A Gift From Guatemala...(Made By Girl)

I wrote this post back in early March about Lorenza's amazing home accessories! In this particular case I'm talking about OSTRICH EGGS!! 

She was so kind to send me one all the way from Guatemala and it is soooo stunning! I haven't decided where I'll place it yet, but I'm so grateful to her for her generosity!

Here is what Lorenza shared with me about her work & how she came up with this idea: 

I began all this because of my insomnia and that´s when I began thinking of doing something really different. One night while struggling through the night I saw this fabulous fabric with paisleys in my bedroom that I thought would look great on an ostrich egg, on that instant I went to my studio and looked out for my old brushes and began painting! 

Next step was doing something more with those eggs & the idea of tassels and pom pom cords came another night, Ive become in love with them!

If you'd like to inquire about Lorenza's handmade home accessories - just go to her site, Lorenza Filati & shoot her an email! Thank you Lorenza! 

-images by jen ramos



  1. ostrich eggs seem crazy popular right now! it's a welcome trend. they're beautiful!

  2. What a cool idea! I loved that post about her home accessories. What a beautiful gift. Is the ostrich egg very delicate?


  3. CAIT: It is a cool idea, isnt it? I can see this as an upcoming trend for sure! The egg is a bit sensitive, meaning i wouldnt drop it on hard floor. It feels almost glass like and seems to have a hard coating... :)

  4. SO cool! I remember buying painted ostrich eggs from a flea market with my mother when i was a little girl. This is the first I have seen of them since probably! Would love to see this become really popular, i remember them being so beautiful when painted, like a Faberge Egg.


  5. that looks beautiful! Too bad my home is too cluttered for beautiful home decor );

  6. I visited her website, and I'm in love with a bag she has...but there's not any purchasing info. :(
    Love the gift you got!

  7. AMY: thank you! You can try to email her here: lfigueroa@lorenzafilati.com

  8. What a gorgeous and unique piece. Love the colors.



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