'One Gift' Featuring Louise Bell...(Via Made By Girl)

For the first time in a looooong time, Made by Girl is starting a NEW series of posts that will run until Dec 23rd, 2010. In between this series I'll be blogging as usual, so no worries! 

The series is called, "ONE GIFT UNDER YOUR TREE" where I'll ask a few bloggers one question. Today, Louise from Table Tonic will answer:

"For a while now, I have been positively LUSTING over one of those completely swoon-worthy Hermes blankets I keep seeing in Elle Decor. While I'm too scared to even set foot in an Hermes store, I wear my tan leather and silver bracelet as I type (a birthday gift from my parents), and their products are just the most superb quality (oodles of) money can buy. Although we're about to move into our recently purchased 1950s beach house, here in Sydney Australia, I'm sure I could find a cozy corner for a blanket this spectacular. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to write to Santa. Again."

 Louise Bell
 Online Retailer/owner of www.tabletonic.com.au
 Sydney, Australia

Thanks Louise! Stay tuned for more bloggers answering what one gift they'd like under their trees!


  1. I'm fairly sure Santa reads Made by Girl....?

    Thanks so much for having me, Jen. Always a pleasure to grace your "pages"! xxx Louise

  2. Sorry, didn't mean to sound offending - christmas is just a very emotional time and I just read something really cruel before I came by.

  3. JT: No worries, I guess i should have been more specific and i did change it a bit. This is really just for fun...

  4. What a cute series! Looking forward to the others.


  5. What a fun series! Love Louise and her pick.

  6. two of my fav blogosphere ladies collaborating - how fun! i'm with you, louise -- i am terrified to step foot in an hermes store!

    joann @ http://idratherbeshopping.wordpress.com

  7. Louise started this series off right! What a great pick.

  8. Love this!!! :)
    I'll be waiting the news!

  9. fun series! have a wonderful weekend


  10. Great idea for a series Jen. I always have a favorite gift to give and a favorite to GET! But usually I end up buying my dream item myself!

  11. LIVE LIKE YOU: I know what you mean, i do the same sometimes haha

  12. i would accept her necklace for christmas, even as a sole gift.


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