Bits of my Week..


 Janis Nicolay flew in this past weekend to shoot our apartment. It was so much fun! She's so down to earth & friendly. 

My HUSBAND also made a bunch of hors d'oeuvres - with edible flowers - aren't they pretty?????? He is so AWESOME & helpful!

I can't show any pictures just yet, (she's looking to submit to magazines) but I may show you one or two teaser pics in the coming weeks! Here she is below during the photo shoot, I love how my painting looks in the background, so colorful!

Then we had some delicious cupcakes from Sprinkles! My favorite.

the met

Added 14 paintings to cocoa & hearts last week & all sold out in less than an hour! Insane.

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!

-images by jen ramos



  1. Love all of your pictures - looks like a great week - also fun to see the sneak peak into your apartment! We are big fans of I Am Second in our household - thanks for sharing!

  2. I read your blog everyday...sometimes twice because something has inspired me....If I could pick up and move from Newport Beach California to New York....I would adore you as a friend! Thanks for sharing! I AM SECOND as well! Kellie....

  3. when are we going to see get to see your place? so excited!!

  4. I try to go to The Met every year, your pictures make me wanna go, I'm about due. :) Can't wait to see the pictures!

  5. any chance u can share the model no of those ray ban aviators ur wearing? Thanks in advance.

  6. Your husband MADE those?! Good Lord Jen, between your art and his two are quite the creative pair! :)

  7. ALEXA: Ha! yea my husband made all the food, minus the cupcakes, obviously. Thank you! He's really good at cooking pretty much anything and I highlight his food every so often here on my blog! :)

  8. your guy makes me crave carrots...not sure how that is even possible! & the Matisse is sooo beautiful. can't wait to see your new home. xo, shari

  9. Great pictures! My hubby does all the cooking too and he's wonderful :) we're blessed girls! I can't wait too see the pictures of your place. I'm sure it is as just fabulous as you :)

  10. Wow look at that food. lucky lady!! i noticed a peek of your ikea buffet you brought from your house! how did you take that apart and bring it?? didn't you glue the wood top on?

  11. DANIELLE L: thanks! yes that's the IKEA piece we had at the other house...we had to saw the wood in half in order to get it into this apartment..crazy, but it worked. Yes,it was glued just a bit, the key was to not glue it too much & very careful knife work to pry it off.

  12. Love these insider snaps! Can't wait to see pics of your new place, Jen!

  13. Can't wait to see Janis' photos! I'm a fan of her work and have been following her blog for quite some time!

    Oh, and the food looks delicious!

  14. I am insanely jealous of your weekend!

  15. Your week and weekend sound fabulous Jen.
    You're so lucky to have had Janis photographing your home ;) Her talents never cease to amaze me.
    Really like your bracelet...I've heard of 'I Am Second' advertised on the radio a lot, but haven't looked at their website yet. Might just hop on over there now. Cheers!

  16. It all looks absolutely divine!
    Can't wait to see the full spreads of images!! are totally a NYC model now!! ;)

  17. Wow, your man is super talented, those appetizers look amazing! He needs his own blog I think. Enjoy your day :)

  18. Tag home design: thank you for reading my blog! :) I've never been to Newport beach, but i heard the weather was great! - but i'm such a city girl, I end up putting up with rainy days & dirty streets just for the thrill of it all :)

  19. Well it looked like your week was fun! Plus I love that picture of you. You look so beautiful!

  20. Your husband is so talented in the kitchen! Those appetizers look amazing!

  21. Amazing photos! All that food looks delicious. x

    Kate {Something Fabulous}

  22. Can't wait to see your place. Excited about the success of your paintings. I'm a color freak, and the color combinations in them are stunning and elegant and addictive!

  23. I think your hubby s/b a chef or a food stylist, his meals always look so good! Love all the photos you've been sharing of out and about in NYC.


  24. mikky: i do too! :)
    He's very good at it! thanks!

  25. WOW! Nice brunch & nice photos! <3


  26. Thrilled you are being photographed and also that your hubby has skills! :) xoxo -e (modern24seven)

  27. The Met is my favorite museum in the US. I can wander for hours just like I can at the Musee d'Orsay in Paris.

  28. Gorgeous spot, gorgeous interior! Love the NYC life :) I miss it!

  29. I cant wait to see your new apartment Jen! I love Sprinkles cupcakes. I wish they had a location closer to me.

  30. I had no idea there was a Sprinkles in NY. I thought we were spoiled here in Los Angeles!

    Love I Am Second, too.


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