Design: Designer Gillian Lefkowitz

It's Drew here, bringing you another dose of design inspiration. This time, let me introduce you to designer, Gillian Lefkowitz. After seeing this California home, I automatically want to run out and search for a modern architect to build me a house that resembles this incredible home!

I love the clean and minimalistic white walls with bold, contrasting pops of color in the decor and artwork. There is an obvious modern approach, but the touches of vintage accents give it such a charming impression.

How stunning is the gold light fixture outside of the living room and the crystal chandelier in the dining room? Gives each room just the right touch of glam, that I go crazy for.

I love how each space is so open and inviting. The curtain separating the dining room and other living area is such a great way to use as a divider or opening.

Can't you just imagine waking up to such a sunny and bright kitchen?!

What a great color choice of sage green for the cabinets. 

I don't even have to tell you what an incredible wallpapered accent wall that is in one of the bedrooms. High ceilings and windows are a huge plus too!

Then of course we're left with a shady and lush backyard. Spending summers out on that porch would automatically give me the itch to plan an outside barbeque and have friends and family over for a fun evening in this perfect spot!

Thanks for living through this little dream of mine through this extraordinary, California abode!

Until next time!

-post by Drew Humphries



  1. The bright pops of color are amazing!

  2. I love absolutely everything here,honey!So glad I came across your blog;)

  3. It's so California living! I love the vewi from the outside1 Great post!

    Holly Foxen Wells

  4. It is so awesome!! I love the midcentury vibe in the place. Definitely a place I could live in :) Thanks so much for sharing

  5. You can't go wrong with a little glam and a touch of eames. love it!

  6. You can't go wrong with a little glam and a touch of eames. love it!


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