Thank You

Hello everyone, 

Between all my work - I finally got to read every comment & email, I am so overwhelmed at God's power. It is through people like you that God shows his love. I'm amazed & overjoyed at all the orders coming in - which we will donate 100% of the proceeds to Women's Initiative. Thank you to all of you.

My friends told me to trust God & that he would stir the hearts of people who followed me online and that they would know my heart today.  I was moved with tears by many of your comments, but they were tears of joy & love. My heart even broke when I read that some of you were experiencing similar trials & were feeling down. I pray for those women today hoping they will shed their shame & hurt.

People will continue to call me names, lie about me & envy the new life I live today, but I don't care. I take responsibility for my past but I have been redeemed & TODAY my identity is in Jesus. I look to him & he gives me strength. For those of you experiencing something similar, something painful, something ugly, something challenging, you aren't alone.... God is always with you. 

Thank You.

video: hillsong united - 'hosanna' - sung by brooke fraser



  1. God just took a difficult part of your past and turned it into a blessing. To have watched the worrisome struggle turn to freedom and then to both joy and confidence in His power, for me, has been a moving testimony in and of itself. You rock my world, love, and I always want to be by your side.


  2. Always loved that song... so beautiful!

  3. So encouraged by your blog and the way that you use your business to glorify God! You're an example to so many!

  4. So encouraged by your blog and the way that you use your business to glorify God! You're an example to so many!

  5. Just ignore anything negative that is said about you - you know who you are :) Love your blog and your work :)

  6. One of the best songs ever written :)

  7. I agree...just ignore everything and anything negative. Not worth it. You are inspiring. Love your blog, your style, your beautiful art, and your dedication and commitment. You rock!!! Xo

  8. You are an inspiration to so many women. You blog is wonderful and was one of the very first I followed when I first started mine. When I read your post a few days ago I felt so encouraged and amazed at your strength. I was so happy to see your faith in God shine through! I will always be a loyal reader! PS. I love that song!Thanks so much for your comment on my DIY post! Take care Jen!


  9. Jen, Love that song....and another is "Holy Spirit" by Bryan and Katie Torwalt. My favorite line in the song...

    I've tasted and I've seen
    Of the sweetest of loves
    Where my heart is set free
    And my shame is undone


    The devil is a liar and the accuser of the brethren! He loves to tempt and lie to us to drag us into things that cause us shame and then taunt us with more shame and fear for doing the thing he drug us into. Thank God for his Son, our REDEEMER!!!!

  10. You just amazed me with your candor and venerability. Doesn't it feel good to get that off your chest and know that God (and your readers:) loves you no matter what?! I know that you are reaching thousands of people today. PREACH IT GIRL! xo

  11. I feel that I must say that I am not a religious person, but I couldn't agree more with you. Where you see God and Jesus, I see the good in people, and it all comes down to an incredible strength that spreads love all over. Whatever it may be that helps us through, it is a power too strong, stronger than any evil and we must listen to that voice (your God, my whatever-it-is) and follow it to greatness: you, every woman, every person is a wonderful thing and only mistakes and love can help create the perfect soul we're destined to be.
    Big hugs!

  12. glad you are feeling better. And those negative nellies need to reflect on things they've done and now regret we've ALL done things that we wish we hadn't. It's called live and learn.

    Blessings to you!

  13. I am so inspired and in awe of your bravery in what you shared. You are such a lovely woman, and God is going to use 100% of your story for good. Thank you for being willing to be vulnerable! You inspire me! :) XOXO, and In Him, Sam

  14. AMEN!!! Proud of your courage and perseverance! Hebrews 12:1-3

  15. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with all of us both yesterday and today. I know it took a ton of courage to do that! We all have mistakes in our past…including me but God did take that mistake and turned into something wonderful! Just as He did for you! What a wonderful Savior we serve!

  16. Beautiful song that alway's lift's me up! We will overcome our shame and guilt, we are forgiven and our God love's us and in the end that is all that matter's. The people who want to still talk bad about us will have to answer to him. Thank you again for sharing this as it engouraged me so much! I know now I am not alone and feel guilty of past regret's as if I were the only one who has made them, we all have and it just made me feel stronger to see so many other reader's agree.

  17. Jen,

    I just read your previous post, and seriously girl, I'm sorry you have been made to feel so badly about this. In the first place, it's nobody's business, and in the second place I would rather have a friend who has done what you did than a friend who judges others. I love this saying by an apostle in my church, Elder Dieter Uchtdorf: "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you do." And finally, "Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are." Love your blog! Keep up the great work, and try not to let others' jealousy take away your joy!


  18. Jamie: Thank you - i love what you said. This couldn't be farther fro the truth ---> "Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are."

    TO EVERYONE: Thank you!

  19. The truth of the matter is that God loves you know matter what you do. You are a new and different person today, making different choices for your life. It is a part of who you are, but does NOT define who you are. Love your work and who you are and am constantly inspired by you!

  20. I've always loved this song Jen...what a fitting selection for this post. So appropriate. So true! xo

  21. People forget ( because we are all human) that it is only their own path they need to focus on. Others paths are not for our concern! Your past is what makes you who you are today, we make mistakes, we have experiences and we learn from them what we are meant to learn! You are a brave woman! Virtual hugs to you!

  22. Your post was amazing Jen and I'm so happy that you are set free of your past. Alleluia! Praise the Lord for breakthroughs and all much joy in your life.
    - Shannon V.

  23. Your post was amazing Jen and I'm so happy that you are set free of your past. Alleluia! Praise the Lord for breakthroughs and all much joy in your life.
    - Shannon V.

  24. Your post was amazing Jen and I'm so happy that you are set free of your past. Alleluia! Praise the Lord for breakthroughs and all much joy in your life.
    - Shannon V.

  25. Your post was amazing Jen and I'm so happy that you are set free of your past. Alleluia! Praise the Lord for breakthroughs and all much joy in your life.
    - Shannon V.

  26. i appreciate your vulnerability and i know that your courage and faith has and will continue to have an impact, whether you see it or not.

  27. Jen, these are very powerful and beautiful words!!!!
    About thouse jelous people - I feel bad for them, they have nothing better to do in their lives than being jelous, instead of redirecting their energy to do something good,and helping the world to become better and happier place.

  28. Okay--to read what you wrote and then to read what Mat wrote--truly beautiful. So encouraged by you. God is amazing in how He redeems--truly awesome. I pray He continues to bless you both. :)

  29. Jen, I know you have received 280 comments and don't need another one, but since you have posted several of my projects and always supported me, I wanted to tell you my truth. I have an amazing family and no excuse either, but at 19 I made so many bad choices in one year that I was scared of the consequences (jail) and ran away to Mexico. Every time people hear that I lived outside the country they think I was so brave and that it is exciting, but I was really running away from my bad decisions. I am a completely different person now and find that every time I tell the truth about it, I feel more and more free and separate from that time and that person. Keep telling your story and becoming the wonderful person that God planned you to be! We are blessed that we have those experiences that we learned from - they made us who we are.
    xoxo -e (

  30. thank you jen, for writing and creating such a beautiful and inspiring blog. I can't begin to tell you how much it has changed my life. You are a truly inspiring, unique and beautiful women who has helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel. Xx


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