continue to follow Jesus and all will be well. I love you with the love of Christ.

  66. I love this. LOVE this. There is something so freeing about speaking truth and I know that God will bless you for it! None of us are perfect - we all have stuff in our pasts that we wish we hadn't done. I sure do! I applaud you for your transparency and honesty. Well done!

  67. truly a beautiful story. We are human, and as such, we make mistakes. But, we musn't dwell on the past, but learn from it and hope to grow. God has his hand in everything we do. He loves us, and the best we can do is do our best. You should feel proud of the strength you had to share this. You are strong and inspiring.

  68. truly a beautiful story. We are human, and as such, we make mistakes. But, we musn't dwell on the past, but learn from it and hope to grow. God has his hand in everything we do. He loves us, and the best we can do is do our best. You should feel proud of the strength you had to share this. You are strong and inspiring.

  69. Let's all focus on where we are going! Love You Jen!!!! xoxoxo

  70. Let's all focus on where we are going! Love you Jen!!! PFXO

  71. Jen, this post gave me chills. You have a beautiful story - one of renewal and strength. God is going to use that in so many ways. I respect you so much for sharing your story, and so happy you are set free. For HE makes all things new!
    Lots of love,

  72. As a mom of five , I applaud your bravery! Only move forward, don't trip on your past. We ALL have made poor choices & will continue to make poor choices. Forgive yourself & others and learn. Big hugs!!!!!

  73. This post took a lot of courage, thanks for sharing. Keep being you and sharing your creativity and positive spirit!


  74. Jen, what a courageous post!Yes, everyone makes mistakes, and really, I don't think yours was so bad, what is amazing is that you took your own power back from whatever loser was threatening you, and for that you are and continue to inspire so included!
    xx much love!

  75. It is because of my mistakes that I could really KNOW the LOVE of God for me and the reason why he saved me:) I love HIM all the more because HE chose to still reconcile me. You go girl and Paul said in the bible "I press forward toward the high mark and forget what lies behind me" AMEN!!

  76. You are made in his image. God loves you. Love yourself and others.Don't hold on to things you can't change.Give it God & leave it.

  77. Jen, I know this took a lot of courage. I am sure there may have been times over the last few days that you were nervous about other peoples responses. I hope you know that I am sure you have changed many lives with this post. We are all human. We all make mistakes and hopefully they make us better people in the end. I know I have made some mistakes that I have been ashamed of but God has helped me see that letting it go is the best thing. I thank you for sharing your very personal story. Thank you for letting us into your life a little bit. I started my blog because of you. Everyday I would check in on yours and thought what an amazing business woman your were. So I thank you again for sharing and being an inspiration person.

  78. It is because of my mistakes that I know Gods amazing LOVE for us:) Paul in the bible says "But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead" Philippians 3:14
    You go girl I wish all of Gods best!

  79. Go you!! Thanks for sharing your story. I'm glad you feel free now, and no one has anything left to hold against you. You rock, and I love your blog and your style. :)

  80. Dear Jen,

    You are such a strong woman of God, I knew it before and I know it even more now. Thank you for being such a wonderful example of a Godly woman to all of us, and for encouraging me in my faith. I admire you so much, and I pray God blesses you for all you are doing. You have no idea who you are touching, this can literally change someone's life. Hugs,

    Nancy xoxox

  81. You did what you had to, to survive. What a relief you must feel now and to those who judged you Will move onto the next hot gossip. You are stronger than you think x

  82. Our youth is for making mistakes. i honestly think all of these mistakes help to mold you into the person you are!

    thanks for sharing, i cannot believe someone would threaten to "expose you!" how ridiculous!

    p.s. if this is the worst you've done, be proud!

  83. You're beautiful! Love from London :) xo

  84. I am so proud of you for putting this out there. No one would ever be able to hold your past against you. You are an inspiration and an amazing artist. Love it Jen!!!

  85. I'm so inspired by your strength + courage to share something so personal on your blog + so glad that you have the opportunity to stamp out the people who are threatening to expose you. I think its wonderful you are now using your experience for good + helping other people - I think you are amazing xx

  86. p.s i have NO idea why my post just came up as "big sister" how embarrassing!

    xo, jen!

  87. We're studying John at church at the moment and our Sunday sermon was on Freedom,
    "So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, 'If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'" - John 8:31-32 (ESV)"

    Perfect timing, much love xx

  88. Jen,
    Thanks for,sharing your story. You are a beautiful person it shows in your work. God bless!
    xo, Londa

  89. Jen, What an amazing post! I have been following and loving your blog for a while. It took a lot of courage to put yourself out there and tell something very private. I think you are amazing. As women, we have this pressure and struggle to always make the right decision, always be the perfect girl, friend, daughter, mother and wife. Our life's decisions are what make us the amazing people we are today. Whoever has threatened you in the past should be ashamed. People who try to pass judgement on others are always the ones with the most to hide. One of my favorite quotes is
    “When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.”
    PS - For the record, you may feel that posing nude was a mistake but I think it's very free thinking and I dig that.


  90. Nobody has the right to judge you. I've always admired your blog and your work, now I admire your wisdom. You are truly inspiring. Thanks for sharing your story.

    Patricia J.

  91. Nobody has the right to judge you. I've always admired your blog and your work, now I admire your wisdom. You are truly inspiring. Thanks for sharing your story.

    Patricia J.

  92. Hi Jen! I always read and never comment. In fact, you were the first blog I ever read.
    It is very brave of you to tell the truth, don´t you feel totally lighter already?
    Don´t feel bad about it anymore,
    big hug,

  93. That was a beautiful post - thank you for having the courage to post it.

    I admire you even more now! :)

  94. I always read your blog, not always write a comment. BUt this time I have to say: thank you so much for share!!!

    Sos una mujer valiente! :)

  95. You're so brave for your honesty and it shines through in your post. Thank you for sharing with us all, and now it's time to "Let Go, and let God" continue to bless you and your successful business.

  96. Jen,
    Just read your post. Thank you so much for your honesty and bravery. I am so glad I got the chance to meet the wonderful and strong person you are and how you let your strong faith in God shine through.
    Be strong and keep inspiring us. Don't let the haters get to you. You have so many people who truly care about you.

    MK Square Studio

  97. Jen, thanks so much for sharing these words. I know that it takes such courage! Isn't it great knowing we're free?

    Ashleigh @ Jolie Jouel

  98. I just feel bad that you felt you had to share this because of threats of exposure - truly awful. But what's done is done and the past is the past. I love reading your blog - it's inspiring but also down to earth :)

  99. Touched and inspired by the beauty that only God can create in you. Love you so Jen! Keep being bold for Him because He is using you in amazing ways.

  100. I appreciate your honesty. I really enjoy reading blogger's posts that are so open and real. It's in the past and you've been forgiven. AMEN! I enjoy your blog and always will; I'll be still be visiting.

  101. Jen, you have such a strong spirit to be able to overcome those negative comments with strength and courage. Thank you so much for sharing with us your story, inspiring us and empowering women. You are a role model for so many people, including me!

  102. I understand more now why there are times that there' s a situation that you share that some women feel that you're not belong and all. sOmetimes I made wonder why there are mean people/ person who deals with you. I don't know if these person knew something about your past. Anyway past is past, any person can change for the better. God put a person into our low key / weakness part for us to know that we are dealing with the wrong situation. God put us over and over in that same situation until we could say NO to that temptation and we graduated from that sin. I know sharing this will put at peace to you. I'm glad you set yourself free publicly about this issue. there's no intention of crutinizing you here, sometimes LIFE is too hard to deal with that one should have a BIG faith to always be ion the right track. Congrats to your freedom and live life to the fullest.:)

  103. Jen, you do not need to feel badly for decisions you made in the past. I don't even find the fact that you were a nude model as horrifying as you make it sound out to be. Actions speak far louder than words and you are a truly kind, devout child of the lord. I look up to you for being so open about your relationship with Christ. You are an incredibly talented woman and you deserve every bit of success you have worked hard for. Shame on the sick people out there who tried to "expose" you for who you are. For the true followers of your Blog, we already "know" who you are and no one is going to successfully take your credibility away from you. Keep on doing what you're doing - we are all better for it!

  104. Jen, you should not feel ashamed of your past. You are incredibly beautiful and I don't even think the fact that you were a nude model that offensive! I don't think very many people do. Your true readers know you for who you are, a creative and passionate woman with love centred on the right things, family and Christ. To me, you are a powerfully positive role model and you have truly been blessed! Keep on doing what you're doing, as there is no way anyone can take away the credibility you have established with us. God bless!

  105. My dear friend Jen,

    Now you may soar to the highest of heights! As we both know: If He is for us, who can be against us.

    Love you from the bottom of my soul,

  106. Jen, you are a beautiful and lovely person. You have lifted yourself up beyond the reach of those who want to bring you down. I always say – if I were perfect people would hate me! Our imperfection makes us human. You go made-by-girl!


  107. My dear friend Jen,

    Now you can soar to the heighest of heights, for you now know, undeniably: If He is for us, who can be against us?

    Love you from the bottom of my soul,

  108. Amazing story!! Thank you for sharing!!

  109. Amen, amen, amen. Satan has nothing left to hold onto anymore.
    Thanks so much for having the courage to share this Jen. You brought tears to my eyes. This does not change my opinion of you AT ALL, and I don't know why it would. It just goes to show the glory of god, and how Christ can take Sauls and turn them into Pauls. (which he did for me too btw - only been a Christian 4 years!)
    God has blessed you with this amazing platform to reach the world, and you are doing it for HIS glory. How awesome is that?!
    Hoping I can one day get up the courage to share my testimony/faith on my blog like you did here.
    You are loved, you are beautiful, you are a new creation.
    The OLD has gone, the new has come!

    All my love,

  110. So brave to share something so personal!

    Can't believe people think to 'expose' you as an act of malice, so sad that they dont have positivity and kindness in their lives!

  111. You seem like an amazing person and your post is so brave and inspiring!

  112. I just wanted to comment on this one post. This bit of information about you doesn't make me think any less of you. In fact, I admire your guts. And I don't think that posing nude is THAT BAD. There are a lot of worse things to do, honestly. It was something that was done, so you can be where you are today. And you're in an amazing place!! So don't feel shame -- I support you 100% in that!

  113. I knew it was meant for me to read your blog before I went to bed tonight! I appreciate you opening up about your past, and I admire you for this. I have made many mistakes in my past and lived with so many regrets, and to this day wished I could change everything, as if it never happened. At one point I was in a deep depression over choices I had made that was not right because of deep hurt's and rejection's all through my life, but you know, even after being raised in church all of my life and still to this day go to church, we all can make mistakes and fail. Nobody is perfect and I had to realize that no matter how perfect some people try to be, it is just not true. Through God's mercy and love for me, I had to finally let go and forgive myself, as he say's that once we confess our sin's and we are Godly sorry that he no longer even know's what we did, it is thrown in the sea of forgetfullness. No sin is bigger or smaller than the other in his eyes, and people that judge other's for their mistakes, or gossip's even are just as guilty in sin as one that posed nude.. I admire you even more for sharing your testimony with us. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and I am so thankful you are my friend!!


  114. Your body. Your life. Your truth. Who are we to judge?

  115. Bah, you are perfect in your flaws. We all have them and those who don't accept them need more time to learn about life. People who ostrisize have ulterior motives or cannot come to terms with their own flaws. I'm glad you found peace! :)

  116. Bah, you are perfect in your flaws. We all have them and those who don't accept them need more time to learn about life. People who ostrisize have ulterior motives or cannot come to terms with their own flaws. I'm glad you found peace! :)

  117. Wow! God sure has a way of communicating with us. I was just having a conversation with my mother today about a bad decision I had made in my past that still haunts me from time to time. She told me that God has forgiven me and now I need to forgive myself.

    I haven't posted a post on my blog for awhile and right now I just log into my Blogger and I see your post as the first post of those that I'm following. Your post could not have come in a more perfect time. Thank you for sharing!

    We are not perfect and in Romans 3:23 it says - For all have sin and come short of the glory of God. And the best thing is that God has placed all of our sins into the sea of forgetfulness.

    Thank you again!

  118. jen - i will never understand people who try to ruin someone else's career; and for what gain? i absolutely cannot rationalize why someone would value your work, your voice or your creativity any less after knowing this about your past. it is 100% unrelated to everything you do, and doesn't compromise the quality of what you bring to the table in multiple arenas. i, of course, don't know you personally, but from what i gather, you are a gorgeous person who creates beauty and positivity in the world through various forms artistic expression, with a deep love of life, friends, family and work. there is nothing else to wish to have in this world. you are incredibly blessed and we are all blessed to enjoy your insight and vision on madebygirl and cocoa & hearts. hopefully, you are now able to mentally tuck this away, knowing you have nothing but love and support from your followers, readers, clients/customers and advertisers. we love you! always will!

  119. Classy blog, classy lady.

  120. You are a beautiful person, caring, loving and strong. Thank you for sharing your story and being so brave as I know it must have taken you alot of courage to share this.
    I think no less of you, and I am so happy letting it out has given you peace :)


  121. Classy blog, classy lady. That's all I have to say on the matter.

  122. What you did shows that you do "whatever it takes" to survive. If I were you I would be proud of what I had done, not ashamed. Without that episode in your life you wouldn't be where or who you are today.

  123. Amazing post, Jen. I commend you for being so open and for putting yourself out there. I'm a Christian too and there is nothing more freeing than knowing that Jesus died and paid for our sins, so we would never have to live in shame. I know I've done some shameful things in the past but I don't dwell on them because I know that I've been forgiven. You are a bright star and one of the only blogs I visit on the daily. You inspire me and I admire your honesty about your love for the Lord - so many people would be afraid to declare their love so openly! May God continue to bless you in your life and marriage :) xoxo - Julie

  124. Wow, what courage it took to share this. Yes.. we all have made bad decisions in the past. As Jesus said" Let he who has not sinned, let him cast the first stone" so whoever is out there getting at you, shame on them. And sending you hugs!

  125. Jen, I admire your transparency and heart for God and helping others. It's amazing to see how free you are. You are an inspiration! God bless you and all that you do, dear!
    xo . trina

  126. This is why i love you Jen. You are so real. Stay blessed.

  127. A beautiful testimony!

  128. A beautiful testimony!

  129. I think it is amazing that you wrote this! I've never understood why people are so focused on judgment... Your amazing, keep it up :)

  130. What courage it must have taken you to hit publish on this post! The amazing thing about our God is that he will take your courageous words and use them to set other women free from their guilt. My hope is that your words will also move others to encourage, rather than break down, one another. Sending lots of love your way!!

  131. Jen, I can relate to your past situation. I feel I'm at that point where I'm trying to figure out what to make of my life. You are beautiful and brave to share your God-breathed story. It shows strength and it shows faith! Thank you!

  132. That is so wonderful. So grateful for Christ's mercy for us all! Thanks for being a great example and sharing your beliefs!

  133. you are amazing Jen. all of YOU.


  134. Thank you for sharing something so personal. You will always be a classy woman to me because of who you are and the love that you exude for your work, life, people and God.
    My husband said the same thing to me before we got married, "HE makes all things new." And I believe that realization of that promise from God is the beginning of truly setting yourself free from any condemnation.
    You are a beautiful new creation.

  135. Hi Jen,

    I`m sorry that you`ve had this black cloud over you all these years. I think you are phenominal and you should be incredibly proud of all that you have accomplished in your life. Even taking those photos took guts and drive and helped you reach your goals, so don`t ever be ashamed. The people who should be ashamed are the ones who tried to blackmail you. You did what you had to do and you didn`t hurt anyone. And it took guts to write this post. I`m happy you got this load off your chest and set you free.


  136. thank you for your wonderful thoughts. you are truly inspirational for rising above the past and making good come of it by sharing your story with others. Jesus is our savior and it is so lovely to read your words and testimony of that.

  137. Thank you for sharing and being so open. Also, thank you for being so open with your faith. It is encourageing and liberating.

  138. Thank you for sharing your story and thank you for being so open with your faith. It is encouraging and liberating.

  139. I'm actually more interested in your blog because you wrote this. I think blogs always show your best side ... which can be alienating for readers. This honest post is humanising. We all make decisions that with the benefit of hindsight we may not have made. Thank you for sharing yours. Thank you for showing others that even if there are things from their past that they'd rather keep hidden they can be overcome!

  140. Such heartfelt words, thanks for sharing your story! Those nasty people don't have an ounce of your honesty or bravery, and will never know what it is like to truly shine with happiness.

  141. I have admired you from the moment I first found your blog - I admired your incredible talent and creativity and the fact that you were open with your faith. I love the little bits of artwork / prints that I have purchased from you - they make me smile when I look at them. Your story and your willingness to share it so beautifully and transparently makes me admire you all the more. God has truly blessed you and your sharing will be a blessing and inspiring to so many.

  142. I've never understood how some people can be so mean. I'm proud of you for facing your challenges this way. It makes you a much stronger person. What's in the past is in the past. And the future is looking bright ;)

    Happy Tuesday, Jen! Hoping you'll have a wonderful day :)

  143. Nobody's perfect and the good person are the one who admit their mistake...
    I think you're a good person because you share with the others what you learned of life and beleive me you're not the only one who is ashamed about things she did. We all have secret that make us feel bad, I know exactly how you feel now. I became free when I revealed things I was ashamed of...
    Anyway, be free Jen and God bless you ♥

  144. Nobody's perfect and the good person are the one who admit their mistake...
    I think you're a good person because you share with the others what you learned of life and beleive me you're not the only one who is ashamed about things she did. We all have secret that make us feel bad, I know exactly how you feel now. I became free when I revealed things I was ashamed of...
    Anyway, be free Jen and God bless you ♥

  145. Jen-
    This must have been such a hard post to write. I hope you feel a sense of freedom like never before. You deserve it! What an inspiration to step away from the things that hold us back, confront them and move on. Continue to be just the way you are and great things will come from this. A huge hug from a daily follower. Ciao, a presto!

  146. You are so brave for sharing this. Everyone makes mistakes at one point or another. I admire your strength and commend you for helping others that are now going through similar situations.

  147. There is nothing to be ashamed. You are brave and you are wonderful person and artist to be admired.

    Best to you!

  148. Like many people who have commented on this post, I read your blog every day and have for a long time but I rarely comment. This post deserves more than just a read though!

    You are brave to have written what you have written but I don't think you should regret in anyway what you did in the past. Everything we have ever done makes us who we are today! And from what I've learnt about you, you have tremendous integrity. Being a nude model doesn't compromise that.

    You're amazing!

  149. I think sometimes the secrets we keep in our hearts seem much worse to us than they really are in reality. It's no big deal, girlie. We've all done things we wish we could change. If you haven't, then maybe you haven't really lived.

  150. Jen----you are amazing and thank YOU so much for sharing your testimony. Truly truly an inspiration and I also pray this touches people who do not know God's grace yet. He is a loving loving God and should be the only "judge" in our life. I am so thankful you found freedom in Him and I pray from this you feel even more chains fall off of you. For me, this only makes you more beautiful!

  151. thank you for being such an inspiration and source of such love, positivity and strength! the world can only benefit from people like you.

  152. I really commend you for this post. It is always hard to share something you aren't proud of, but I don't feel like you have any reason to be ashamed of your past, especially as it is now only that, a past. Shame on whoever is trying to bring you down, I'm sure it is only out of their own insecurity. I also really love that you're donating your proceeds to the Women's Initiative so major props to you. Keep your head up, you've got nothing but sunshine coming your way, I'm sure of it! :)


  153. What shocks me the most is that some people would use your past to threaten you and cause you trouble!
    Way to go Jen, you are a role model to many and that's what matters!

  154. Bless you sister in Christ for your courage and bravery. You shared a piece of your heart with the world and He will honor that because you pointed it all to Him. Remember that His grace, mercy and forgiveness is unending. For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

  155. Jen, I'm not here to judge. Whatever has gone before, does not define you as the person you are today. Taking control of your life has robbed those monsters of their hold over you. Good on ya, girl! God Rules!!

  156. "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." 1 john 4:4

    This verse always gives me strength, we are human, we ALL make mistakes but as long as God is with us, who can be against us?

    I truly believe that God will use your post to witness to others. May God continue to Bless you!

    Love Rachael xx

  157. This brought tears to my eyes because so many women feel that their past mistakes have ruined any future for them with Jesus. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I believe the impact that you have coming from such a popular blog will be untold. Jesus has an amazing platform through you and I know that women's lives will be changed.

  158. You know what I have no idea who you are and who am I to judge,not the one,and who hasn't done something in their past that one has to ask for forgiveness,and that is all WE can do and that is ALL WE do.You must be an awesome person,and please worry no more,and like one said,the body is and can be a work of art.Free at last Free at last,now carry on the GREAT BLOGS and stop beating yourself up over something in the past.Live for the day girlfriend,lolo live for those of us who can't.Life Can Be Simple!!

  159. This comment has been removed by the author.

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.

  161. Thank you so much, Jen, for this post. I'd love the courage to come clean about some things in my past...and take out all the he said, she said of it. I feel the same way you for Christ now...NOT DOING THOSE BAD THINGS ANYMORE. I am forgiven. I am worthy. Those are things we should be telling ourselves every day. This post speaks to me almost as if I could have written it myself. We have so much in common, and your blog is an extreme breath of fresh air for me. Thank you. xoxo

  162. I think that God works in truly mysterious ways. I have been a long time reader and this is the first time posting.I too have a dark past and sometimes it is hard to let go, its like you said; you have come so far from that and you can't even associate yourself with it anymore. Occasionally something will come back to haunt you and it does feel like torture. For me its been years, and first it took me strength to trust in God and to love myself and turn away from my transgression, and now years later I need to have the patience to rebuild myself and get myself at the point I would have been if I had not made those decisions. A lot of times I see peoples lives and it does seem perfect, and sometimes it serves as inspirations and sometimes I wish mine could be like that. Today I had woken up with the feeling that I wanted to be someone else perhaps have someone's "perfect" life. After reading your post it reminded me how far I have come and that HIS work is not done yet for me, even if it takes a few more years I am blessed. From the bottom of my heart I cannot thank you enough.

  163. Thanks for having the courage to share your story, I know God will use what you've been through to impact the lives of many!

  164. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.May God continue to bless you and all of your endeavors. Sally

  165. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.May God continue to bless you and all of your endeavors. Sally

  166. You are an insipiration to all.

  167. I am and I have always been proud of you. For 10 years I have know you to be a blessed soul with the a generous spirit. You are a role-model, damn good friend,such a honest and good friend. With God there are no secrets and with true freinds there is always love. Thank you for sharing and being the change in your live. Much love from

  168. To God be the glory for the great things He has done! I'm not a blogger (although it might be fun) but I am a lover of Christ and I praise His name after reading your story. Confession is truly good for the soul and I rejoice with you at feeling free! We have all made mistakes and hurt the heart of Jesus but His love is everlasting. May He continue to richly bless you, and raise you to be an inspiration for Him. <3

  169. Jen, to God be the glory for the great things He has done! I am not a blogger but I had to leave a comment for you! We have all made mistakes that hurt the heart of Jesus, but His love is everlasting. Confession is hard sometimes but good for the soul. I rejoice with you in your freedom! May God continue to raise you up to be an inspiration for Him. And you have a new fan... :)

  170. First I would like to say that you have been my hero for the last number of years, I have been really inspired by you and your work.
    I too am a designer and have been following your blog.
    I don't care and really don't see the reason for the post, but realizing that some evil people were just jealous and just want to pull you down to their level.
    Baby girl you did what you had to do, and now you know better you do better. Next.
    Keep doing what you are doing, I Know your are Fabulous.

    My I suggest



  171. Jen, it's a shame you even have to explain. Really. So what. We all make mistakes, and yours really isn't that terrible. There will always be people out there that feel the need to "expose" your past - it's the world we live in today. Take care!

  172. Dear Jen, you made me cry with this. I still am and God knows how I understand you. You are a brave woman with a huge golden heart and an enormous talent to share with the world. No one can judge you. You had your reasons for your former decisions and the point is that they were YOURS, not anybody else's to critize them. I bet Jesus was your strenght at that moment and he helped you to overcome the pain and to get the deep revealing knowledge that even in the darkest situation you can still find wisdom, light and courage to go on.
    Not many people have the courage to face some experiences in life. Those who have it and choose to let life go on trying to keep a positive teaching out of it are the ones God always protect against limited minded and cruel persons trying to hurt them. Love always win in the end. And it will in these. Forgive those who hurt you for they can't understand anything. Sooner or later life will teach them what they need to know. Forgive yourself, don't feel shame, you don't live in the past. Remember what the present is: a gift from God. Thank you for your words, not only from my heart but also from my spirit. I send you a huge hug, full of love and proud of the person you are! Xo :)

  173. Among the seas of virtual comments, please know that you are loved, have been and always will be, by God, by Us, and as you are now certain, by YOU.
    Thank you for sharing this lifetime! <3

    “Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

  174. Thank you for sharing your story. You're brave, beautiful, and an inspiration to all of your readers!

  175. Thank you for sharing your story. You're brave, beautiful, and an inspiration to all of your readers!

  176. Girl, please!!! We all have things in our past that we wish we could go back and undo. We don't always make the right choices but PRAISE GOD he washes us and makes us white as snow and tosses are sins as far as the east is from west. And for anyone threatening to expose you for past sins or threatening anyone for anything for that matter I suggest they read Psalm 7:15!!!!!!!

  177. Kudos to you for writing about your past! It takes a lot of courage to admit mistakes, especially ones that no doubt make you feel raw and vulnerable. But you glorified God in giving him all the credit for your grace. I love your art and design but continue to read your blog because of your fearless devotion to Christ. Thanks again for sharing -- it has encouraged and blessed me today. xo

  178. I respect your honesty and courage in writing this personal experience of yours, and I'm positive that every single fan of yours will gain even more respect for you as an artist and a beautiful human being. Sharing your experiences is tough sometimes but it helps you move forward and it helps people relate to you on a more personal level. Lots of Love, Jen and God bless you!

    Holly Foxen Wells

  179. What a beautiful testimony of God's grace! I just ordered your LOVE print, and will see an entirely new meaning of love & grace behind it!

    "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."
    2 Corinthians 5:17

  180. every time we share our past hurts/wrongs/sins, and tell {Glory!} how God has redeemed, our past is made Good because it helps others. We can confess and change and God will erase. BUT when we SHARE, it is THEN that God USES!!!!!!

    Praising God for what He has done through you, your art, your platform, and your authentic voice.

    Be greatly blessed, friend!!!!!
    - {darlene} @

  181. i have never commented on your blog but feel the intense need to do so.
    so you posed nude. so what...
    the body is beautiful, made form the stars. you are beautiful and i am sure your naked image is to. it is no big deal to anyone who loves you. the sad thing is that someone out there would want to taunt you with that~ i do not see anything wrong with the human body, we are all born naked!
    you go girl with your art and your life and do not ever let anyone stand in your way or make you feel less the the glorious woman that you are! and just think how much fun you will have looking back at those photos when you are 80!!!
    no matter what it's nice to be free and come clean if something bothers you~

  182. I'm happy for you. I think everyone has a past and it's what shapes us. I too have made some decisions that weren't the best but that's what made me who I am, and I love me! Thanks for sharing and of course I'll keep following the blog!

  183. I applaud you for telling us. Who are we to judge others when most of us should take a long look at ourselves first. The past is for looking back upon & you've made peace w/ it. THAT'S WHAT MATTERS.

    {I'm SO not leaving. This doesn't change my admiration for your art, life, & kindness.}


  184. I feel bad that there are assholes in your life that want to hurt you & humiliate you. You are a great person with many God given talents & gifts. You never have to explain yourself, we, your readers admire you & are better for knowing you. So please know that we are rooting for you, support you & love you unconditionally.

  185. Wow, what a powerful post. I have so much respect for you and your honesty. Thank you for setting such an exemplary example of dignity for all of us. I'd give you a hug if I were next to you!

  186. May God continue to strengthen and bless you. I found your blog by "accident" months ago and after learning you were a woman of faith, I knew this BLOG would be a daily read of mine. As a Christian, I understand how important it is to forgive "ourselves" for past mistakes and move pass the guilt of yesterday. Your love for God shows in your blog and may He continue to bless you...

  187. I found your blog by "accident" months ago and after learning you were a woman of faith, I knew this BLOG would be a daily read of mine. As a Christian, I understand how important it is to forgive "ourselves" for past mistakes and move pass the guilt of yesterday. Your love for God shows in your blog and may He continue to bless you...Oh, I'm here to stay :)

  188. This is an amazing, honest and courageous post Jen!
    Well done for posting about your past and your new life of forgiveness with Jesus. There is nothing but pride when writing this comment and you are an amazing woman, follower and blogger.
    Those that care are here to stay, including me!!
    Caley -

  189. Congratulations
    on everything. God is good. Remember that your identity is how God sees you, not how other people see you. Continue to live for His purpose . God bless you more! xoxo...

  190. oh honey, the past is the past. And I am so happy to hear you are moving forward. Our past mistakes are not who we are :) I have done many things I am not too proud of but I keep walking and trying to be a better person everyday. You have all of my support as a proud follower of your blog :), xoxo

  191. We all make mistakes. Your probably feeling much lighter these days. But, more importantly, I think it's unfortunate that people try to stomp on your parade, making you feel as though you need to share and defend your past. I hope sharing this has helped you feel better from the inside out ~

    Keep Creating : Keep Inspiring... hugs!

  192. Thanks so much for sharing! There will always,always be haters even more so when you are living and loving your life! I struggle sometimes so I completely understand! But I know being a spiritual person that living with faith in your heart will always lead you down the right path! Enjoy the journey!

  193. Dear Jen,
    This post is honest and brave! And it truly doesn't change the way I think about you in any way. Haven't we all made mistakes? I've been a fan and for a few years now and you still have my admiration and support.

    Big hug all the way from Holland! ;)
    Natascha xoxo


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