My Darla...

Sometimes I like to deviate from design & beautiful things by highlighting the things I REALLY love in my life.....

I have two (adopted) boxers but Darla is the one I call my shadow.  She's a 6 yr old boxer who follows me everywhere & always waits for me when I'm getting ready in the morning (which at certain times can take looong, just ask my guy).  

No matter how long I take though... she sticks by me. She also loves to wait for me when I'm PAINTING, and sometimes even manages to get paint on her whiskers, but I don't think she minds.  I have to admit,  I LOVE her more & more each day...

Do you have any pets?? What are their names?

-image by my guy



  1. Darla is precious!! My cat Maxwell acts similar to her. He goes EVERYWHERE I go and loves to watch me cook and get ready in the mornings. He even likes to ride in the car! I don't know what I would do without him...

  2. She is beyond adorable.
    I have a Labrador, his name is Zeus.
    He ate some of my good shoes before we became friends, but I wouldn't change him for nothing.
    xxx from Greece

  3. My dog, Hemingway, is the same way. I wish I could take him everywhere I go, but too many places don't allow dogs. I long for the day when dogs are allowed everywhere people go!

  4. So cute... I have a beagle called Curro and a cat called Uni. I love animals!

  5. TIFFANY: aww so cute. I dont think ive ever seen cats riding in a car hehe. My dogs love car rides's the highlight of their day when it happens. Aint it amazing how animals find pleasure in the simplest things in life?!? so beautiful....

  6. Your dog is so cute!
    I have a cat and her name is Agnes. Very serious name for a little cat, but it's totally appropriate for her. She is my shadow, too :) I'm writing this and she is sitting on a armcair by me and watching.
    All best!

  7. Awww!!! :) She is just like Ally! So loyal. We have 2 dogs - Tyson (American Bulldog) and Ally (Boxer). We had been wanting another dog with a similar resemblance to Tyson and when we saw Ally, we knew we had to have her. They are both white with a brown patch on one of their eyes. Ally is a rescue Boxer and she's deaf. Her history is a bit sad, but we're so glad we got to adopt her. We love our babies :)

  8. What a cute photo!
    I have 2 cats(boys). Pablo and Sasha. And, I know how you feel, I love them more and more....

  9. Awwwwww, so cute!!
    I love them in all your pics. My love is Xuxa (shoe-sha), the one eyed Yorkie, she has recently gone blind and lost an eye, but she is a trooper and doing just fine. Aside from a bump into furniture here and there.


  10. Your dog is so cute <3 :) I have a mini mouse and her name is Cleopatra :)


  11. That is the cutest pic!!!!

  12. Such a cutie! I have a border terrier named Tucker. He is always with home in, in the car, at the office. Everyone comments on how "human" he acts. Dogs are the best!

  13. Aweee what a cutie pie! My shadow is Odin, a 2 year old Belgian Malinois, albeit an ADD/ super sonic shadow. He'll follow me and watch what I'm doing for 5 seconds, then pinball around the room, grab a toy, and come back to watch for another 5 seconds...

  14. What a sweetie pie, Jen! My dog's name is McCoy, he's an 8 month old Chocolate Lab. Like Darla, McCoy is my shadow :) he LOVES his mamma haha.

  15. AnonymousJune 23, 2011

    Oh, that face! Darla's so sweet!

    We have Zsa Zsa Chihuaua, the now-one-eyed stray who moved into our home 8 years ago. Pic here:

    She's kinda my shadow and yes, she really does ride around in a backpack, whether we're hiking or riding the motorcycle. She's like a motorcycle mama, haha.


  16. My dog, Chloe, is the exact same way! As soon as I open the bathroom door after taking a shower, she is right there in front of the door laying down waiting for me to open up! I love her to death. She is an adopted black lab/english setter.

  17. Darla is sooo sweet! My family's pet is Daisy, she's a West Highland Terrior and is such a joy! She becomes super excited watching TV and spotting animals or children. She jumps up and down and barks. She's also attracted to girly things. Very cute! She's our precious baby!

  18. Darla sounds like the sweetest dog in the world! I can see why you love him more and more each day!

    I don't have any pets now but my son follows me around the house like a lamb. When he couldn't find me, he will be all teary and said, "Where is Mommy?" He is a very sweet and affectionate little guy!


  19. I love your Darla! My sweet dog Lanie (Penny Lane) is my shadow, as long as my husband's not around... then she forgets I exist! Pets.Are.The.Best. ( -- you inspired me to post about my girl!)

  20. I teared up reading this post! I love my Kodi & Molly more and more everyday, too:)

  21. She looks so sweet! I love all your Boxer posts. I had one growing up in college. Her name was Kendall, and she was one of the most loyal and loveable dogs ever.

    When I get another dog, it will definitely be a Boxer!

  22. Too cute! I have a Boxer just a year old, her name is ruby. She has such a soft heart and is the BEST around our kids. She loves to follow me everywhere too. When I sit she lays right beside me.
    do your Boxers shed a lot because she sheds all the time. I'm trying to figure out a solution (if there is one>)
    Love the picture

  23. that is an adorable picture of darla!!!

  24. JANETTE: awww you have a little one, so cute! YES, they both shed - a lot.

  25. Funny! I had a cat named Darla! My little sister was obsessed with The Little Rascals movie! I have an 8lb maltese named Rocco. He's the bees knees. He actually looks like a tiny lamb. He follows me around too so I call him Mindy's little lamb (like Mary had a little lamb) =)

  26. Tan bonita en el escalón, a veces durmen en los sitios más raros.
    Yo tengo a Sawyer, pastor alemán, a Indiana, bretón y a dos teckels, Oso y Lapi.


  27. oh, she is so cute! i don't have any pets, but my friend's dog always jumps on me whenever i go and visit (:

  28. My baby Bear never lets me go anywhere alone. He helps me cook, get ready in the morning, and he cuddles next to me every night. Don't know what I would do without him!

  29. Too cute! My mini schnauzer Kody follows me everywhere. I can't even go to the bathroom by myself. He sits outside of the door until I come out.

  30. I have, well actually had a boxer named parker...don't worry it's not really a sad story because he is still alive and well. My husband recently took a job overseas and we decided not to bring him due to strict quarantine laws. Instead he's "retired" with my parents in sunny Florida. Your post made me tear up a little because i was just saying this morning how much i miss my baby! Aren't boxers the best?!

  31. Your photo of Darla caught my eye in my sidebar and I had to stop by.

    We lost our darling Boxer dog Buster last October and it still brings a tear.
    He was such a warm hearted, loveable, giving and loyal friend and he will forever live in my heart as a special member of our family.

    He has left behind is shaggy black mate Luke who is a Frankendog {not a real breed obviously, he looks like bits have been popped together randomly} who you can see here:

    Enjoy your lovely friends, they are gifts to be treasured.

    xx Felicity

    PS Loving Juliet's dogs name - Hemingway = too cool

  32. I have a four-year-old British Lab named Rinna (yes, after the actress Lisa Rinna!). She is super calm and mellow, just like my husband and me, and never ever barks. I love my pup!

  33. Darla has such a sweet face ♥ I have my little guy, Smalls. I named him after the movie The Sandlot. He means the world to me, and I absolutely know what you mean by loving them more and more everyday : ))


  34. Our family consists of a white boxer named Rose, and a bullmastiff, Hugo. And like you, I love them more and more with each passing day.

  35. Darla is so pretty. I know what you mean when you say you lover her more each day. I love all of mine more every day. Mine had long names....Violet Olivia LeFleur, Hanford Newman Hoyt, Harvey Bing a Ling a Ding Dong Dog and Sally Ann Sue Rogers Stacy. But I call them Violet, Newman, Harvey and Sally. They needed long names because they are long dogs...all being dachshunds.

  36. I have two adorable lab mix pups that I just rescued in February. They seriously light up my life! Too sweet :)

    - Nina, Baxter & Duke

  37. Darla is so pretty. I know what you mean when you say you lover her more each day. I love all of mine more every day. Mine had long names....Violet Olivia LeFleur, Hanford Newman Hoyt, Harvey Bing a Ling a Ding Dong Dog and Sally Ann Sue Rogers Stacy. But I call them Violet, Newman, Harvey and Sally. They needed long names because they are long dogs...all being dachshunds.

  38. I love this post! Animals bring so much joy and happiness into a home, I couldn't imagine my house without my dogs now.
    Darla is too precious! She loves her momma :)


  39. Darla is just darling! I have two dogs, Charlotte Grace is a maltese and Lily Cler is a black and white chihuahua. They bring so much joy to my day, I don't know what I'd do without them. xo

  40. oh I posted about my dog today too! her name is Rocket (like the vegetable! ;D )

  41. I have a boxer too! He's a flashy fawn and just 3 years old. He's such a good boy, and loves to give hugs! Jax is just a big baby!

    I also have a 1 year old airedale named Sophie, she is all terrier, and her favorite hobby is hanging her head off the bed and chasing the birds outside!

  42. MADALINE: aww it's so sweet watching them chase birds... they love it. my Darla did same thing in my old house...

  43. i have a labrador! his name is frodo! lol
    your darla is gorgeous!

  44. That's a sweet picture of your pup. We just lost our pup of 10 years a couple of months ago. The house still seems empty. Be sure to hug yours. xoxo

  45. JULIET: oh that is the cutest name... Hemingway. I even like that for a little boy's name!

  46. love this post! we have two boxer babies, kamba + tsavo... and they are definitely little shadows as well. but times two!
    you can see some of their adventures [and how much they love each other] here:

  47. I love Darla!

    I have a white boxer named Isis and a brindle APBT named Astrid. They're my crazy little sweetie pumpkin butts; I love them so much.
    You can see them here:

  48. She is SO adorable and your post about her is SO sweet !! I dont have any pets right now but grew up with a dog and hope I can have one again soon !!


  49. Darla i so cute! I have two dogs a male and a female and I just adore them. Nothing beats being greeted by them when I arrive home.

  50. Such a sweet picture! We have a German Shepherd named Vega.

  51. Darla is precious! We have a boxer, Lily! She sleeps under the covers at our feet every night. When my husband isn't home she lays on his pillow facing the fan. She is so great with our baby girl too!

  52. Awww I love this post. I miss my boxer soo much, he died in January suddenly (possibly brain tumor) and I just love it when I hear about other people loving their dogs just as much as I do.
    I still have 3 dogs...Jack my German, and Sammy and Porky my pugs :-) Darla is absolutely a doll.

  53. Oh my, Darla is a darling! I am definitely a dog person as well, and have the most sweet Jack Russell. She's incredibly fluffy and dainty and so so smart... I love her to pieces :)

    Sarah of Haute Design

  54. I know what you mean!! They're just like your babies!! They are fully committed to you and love you no matter what!! I have a red sable pomeranian and her name is Chloë. I also have a sharpie/lab mix, Josie, who is quite talented! She searches for turtles in the woods and brings them back to our deck! she will sometimes do it on command! One day she lined up 6 turtles on the stairs of our deck! She's a smart cookie! and I wouldn't trade them for anything!! ;) Your Darla is just darling! ;)

  55. AnonymousJune 24, 2011

    Oh my she is a cutie!! I have a soft spot for dogs =) Our Chocolate Lab, Bodie, is our 95lb lap dog! My Fav are his floppy ears and they way he crosses his paws when he relaxes.. haha

  56. My dog's name is Maggot. When we got her she was the littlest, squirmiest puppy ever...kinda like, um, a maggot. Hence her name. In mixed company we call her Maggie or Mags. :)

  57. Darla is gorgeous! I have a shadow too. Her name is Pixie and she is a Pomeranian x Chihuahua. I have 2 little dogs, but Pixie is the one that follows me around the house. At the moment she is curled up on my lap (I guess Darla is a little big for that).

  58. I have a dog,Scott, i say tha he is the love of my hearth since i laid my eyes on him.
    He acts just like your Darla sometimes he makes me stumble because he's to near me when he follows me.

  59. I like the deviation ..she's darling!

  60. aw that is super sweet! We have 3 dogs..all little though..2 boy long haired chihuahuas and a girl yorkie..the girl yorkie (Koko) is the boss of the boys :D

  61. There is something about boxers! Ours, Bailey is super small for her breed and a little shy, but she has those great boxer mannerisms: bum swinging when she gets excited, heavy sniffs through her nose, and she loves "punching" her other dog playmates:

  62. AnonymousJune 24, 2011

    I absolutely LOVE boxers. I have a 2 year old boxer at home. He was originally named Adonis, but I call him Donny now. He's so sweet and cuddly, it just fits him more!

  63. AnonymousJune 24, 2011

    I have a Catahoula Leapord Dog/Boder Collie mix named Jenny - I got her when I was 12 and she was a puppy. She is 17 next month. I work at a law firm and she is here with me every day. I know exactly what you mean about loving them more every day. My relationship with her has evolved/changed/grown over the years...

  64. I have two toy poodles Frankie & Sashaand I adore them!

  65. OOhhh your boxer is so pretty!! I have a dog called Nora (the name of my blog) and a parrot called Haría like a city of here, in Lanzarote. xoxo

  66. she is so cute! I am beyond obsessed with my pug Lilly, I literally cannot image my life without her! Nothing better in the world!

  67. she is so cute! I am beyond obsessed with my pug Lilly, I literally cannot image my life without her! Nothing better in the world!

  68. I have two little terrier cross sisters of one year old,- we got them from the dogs home in Decmeber , called Maud and Millie.They have their own blog ( :-))) !! Although admittedly I haven't written in it for a while.They are just adorable and I love them to bits.
    The link is

  69. I had 2 cats for a long time, but i had to find other owners when i moved... Darla is cute!

  70. Awww! Darla is such cutie!!! I love the sweet look in her eyes. :) My dog, Kaiser, is my shadow too! I feel the same way with my baby. We rescued him when he was a puppy. He's part dachshund and part black lab. Strange combo but it works! lol! I've had many pets growing up but he is, by far, the best dog I've cared for. One thing I've always loved about dogs is THEIR unconditional love and loyalty.

  71. We have a border collie/lab mix named Olive. We call her our "first born" because we definitely love (and fret and nag) her like a kid. Puppy love is the best.

  72. I have a doggie named Kira, who is my shadow just like Darla is. She is always in whatever room I'm in. She watches me get ready for work in the morning and can tell by what clothes I put on (and shoes) if I am going to work or getting ready for our walk.

    She's my little buddy!

  73. Aw, what a sweet dog! I have a cat named Whiskey. We adopted him 2.5 years ago but it feels like we've had him forever. He's about 10 years old and loves to stretch out on my lap in the evening while I blog and watch TV. My son loves him, and Whiskey tolerates my son. :)

  74. our dog is Bo, and he is like our child. he's amazing. picture of him here:

  75. MUSTANG: That's so sweet! I always find that amazing how dogs can tell where your going from what shoes you pick...or if you put on a certain jacket...its fascinating.

  76. MELINDA: ha! Yea Darla is a bit too big to curl up on my lap hehe

  77. Love Darla!!!
    I have two boxers and a pit. My boxers are Cooper and Barkly and my pit is Jade. They are my babies!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  78. I totally understand what you mean! My Cookie is almost three and we adopted too, she follows me everywhere! It's annoying just when I am cleaning the house. I see myself as her mom, not her owner. I don't like the term "owner" because she is like family. Your Darla is adorable!! :) Kisses.

  79. she is such an adorable pup! i have two cats, mazzy & tink, who are like my kids. pets make me so happy...i can't imagine life without them! i love your blog, by the way :)

  80. I love that! We have two boxer mixes that we adopted, and one of them is my shadow, too. She never leaves my side, waiting for me while I get ready with her little front legs crossed like a proper lady. Don't you love boxers?!

  81. I WISH i had a pet so bad, truth is husband is kinda allergic but we're allowed to have a fish as a pet so soon I'll be in the search for one. I did have dogs before and oh how much i love them! beautiful picture!


  82. Love your cute dog and great post. I have 2 dogs as well, Jack and Charlie. Charlie is a min-pin and is a seizure alert dog giving me 5 to 10 minutes before I have a seizure. Isn't that amazing.

  83. I love when I'm reading about design or whatever and come across a picture of a boxer. It brightens my day! We had a boxer, Sage, for 11 years and she was the best girl. Miss her terribly. Thanks for the pic!


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