Are you killing your feet for fashion??

Ok, I'm guilty. 

Last weekend I decided to walk 12 blocks in my high heel booties & boy, was that a mistake?!? 

My HUSBAND usually warns me before going out with him. He starts by saying, "sweetheart, please wear comfortable shoes." Of course I tell him,  "But I like looking sexy for you." ends up turning into, "ugh, my feet are killing me!" & him saying, "Jen, what did I tell you?"  

Ever been in that scenario ladies??

Exhibit A- Here I am with the high heel booties, little did I know I'd need a foot massage when the day was over!

So, on that note.... this SPRING, my wardrobe will include MORE flats. I have to say, since moving back to NYC - I've walked more than EVER!!!! 

In fact, I walk about 6 miles per week just for exercise alone....not counting the days I walk around shopping. Many of you New yorkers know these streets are rough on your feet. With that said, I'm not about to KILL my feet, so looks like flats are the way to go this Spring! I probably won't give up heels completely, but a break every now & then is in order. What do you say ladies??  

Below are some awesome choices I found via Nordstroms.

Do you prefer heels over flats? Are you the fashion over comfort type gal ?

- via nordstroms



  1. I absolutely prefer heels, but started to wear flats when I became a mother. Allows me to get done what I need to and try to remain fashionable. I love Tory Burch flats. Have them in every color.

  2. JEAN: I heard a lot of good things about the tory burch flats..i have yet to try one on. Maybe this weekend or the next! thx!

  3. I wish my boyfriend was more sympathetic when my feet start to hurt. He seems to think I'm the only one that experiences foot pain in heels. As much as I love the way they look, I actually prefer a wedge with a slight platform. Flats are actually kinda killer on my feet too I'm sad to say.

  4. Jen, this post is right on time. I seriously couldn't agree more. I always reach for my heels because they're empowering,sexy and then my husband drags me on a journey which leaves me complaining about my feet hurting. Lol. I decided this weekend to find some comfy/chic flats and sandals for the summer. : )

    Vonae Deyshawn

  5. Jen I'm totally where you are! I LOVE wearing heels but they kill my feet when walking so much, esp at High Point Market which is next week... its always a battle!

    I love the betsey johnson flats and would totally rock those every day :-)


  6. VONAE: I think you & i reach for heels for the same reason lol
    You said your guy drags you on a journey...too funny.

  7. Eileen, hA! good luck walking in heels at high point...I tried that at another event and barely made it out the next day. I think we will tend to push our feet more than what we so guilty of that.

  8. YES! i am made the switch to flats once I had babies. i miss high heels, but it makes the occasion even more special when i do put them on!

    i swear by my Vera Wang Lillian flats. THEY are amazing. (& i got them brand new for $38 on eBay)...i think everyone forgot to bid that day!

  9. I wear flats everyday to work because my knees hurt so bad if I wear heals all day! Great shoe picks I want those!

  10. It's so tough cause some of the new heels this season are so lovely. I am loving the 'Karlie' Flat from your list of flats though. Tres chic!

  11. First,, you look gorgeous!

    I love my heels but I wear flats more often, especially if I have to walk a lot. I have shopped in heels once and never again, my feet just hated my afterwards.

  12. I was gifted w/ a boyfriend who doesn't mind me wearing flats or even sneakers when I know it's going to be a big walking day. When I wear heels he knows I'm trying to look pretty but he will make sure to say to me, "Mel you have comfy shoes in your bag or car right?".

    I have these Gap ballet slip on flats that I always keep in my purse if I know I'm headed for an adventure too!

    Lemanie's Randomness Blog

  13. I love heels, but i only use them for dinner, the ones i go by car, not walking at all....
    Everyday i wear confortables boots or sneaker!
    I love my feet more than heels ; )

  14. My husband loves when I wear heels. I started wearing them when we dated and now find myself suffering just to be fashionable. I am to the point now that I can see a bunion forming and am turning to more realistic shoes. Flats are becoming my best friend as I look at my feel realizing that I'm my mother's child! Ha… love the flats roundup here. Love them all!

  15. Absolutely!! I walk blocks running all the shops on high heels . I record the tv show on heels (sometimes for 8 hours!) I travel and walk entire Airports on heels! I know I'm crazy and I even say as a joke 'I could give birth on heels'! so I do know so well what you mean about kiling feet. That is why platforms are my running shoes because I don't like to wear flats they don't give power to a girl! Come on!... even our butt looks better with heels. Cheers Jen. I'm still dreaming about one of those big paintings..

  16. If I'm not doing a heel...I choose flat boots over flats. I feel really odd in flats. - I never feel like myself! Like the way they look, but for some reason they make me feel like a little kid. It's weird. I wish there was some sort of convertible heel. ;)

  17. Since moving to NY, I've become an almost exclusively flats girl! I only wear heels if I am taking a cab door to door. I love jcrew flats-great colors, very comfortable.

  18. Your feet may have hurt, but at least you looked chic! I definitely prefer wearing heels, but after many attempted days of walking the city (Chicago) in them, I decided to give in. My problem is I can't find a good, comfy flat...I've tried Tory Burch, Steve Madden, MIA, and a few others, and just cant find a stylish, yet comfy pair. I'll be anxious to see if you can find some cute AND comfy flats for summer -- especially now that I am expecting...heels are out of the game for at least the next few months!

  19. I am heels all the way, and my husband says the exact same thing to me! I'm kind of addicted and feel short in heels, but now that I have a two year old, I have introduced some flats to my wardrobe...only because my stilettos get stuck in the grass at the park! ;)

  20. I am a flats girl, but oh how my husband LOVES when I wear heels. So, I often do so just for him. As a matter of fact walking into church last weekend I tripped three times! Ha, stupid rocks!

  21. I like the looks of heels, but prefer being comfortable. I compromise by wearing "tappers", 1-2 inch heels.
    You look great!

  22. I feel for you! I walk a lot so unfortunately heels are a bit too much. I feel very short and awkward in flats and find my feet are much happier in wedges. I save the heels for the times I am doing less walking or I'll carry them with me and change. I generally go through one or two pairs of boots a year because of all the walking I do.

  23. You might appreciate my blog on shoes in light of your blog on shoes and pain! My Nine West multi-colored cheetah print shoes are the focus of my blog.

  24. love heels but try not wear them when walking farther than a block!

  25. I almost always wear flats! My boyfriend is about the same height as me, so I try to stay as short as possible :) And I must say, flats are SO much more comfortable than heels! These are super cute picks by the way!

  26. call me crazy but I'm a full on flats girl. I have been for years and now that I have a toddler and an infant I can't imagine life in heals. There are just too many great flat options to keep my fashion sense happy.

  27. cute flats! Just be careful because some flats can hurt too. Make sure that they are comfy enough inside.

  28. I do this all the time. I love heels like any other girl but I always regret wearing them when I go out. Flats is the way to go for sure, unless it's a very special occasion.

  29. I TOTALLY understand...when my husband and I were in Paris and planning on walking around the city I still decided to wear cute shoes! He proceeded to say, "Didn't you bring some tennis shoes or something" and I almost had a heart attack at the thought of tennis shoes in Paris. I mean really, who wears tennis shoes when they are in Paris?? haha Needless to say I had blisters the next day but I didn't complain one single bit because I knew he would say, "I told you so!" :) They just don't understand!

    Dominique @

  30. DOMONIQUE: oh my gosh, you're so right though! I honestly don't think id want to wear tennis shoes in Paris either! lol

  31. I prefer heels but have the same issues as you & your hubby. By mid-afternoon I'm lagging a good 20 feet behind my hubby and whining, the trip is cut short.

    I actually bought flats for the FIRST time this spring. 3 pairs. But I stick to wedges... a nice compromise :)

  32. I buy heels. I wear flats. I very rarely wear heels unless they're wedges or flatforms. All my occupations require a lot of walking around and standing so I just stick with flats most of the time. Plus, the Mr. only has three inches on me so there's no need to wear heels. Not that he'd care if I were taller than him, he used to date girls a lot taller than me, haha.

  33. You are such a hottie!! Def get some flats to give your feet a break.

  34. Ah! I knew I saw you and your husband in Zara this past weekend! Big day of shopping in the city = flats every time. And never a romper:)

  35. After years of buying super cheap cute shoes - and years of sore feet - I made my new years resolution that I would buy quality, comfortable shoes that still made me feel attractive and feminine. I've been slowly swapping out all my old footware with new and it feels great!

  36. JESS: oh! you did?? You should have said hello to me! :))

  37. CHASSITY: thanks! I'm flattered!

  38. Wow, you've got killer legs! You just inspired me to work out tonight haha.

    City walking = flats for sure.

  39. I'm a total heel girl, but when I visit NY, I just can't do it for sightseeing. I've been visiting before and had to run into a store to buy flats because I couldn't continue in my uncomfortable shoes. I like the shoes you featured, I can see you rocking those- and your feet will thank you.

  40. I am a flats girl. My favourite comfy shoe are Toms!

  41. Such cute picks! And I always say fashion over comfort, buttttt not so much anymore. Heels really do kill feet!

  42. I'm with you, Jen. I love the way a heel makes me feel and look but they are so impractical for every day in NY. There are way too many beautiful flats and/or wedges to be uncomfortable or in pain in heels all day. I have flats and fun sandals and I honestly can't wait to bust them out again this spring and summer! With all the walking there is to be done in Manhattan and all the amazing shops with chic yet comfortable shoes we have no excuse but to be good to our feet:)

  43. yeah, but you have the benefit of getting some great exercise!! all my nyc friends are so thin despite all the eating and drinking they do!! i suspect it's their WALKING!!! :)

  44. When you live in The City, heels are great for short shopping trips, i think. Also, taking a pair of cute Flats with you your bag is a good idea~just in case.
    For long days, those cute flats are perfect.
    Heels stop being sexy when they make us complain and become uncomfortable.
    Of course the biggest reason to switch over from time to time is~nobody wants feet like Posh's. They are deformed from wearing only heels.
    Listen up Girls!

  45. I'm a ballarina flats kinda fave are Clarks.

  46. I love the white flats with the black toe. I prefer flats all the time.

  47. LOL!!!! I can't help but laugh because your husband sounds like mine haha I much rather prefer heels over flats because, at 5'8, I still wish I were taller...but I wear flats on weekends to be comfortable. I have the Tory Burch flats which I find to be so lately I buy all of my flats at Old Navy...yup they are inexpensive, cute, and comfortable. xoxo

  48. I'm definitely for flats and heels on the side! :-)

  49. Good idea Jen, save your feet! I love a heel now and then, but, I work in a showroom on ceramic tiles so I HAVE to be comfortable for my back. I wear Sanita clogs which gives me a little bit of height since I'm only 5'1". I wish I could wear other shoes, but, I can't. Those flats look fab! ;-))

  50. I love how I feel in heels...but 2 hours in I usually regret putting them on in the first place!! I do try to mix it up though, and one of my resolutions is to get more wear out of the heels that I do have sitting in my closet...wish me luck ;)


  51. I love high heels, but i know i can not walk long on those. So i always caring a pair of balarina's in my bag when i am wearing heels.

    p.s I loooove your picks

  52. My boyfriend always says the same thing!!! Then I never listen then I end up complaining nonstop hahaha. But I have a hard time with flats too. Over my lifetime I've only ever been able to find ONE pair of flats that I find comfortable that don't give me blisters and cut into my skin, and they were $4 at Target on sale and I've never seen them there since... :( I need to find some that are actually super comfortable because mine are very close to their death.

  53. I am FAR too familiar with the "wear comforable shoes, babe" conversation! I end up walking for five minutes and realize I wore the wrong shoes AGAIN! I have learned to throw a pair of flats in my purse to avoid the "I told you so."



  54. SARAH: ceramic tiles? yikes! i cant stand walking with heels on cobble stone or ceramic tiles, def kills my feet. i dont blame you!

  55. I love my flats but I find if I walk too long in them MY feet hurt.I have such a high arch. A little bit of a heel does wonders. I do a lot of tradeshows/social events for work and find myself on my feet a lot when I do. I tend to lean towards a wedge. Wedge. That's where comfort is at for me.

  56. Jen, i couldn't agree more, what a woman does for fashion!! And now my 10 year old daughter says the same thing, its hillarious! you look amazing tho!

  57. I never thought I would see the day that I would start shopping based on comfort instead of fashion! The truth is, as I am hitting my lat(er) 20's and am juggling work, school, and everything else in between flats just make it easier for me to run around during the day. I do find that there are a good variety of really stylish flats out there today now that they have become a staple item in any girls closet so I don't feel I have to give up my fashion sense in order to be comfortable, it's all about what you pair those flats with. I find skinny jeans and a silk blouse work best. I do still have my heels for the weekends or an important meeting though ;)

    Jen DeLaurentis

  58. Thank you for this post! My husband says the same thing to me all the time before we go somewhere. He loves to hike or walk a lot and I've learned my lesson the hard way. I've actually decided to only wear high heels for special occasions for right now, (I'm trying) like if we go to a place to eat at night. I love your suggestions for flats Jen!

  59. LOL! I have to say I'm also a fashion over comfort type of gal. However, in the last year, I've had to wear lower heels after a bad sprain. It's been sad seeing my heels on the shelf and only been able to wear them for special occasions, but I do feel age is getting the better of me.

  60. I'm short and I love to feel taller wearing heels. Unfortunately, my feet usually start killing me after a couple hours and I wimp out. I've always wondered about pictures I see of girls who always wear flats, I figure there must've been some secret I was missing. Looks like everyone's feet hurts! After reading about studies that show wearing heels all the time can lead to leg and foot problems later in life, I'll stick with my flats and boots. Short girls are cute anyway!

  61. Actually, there are problem with flats too. For example, most flats don't really provide good arch support. The important thing is to either find really good inserts or good flats :)

    On that note, I'm sold by platforms and wedges. Comfy and stylish :D

    mad love,

  62. I love heels, but I admit I wear flats most of the time. However, by taking your shoes to a pedorthist, you can solve a lot of discomfort issues - even in heels! It's like tailoring, only for whatever you wear on your feet :)

  63. I LIVE in flats! I guess that's part of me being a teacher and years of a really bad knee. My favorites are my Tory Burch Revas. SO, SO, SO comfortable!

  64. People are always saying to me "you shouldn't wear heels, you are already too tall"...I love my heels. They make me feel beautiful and strong.

  65. I feel stumpy in flats generally, even at 5'9", especially in skirts or dresses, but I do wear them pretty often since tearing a ligament and breaking a handful of bones in my right foot.

    You need to get your hands on actual French Sole (by Jane Winkworth, sold under London Sole in the States NOT the french sole/new york brand). I bought 3 pairs in London last year and love them. They're so popular I literally went to each of their 5 locations in London and told them to show me what they had in stock in my size (wasn't much). I love my Tory Burch Revas and Delmans but the London Sole flats are work horses meant for walking around London. Heavy duty bottoms and deep enough to add an insert if you want to (I do!).

    Even my long time cobbler commented on how well made the shoes were!


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